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拖吊場(cn)Taiwan / Kaohsiung_Hsien / Fengshan (高雄市)
國民市場及忠孝夜市(cn)Taiwan / Kaohsiung_Shih / Kaohsiung (高雄市)marketplace國民市場是高雄最多樣化及最新鮮食材的市場集散地,許多有錢人家都只在此市場購買食材,價格也比其他市場高出許多,但食物十分新鮮高檔,尤其是水果及現撈深海魚。
金礦咖啡忠孝店(cn)Taiwan / Kaohsiung_Shih / Kaohsiung (高雄市)coffee位於青年路及忠孝路三角窗口。
7-11超商(cn)Taiwan / Kaohsiung_Hsien / Fengshan (高雄市)store / shop, supermarket
馬路餐廳Maru(cn)Taiwan / Kaohsiung_Hsien / Fengshan (高雄市)store / shop, restaurant, tea泡沫紅茶,異國料理簡餐,火鍋
摩斯漢堡 Mos(cn)Taiwan / Kaohsiung_Hsien / Fengshan (高雄市)food
Chen Chung-Ho Memorial Park(en)Taiwan / Kaohsiung_Hsien / Fengshan (Kaohsiung City )parkKaohsiung Rapid Transit System Orange Line Jungjeng Road O8 station
陳中和紀念公園 Chen JhongHe Memorial Park(cn)Taiwan / Kaohsiung_Hsien / Fengshan (高雄市)park苓雅區-中正一路、福德三路、正言路、福安路
三民家商(cn)Taiwan / Kaohsiung_Shih / Kaohsiung (高雄市)
Kangshan Air Base(en)Taiwan / Kaohsiung_Hsien / Kangshan airport, baseKangshan Air Base
岡山空軍基地(cn)Taiwan / Kaohsiung_Hsien / Kangshan airport, base
Kaohsiung Municipal Cisian Elementary School(en)Taiwan / Kaohsiung_Shih / Kaohsiung (Kaohsiung City )school, primary educationTelephone: (07)2351150 Fax: (07)235-1402
七賢國小(cn)Taiwan / Kaohsiung_Shih / Kaohsiung (高雄市)school, primary education電話:07-2351150 傳真:07-2351402
Howards Plaza Hotel(en)Taiwan / Kaohsiung_Shih / Kaohsiung (Kaohsiung City )hotel
福華飯店(cn)Taiwan / Kaohsiung_Shih / Kaohsiung (高雄市)hotel
Hanshin Department Store(en)Taiwan / Kaohsiung_Shih / Kaohsiung (Kaohsiung City )shopping mall/center, department storeIs a Japanese department store chain owned by Hankyu Hanshin Department Stores, Incorporated.
漢神巨蛋(cn)Taiwan / Kaohsiung_Shih / Kaohsiung (高雄市)shopping mall/center, department store漢神巨蛋購物廣場座落於博愛二路與新莊一路口,以精緻購物中心、高級餐廳以及漢來大飯店國際宴會廳組合而成,含地上8層及地下1層。
明華國中(cn)Taiwan / Kaohsiung_Shih / Kaohsiung (高雄市)
琉璃園(en)Taiwan / Kaohsiung_Shih / Kaohsiung (Kaohsiung City )
琉璃園(cn)Taiwan / Kaohsiung_Shih / Kaohsiung (高雄市)14層樓高
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