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Школа Гладиаторов Ludus Magnus(ru)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Рим)school, training, magnus, gladiator, Not approvedГлавная школа гладиаторов в древнем Риме.
Temple of Venus and Roma(en)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)venus, temple, ----The Temple of Venus and Roma, located on the east side of the Roman Forum next to the Colosseum. Dedicated in 135 AD by Emperor Hadrian to "Venus Felix et Roma Aeterna" ("Favorable Venus and Eternal Rome"), for Venus (the
Tempel der Venus und der Roma(de)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rom)venus, temple, ----Der Tempel der Venus und Roma, der sich auf der Ostseite des Forum Romanum neben dem Colosseum befand. (Weiteres im URL des Wikipedia und in den Weblinks)
Temple de Vénus et de Rome(fr)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)venus, temple, ----Le temple de Vénus et de Rome est le plus grand temple par sa superficie de la Rome antique. Il fut construit sous Hadrien, entre le vieux forum romanum et le Colisée. Mis en chantier en 121 au début du
Świątynia Wenus i Romy Templum Veneris Et Romae(pl)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rzym)venus, temple, ----
Templo de Vênus e de Roma(pt)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)venus, temple, ----
Храм Венеры и Ромы(ru)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Рим)venus, temple,
Templo ni Venus at Roma(tl)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Siyudad ng Roma)venus, temple, ----
Torre dei Conti(en)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)tower, One of the most massive medieval towers in Rome
Torre delle Milizie(en)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)Rome's main medieval tower
Church of San Nicola in Carcere(en)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)church
Basilica di San Nicola in Carcere(it)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)churchSan Nicola in carcere è una delle chiese di Roma, costruita nel rione Ripa. Dedicata a san Nicola di Mira, è la chiesa titolare della diaconia omonima. Una prima chiesa fu costruita in questa zona nel VI secolo, e una
Kościół San Nicola in Carcere(pl)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rzym)church
Church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin(en)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)church, interesting place, monument, catholic church
柯斯梅丁聖母教堂 (Santa Maria in Cosmedin)(cn)Italy / Lazio / Rome (羅馬)church, interesting place, monument, catholic church中世紀建的柯斯梅丁聖母教堂 (Santa Maria in Cosmedin),是座古樸的紅磚塔建築物,環境清幽,屬拜占庭建築風格。教堂放有一塊似是人形面譜的大理石板浮雕,一般譯作「真理之口」 (Bocca della Veritá,拉丁文 Veritá 解作真理;英語為 mouth of truth),遠自一六三二年已被安置這裡,立於一根哥林多式的柱頭之上。在電影「羅馬假期」中出現的真理之口 (Mouth of Truth),是羅馬觀光最令人好奇的傳說。 參考資料
Chiesa di Santa Maria in Cosmedin(it)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)church, interesting place, monument, catholic churchNel porticato vi si trova la cosiddetta "Bocca della Verità"
Kościół Santa Maria in Cosmedin(pl)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rzym)church, interesting place, monument, catholic churchKościół słynie z kilku istotnych elementów - romańskiej wieży, uważanej za najpiękniejszą w Rzymie, wspaniałych mozaik Cosmatich oraz, oczywiście, wmurowanych w atrium Ust Prawdy.
Церковь Санта Мария ин Космедин(ru)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Рим)church, interesting place, monument, catholic churchБазилика, построенная в VI веке. В VIII в. здесь служили византийские монахи, бежавшие от иконоборцев, откуда название («космедин» — искаженное греческое «прекрасный»). Перестраивалась в XII, XVIII и в конце XIX века. Знаменита барельефом «Уста истины».
Arch of Janus(en)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)----, archThis arch has four sides and was probably built around the time of Emperor Constantine. It was on a heavy traffic square and was the entrance to the Forum Boarium. It was a good place for entrepreneurs to do business
Janusbogen(de)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rom)----, archDer Janusbogen (auch Bogen des Janus, italienisch: Arco di Giano, lat. Ianus Quirinus) ist ein antikes Bauwerk in Rom. Im Laufe der Zeit gab es mehrere Deutungen zur Funktion des Bauwerkes. Zuerst glaubte man, hier einen Ianustempel erkennen zu können.
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