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紫阳湖公园(zh)China / Hubei / Zhifang (武汉市)park
WangJiang Park(en)China / Sichuan / Chengdu (Chengdu)parkSitting on the southern bank of Jinjiang in Chengdu City, Wangjiang Park is a memorial to a female poet of the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907) - Xue Tao (768 - 831). The 39-meter-high Wangjiang Tower is the greatest building
望江楼公園(cn)China / Sichuan / Chengdu (成都市)park望江樓公園座落在成都東門錦江南岸,以擁有望江樓古建築群、唐代著名女詩人薛濤紀念館等文物遺跡及各類珍奇異竹而聞名。全園面積188畝,分為文物保護區(39畝)和園林開放區(149畝),是紀念唐代女詩人薛濤的古跡和游覽勝地,現為全國重點文物保護單位。崇麗閣(民間俗稱望江樓)枕江而立,是園內的主要建築。崇麗閣是一座高27.9米全木結構的建築,其名取義于晉代文學家左思的《蜀都賦》中“既麗且崇,實號成都”崇麗二字,因其矗立在錦江岸邊,民間稱之為“望江樓”,樓上供奉有文曲星。
Western Park Sport Centre(en)China / Hongkong / Xianggangdao (Hong Kong )stadium
Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park(en)China / Hongkong / Xianggangdao (Hong Kong )parkSun Yat Sen Memorial Park, originally named Western Park, is a waterfront park in the Sai Ying Pun district on Hong Kong Island and faces the famed Victoria Harbour. It is the only park in Hong Kong to be named
中 山 紀 念 ( 西 區 ) 公 園(cn)China / Hongkong / Xianggangdao (香港)park位 於 西 營 盤 西 區 海 底 隧 道 出 口 旁 。 公 園 內 的 西 區 室 內 運 動場 在 九 十 年 代 初 已 落 成 。 受 西 隧 的 建
Harcourt Park 夏慤花園(en)China / Hongkong / Xianggangdao (Hong Kong )park
夏慤花園(cn)China / Hongkong / Xianggangdao (香港)park
Zhongshan Park(en)China / Shandong / Qingdao (Qingdao )be closer to nature.....
8 Gorges Square(en)China / Shandong / Qingdao (Qingdao )parkif you hope to learn more about the local life,visit this typical community centre where the citizens enjoy their various activities
八大峡広場(ja)China / Shandong / Qingdao (青島市)park
八大峡广场(zh)China / Shandong / Qingdao (青島市)park
Zhongyang Park(en)China / Jiangsu / Suzhou parkA public park for people to enjoy and stroll after dinner.
中央公園(cn)China / Jiangsu / Suzhou park
中央公园(zh)China / Jiangsu / Suzhou park
Zhongguancun Software Park(en)China / Beijing / Peking area, computer, regionThe Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as a dozen famous colleges and universities, including Beijing and Qinghua Universities are located in Zhongguancun in Beijing's Haidian District. The area has a dynamic economy that focuses on the knowledge and information
sports park(en)China / Beijing / Peking park
Suzhou Industrial Park (苏州工业园区)(en)China / Jiangsu / Suzhou 苏州中国新加坡工业园区 An industrial park built together by China and Singapore.A park which has much potential and is developing very fast.
People's Park(en)China / Schanghai / Shanghai (Shanghai )parkOriginally the race track of the Shanghai horse racing course.
人民公园 People's Park(cn)China / Schanghai / Shanghai (上海)park人民公园 People's Park
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