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Дворец Сенаторов (Табулярий)(ru)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Рим)museum, interesting place,
Porta Pinciana(en)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)mura, porta,
Porta Pinciana(it)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)mura, porta, ----La Porta Pinciana è una delle porte nelle Mura aureliane di Roma.
Sant' Anastasia Church(en)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)church, christianity, ----, catholic churcha church dedicated to the martyr St Anastasia.The first church here was built in the late 3rd or early 4th century, and was one of the first parish churches, tituli, of ancient Rome. It was given by a woman called
Santa Anastasia(it)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)church, christianity, ----, catholic churchCostruita nel tardo III secolo - inizio del IV secolo, fu chiamata così, secondo l'archeologo Andrea Carandini, dal nome di una sorella dell'imperatore Costantino I, Anastasia. Sorge su preesistenti tabernae che erano inserite nella recinzione esterna del Circo Massimo, e
Kościół Santa Anastasia(pl)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rzym)church, christianity, ----, catholic church
The Arch of Titus(en)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)arch, monument, arco, titus, fori, imperiali, ----The Arch of Titus is a triumphal arch with a single arched opening, located on the Via Sacra just to the south-east of the Forum in Rome. It was constructed shortly after the death of the emperor Titus (born AD
Arco de Tito(es)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)arch, monument, arco, titus, fori, imperiali, ----Situado cerca de la Vía Sacra, arteria principal del que fuera centro de la Roma imperial, fue edificado por el general Tito, hijo del emperador Vespasiano, por su victoria sobre Jerusalén.
Arc de Titus(fr)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)arch, monument, arco, titus, fori, imperiali, ----Rome.
Arco di Tito(it)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)arch, monument, arco, titus, fori, imperiali, ----L'arco venne dedicato all'imperatore Tito dal fratello, l'imperatore Domiziano, per ricordare la sua vittoria del 70 dC in occasione della rivolta di Gerusalemme. L'arco venne eretto nel '81 d.C. dopo la morte di Tito. I rilievi mostrano un bottino di
Łuk Tytusa(pl)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rzym)arch, monument, arco, titus, fori, imperiali, ----Jednoprzęsłowy łuk triumfalny, wystawiony - prawdopodobnie po śmierci - ku czci cesarza Tytusa, syna Wespazjana. Widoczny napis SENATVS POPVLVSQVE ROMANVS DIVO TITO DIVI VESPASIANI FILIO VESPASIANO AVGVSTO wskazuje na pośmiertny charakter monumentu. Wewnątrz łuku widoczne są trzy reliefy. Po bokach
Арка Тита(ru)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Рим)arch, monument, arco, titus, fori, imperiali, ----Триумфальная арка Тита
Santa Caterina da Siena(it)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)church, ----Chiesa Santa Caterina da Siena
Kościół Santa Caterina da Siena(pl)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rzym)church, ----
Palazzo delle Esposizioni(it)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)esposizioni, ----Palazzo delle Esposizioni di Via Nazionale.
Palazzo delle Assicurazioni(it)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)palace, ----Palazzo delle Assicurazioni
Santa Francesca Romana(en)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)church, basilicaChurch of Santa Francesca Romana, ex-Santa Maria Nova (to distinguish it from another church in the Forum, S. M. Antiqua). Built in the 9th century, received the tower in the 12th century. The ancient oratory on which the current church
Santa Francesca Romana(it)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)church, basilicaBasilica dedicata alla santa romana Francesca. Ex Santa Maria Nova. Contiene una pietra con le impronta delle ginocchia di San Pietro, e il corpo della santa
Kościół Santa Francesca Romana(pl)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rzym)church, basilica
San Martino ai Monti, titolo Equizio(en)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)church, basilicaOne of the most ancient basilicas in Rome, this church, known originally as the "titulus Equitii", was first built in the 3rd century. The church is under the care of the Order of Carmelites (O.Carm.)
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