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Iglesia Del Señor de las Misericordias(en)Guatemala / Guatemala / Guatemala (Guatemala City )temple, church, las, senor, catholicismEl Señor de las misericordias Church
Templo San Pedrito(es)Guatemala / Guatemala / Guatemala (Ciudad de Guatemala)temple, church, las, senor, catholicism
Centro Universitario Metropolitano CUM(es)Guatemala / Guatemala / Guatemala (Ciudad de Guatemala)university, campus, medicina, usacCentro Universitario Metropolitano CUM zona 11 Ciudad Guatemala, aqui se encuentra la facultad de ciencias medicas y la escuela de psicologia de la usac
Centro Comercial Metro 15(es)Guatemala / Guatemala / Santa_Catarina_Pinula (Ciudad de Guatemala)
Colegio de profesionales(es)Guatemala / Guatemala / Santa_Catarina_Pinula (Ciudad de Guatemala)collegeZona 15
Botanica Gardens(en)Guatemala / Guatemala / Guatemala (Guatemala City )
San Carlos University Engineering Faculty(en)Guatemala / Guatemala / Guatemala (Guatemala City )engineeringAt this building are located the class rooms or the engineering faculty. Chemical, Civil, Electronic, Electrical and Mechanical engineering.
Facultad de Ingenieria - USAC(es)Guatemala / Guatemala / Guatemala (Ciudad de Guatemala)engineeringDonde nos forjamos los mejores ingenieros de Guatemala!!! y del mundo!!!
Iglesia del Nazareno Landivar(es)Guatemala / Guatemala / Guatemala (Ciudad de Guatemala)nazarenoPara servir a la comunidad preparandolos para un encuentro con el Señor Jesucristo llamados todos a la santidad.
Centro Juvenil Salesiano CEJUSA(en)Guatemala / Guatemala / Guatemala (Guatemala City )camposCampos 1,2,3 y 4
Campos del Cejusa(es)Guatemala / Guatemala / Guatemala (Ciudad de Guatemala)camposCampos de Futbol y Capacitacion
Paseo Miraflores(es)Guatemala / Guatemala / Guatemala (Ciudad de Guatemala)mirafloresCentro de Entretenimiento y Diversion, Centro Comercial, Shopping Mall
Colegio Americano(es)Guatemala / Guatemala / Santa_Catarina_Pinula (Ciudad de Guatemala)
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala -- Who are we?(en)Guatemala / Guatemala / Santa_Catarina_Pinula (Guatemala City )university, Not approvedUniversidad del Valle de Guatemala, founded in 1966, is a private university dedicated to finding, educating, and graduating the young men and women that Guatemala desperately needs to provide the talent, ideas and man power necessary to develop the society
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala(es)Guatemala / Guatemala / Santa_Catarina_Pinula (Ciudad de Guatemala)university, Not approved
Colegio Aleman(es)Guatemala / Guatemala / Guatemala (Ciudad de Guatemala)
Centro Comercial Novicentro(en)Guatemala / Guatemala / Guatemala (Guatemala City )Paiz Novicentro
Novicentro(es)Guatemala / Guatemala / Guatemala (Ciudad de Guatemala)
Cerveceria Centro Americana(en)Guatemala / Guatemala / Guatemala (Guatemala City )industrial area, cerveceria, Not approvedDistributes a nutritive beverage called "Incaparina" and also gives donations of this product to needy families through church committees.
Cerveceria Centro Americana(es)Guatemala / Guatemala / Guatemala (Ciudad de Guatemala)industrial area, cerveceria, Not approved
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