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Stazione di Roma Termini(it)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)train station,
Stacja Kolejowa Termini(pl)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rzym)train station, terminus
Gara Roma-Termini(ro)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)train station, terminus
Железнодорожный вокзал Рима Termini(ru)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Рим)train station, terminus
Curia Iulia(en)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)----, museum, tourism, forum, attractions, senate, interesting placeSite of the original Senate building, has been rebuilt at least twice since 400 AD.
Curia Julia - Senado Romano(pt)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)----, museum, tourism, forum, attractions, senate, interesting placeO Senado Romano era chamado inicialmente de Curia Julia. Depois esta foi demolida para abrigar a Curia Cornelia, que depois foi reconstruída por Júlio César para abrigar a Curia Julia.
Курия Юлия(ru)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Рим)----, museum, tourism, forum, attractions, senate, interesting
Fontana di Trevi(en)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)----, site, monument, tourism, fountain, wifi, wireless, brunnen, fantanaThe backdrop for the fountain is the Palazzo Poli, given a new facade with a giant order of Corinthian pilasters that link the two main stories. Taming of the waters is the theme of the gigantic scheme that tumbles forward,
نافورة تريفي(ar)Italy / Lazio / Rome (روما)----, site, monument, tourism, fountain, wifi, wireless, brunnen, fantanaتشتهر مدينة روما بجماليات نوافيرها المتتشرة في ميادينها وساحاتها العامة، ومن أجمل هذه النوافير على الإطلاق هي نافورة "تريفي" االتي تشغل حيز كبير من الساحة بتماثيلها ونوافيرها والتي ينساب الماء منها على شكل شلالات صغيرة، تصب داخل البركة، وفي قراءة
許願泉 / 許願池(cn)Italy / Lazio / Rome (羅馬)----, site, monument, tourism, fountain, wifi, wireless, brunnen, fantana
Trevi-Brunnen(de)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rom)----, site, monument, tourism, fountain, wifi, wireless, brunnen, fantanaDer Trevi-Brunnen, italienisch Fontana di Trevi, ist der populärste und mit rund 26 Meter Höhe und rund 20 Meter Breite größte Brunnen Roms und einer der bekanntesten Brunnen der Welt. Er wurde 1732 bis 1762 nach einem Entwurf von Niccolò
Fontana de Trevi(es)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)----, site, monument, tourism, fountain, wifi, wireless, brunnen, fantanaLa Fontana de Trevi (en italiano Fontana di Trevi) es la mayor (con 25,9 m de alto y 19,8 de ancho) y más ambiciosa de las fuentes barrocas de Roma (Italia). Según la actual división administrativa del centro de Roma,
Fontana di Trevi(it)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)----, site, monument, tourism, fountain, wifi, wireless, brunnen, fantanaE' la più famosa fontana di Roma, opera dell'architetto Salvi che la realizzò nel 1735 sotto il pontificato di Clemente XII. E' considerata una delle più belle fontane del mondo. Il palazzo che fa da sfondo alla fontana è quello
Fontanna di Trevi(pl)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rzym)----, site, monument, tourism, fountain, wifi, wireless, brunnen, fantana
Fantana Trevi(ro)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)----, site, monument, tourism, fountain, wifi, wireless, brunnen, fantanaSe spune ca daca arunci un banut in fantana, vei reveni cu siguranta in Roma.
Фонтан Треви(ru)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Рим)----, site, monument, tourism, fountain, wifi, wireless, brunnen, fantana
Shatërvani Trevi(sq)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Romë)----, site, monument, tourism, fountain, wifi, wireless, brunnen, fantana
Domus Aurea(en)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)----, house, roman empire, aureaThe Domus Aurea (Latin for "Golden House") was a large palace built by the Roman emperor Nero after the fire that devastated Rome in 64 AD. The palace complex covered 350 acres and included gardens and an artificial lake. Following
Domus Aurea(es)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)----, house, roman empire, aureaLa Domus Aurea (literalmente, en latín, 'Casa de Oro'), grandioso palacio construido por el emperador Nerón en Roma tras el gran incendio del 64, que ocupaba, según se ha calculado, alrededor de 50 hectáreas entre las colinas del Palatino y
Domus aurea(fr)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)----, house, roman empire, aureaLa Domus aurea ou Maison dorée est un immense palais impérial de la Rome antique, construit par Néron, qui couvrait une partie importante de Rome intra muros. Elle comportait plusieurs bâtiments distincts, de vastes jardins, un lac artificiel. Après la
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