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Mafraq bridge - جسر المفرق 2010(en)United_Arab_Emirates / Abu_Dhabi / Abu_Dhabi bridgeجسر المفرق: - انشأأول جسر في نفس الموقع عام 1976.
BANIYAS POST OFFICE(en)United_Arab_Emirates / Abu_Dhabi / Abu_Dhabi (شرق 9)post office
Building No: 248(en)United_Arab_Emirates / Abu_Dhabi / al-Ayn (Al-Ain City مدينة العين)Al Haneen Nursery Building.
GCAA الهيئة العامة للطيران المدني(en)United_Arab_Emirates / Abu_Dhabi / Abu_Dhabi (City of Abu Dhabi)civil, aviationGeneral Civil Aviation Authority
Al Muhairy Building..HOME(en)United_Arab_Emirates / Abu_Dhabi / Abu_Dhabi (City of Abu Dhabi)Serco Flats OLD HOME
ADNOC Petrol Station, ICAD, Mussaffah(en)United_Arab_Emirates / Abu_Dhabi / Abu_Dhabi (Musaffah Industrial Area)
EPPI(en)United_Arab_Emirates / Abu_Dhabi / Abu_Dhabi (Musaffah Industrial Area)productionEmirates Preinsulated Pipes Industries Mussaffah Tel. +971 2 550 1994 Fax. +971 2 550 1992
EMG IT Company(en)United_Arab_Emirates / Abu_Dhabi / Abu_Dhabi (Musaffah Industrial Area)Emirates Malaysia German IT Company
Restaurant & Grocery(en)United_Arab_Emirates / Abu_Dhabi / Abu_Dhabi (Musaffah Industrial Area)store / shopSilent Valley Restaurant
Tagpuan(en)United_Arab_Emirates / Abu_Dhabi / Abu_Dhabi (City of Abu Dhabi)palaceH H LDM & H H PEN staying in this building... at pent house...
G C H(en)United_Arab_Emirates / Abu_Dhabi / Abu_Dhabi (City of Abu Dhabi)hotelGrand Continental Hotel
Shaybah Area ---- Rubal Kali Desert(en)United_Arab_Emirates / Abu_Dhabi / Abu_Dhabi Shaybah is about 40 km from the northern edge of the Rub' Al-Khali/Empty Quarter desert and is a major crude oil producing site in Saudi Arabia.
Mm K House in Abu Dhabi (famous Laundry Building)(en)United_Arab_Emirates / Abu_Dhabi / Abu_Dhabi (City of Abu Dhabi)MM Kassim (Bin Ham Motors) House in Abu Dhabi
UCMAS Building(en)United_Arab_Emirates / Abu_Dhabi / Abu_Dhabi (City of Abu Dhabi)
Darmaki Building ( T.I.N Res. )(en)United_Arab_Emirates / Abu_Dhabi / Abu_Dhabi (City of Abu Dhabi)Darmaki Building, Electra Road, Abu Dhabi
Corniche Hospital Abu Dhabi(en)United_Arab_Emirates / Abu_Dhabi / Abu_Dhabi (City of Abu Dhabi)hospital, maternityAl Corniche Hospital is a purpose-built obstetrics and gynecology facility providing service to the population of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. The current capacity of the hospital is 235 beds, including 174 cots, 14 delivery suites and 50
Gulf Beauty Saloon Build(en)United_Arab_Emirates / Abu_Dhabi / Abu_Dhabi (City of Abu Dhabi)Gulf Beauty Saloon Build
Amc, Advertising & Marketing Consultants(en)United_Arab_Emirates / Abu_Dhabi / Abu_Dhabi (City of Abu Dhabi)amc
KHAMIS SALEM ALMEHARRAMI(en)United_Arab_Emirates / Abu_Dhabi / Abu_Dhabi (alshamkhah)
Shamsia's Residence(en)United_Arab_Emirates / Abu_Dhabi / Abu_Dhabi (City of Abu Dhabi)stand, taxi standOpposite taxi stand abudhabi
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