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Kelly Mine(en)USA / Nevada / Indian_Springs mineOnce served by the Union Pacific RR along with Groom and Black Metal mines to the north. It was a part of the Papoose Mining District.
Engine Test Stand "Pluto Facility"(en)USA / Nevada / Indian_Springs The ramjet traveled along a railway from the assembly/disassembly building. Here is where the engine was actually fired up. To accomplish this, a large amount of compressed air was required (principles of ramjets).
News Nob(en)USA / Nevada / Indian_Springs militaryHill from which press was allowed to file atmospheric tests in the 50's.
Air Force Target City(en)USA / Nevada / Indian_Springs militarymock up of an urban area
Target Prep Area(en)USA / Nevada / Indian_Springs militaryThe multi-colored objects are shipping containers. The Air Force uses them as targets.
Tanks(en)USA / Nevada / Indian_Springs militaryLooks like they are stored here before they are used for targets.
Two F-16's(en)USA / Nevada / Indian_Springs military, airforce, aeroplaneF-16's. Type unknown. Maybe test aircraft?
Parking Lot(en)USA / Nevada / Indian_Springs militaryPossible a large employee parking area, or car storage.
Hangar 18(en)USA / Nevada / Indian_Springs military
Papoose Mountain Radio Facility(en)USA / Nevada / Indian_Springs area, mountain, military, radio, facility
Mock Surface-Air-Missile Battery(en)USA / Nevada / Indian_Springs militaryA target for Red Flag training exercises set up to mirror a standard Cold War era Soviet missile battery.
Cold Creek(en)USA / Nevada / Indian_Springs village, grid, wind, energy, solar, renewable, powerSmall group of cabins and homes. All residents live "off the power grid".
Hanger 16 & 15(en)USA / Nevada / Indian_Springs military
Transportation Incident Exercise Site(en)USA / Nevada / Indian_Springs militaryThe site is used to replicate multiple terrorist radiological incidents with train, plane, automobile, truck, and helicopter props. It is situated on the former Operation Teapot ground zero.
Apple II houses(en)USA / Nevada / Indian_Springs militaryThese houses were built so scientists could observe the effects of a nuclear blast on buildings. They were subjected to a 29 kiloton atmospheric shot. They were far enough from ground zero to survive, but the house to the west
Road blasted by Los Alamos labs(en)USA / Nevada / Indian_Springs militaryGreat quote from NTS tour guide Roger Staley as we passed this road closed sign: "See that 'Road Closed' sign over there? You used to be able to drive up there, but then the Los Alamos boys torched one off
"Bilby"(en)USA / Nevada / Indian_Springs militaryOperation: Niblick Purpose: Weapons Related Type: Shaft Detonated: September 13, 1963 Yield Range: 249kt
Huron King test chamber(en)USA / Nevada / Indian_Springs militaryThis is a vacuum chamber that was placed above a nuclear test and loaded with satellite's to determine their resiliency when hit with radiation.
Dish Antenna Building(en)USA / Nevada / Indian_Springs military
Main Security Building(en)USA / Nevada / Indian_Springs military
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