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EUR - Esposizione Universale Roma(en)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)eur, interesting placeEsposizione Universale di Roma Enormous development built as the centerpiece of the planned 1942 World's Fair, cancelled due to World War II. The area was completed in the 1950's as a modern city center and boasts numerous large-scale fascist buildings.
EUR(it)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)eur, interesting
EUR - Ekspozita Universale Romë(sq)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Romë)eur, interesting place
Palalottomatica(en)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)Palalottomatica - già Palaeur
Palalottomatica(it)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)Palalottomatica - già Palaeur
Luneur(en)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)park, amusement park, fun, roller, coaster, amusement park, children, ridesAmusement park.
Luneur(it)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)park, amusement park, fun, roller, coaster, amusement park, children, rides
Palazzo dei Congressi(en)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)architecture, liberafrom the official website : The “Palazzo dei Ricevimenti e dei Congressi” is one of the most interesting projects of the quarter designed to host the Universal Exhibition of Rome of 1942. However, the start of the Second World
Palazzo dei Congressi(it)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)architecture, liberaProgettato dall'architetto Adalberto Libera.
Acquedotto Alessandrino(it)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)aqueduct, antichi, interesting place, roman empireAqua Alexandriana dal nome dell'Imperatore Alessandro Severo (222 - 235); le sorgenti furono assorbide, nel 1585, dall'Acqua Felice, costruito da Papa Sisto V
Akwedukt - Aqua Alexandrina(pl)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rzym)aqueduct, antichi, interesting place, roman empire
Palazzo Venezia(en)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome) Headquarters of Mussolini during the Fascist era.
Palazzo Venezia(it)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)palace
Pałac Venezia(pl)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rzym)palace
Дворец Венеция(ru)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Рим)palaceБывшая штаб-квартира Муссолини
Monte Testaccio (Monte dei Cocci)(en)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)hill, colle, roman empire, historicMountain of ancient Roman garbage: pieces of pottery forming a huge hill. It is one of the largest spoil heaps found anywhere in the ancient world
Monte Testaccio (Monte dei Cocci)(es)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)hill, colle, roman empire, historicMonte formado por los restos de las anforas deshechadas despues del trasporte que llegaban al puerto de Roma
Monte Testaccio (Monte dei Cocci)(it)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)hill, colle, roman empire, historic
Testaccio(pl)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rzym)hill, colle, roman empire, historicWzgórze utworzone ze skorup potłuczonych amfor.
Piramide Cestia(en)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)interesting place, pyramid, mausoleumThis pyramid was built during the last years of the Republic (1st century B.C.) to hold the ashes of Caius Cestius, Praetor, Tribune and Septemvirate of the Epulos, as the inscriptions recall.
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