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Obelisco de Luxor(pt)France / Ile-de-France / Paris monument, obelisk, interesting placeProveniente do templo de Luxor no Egito, (aproximadamente em 1836)mede metros de altura e pesa 230 toneladas.
Луксорский обелиск(ru)France / Ile-de-France / Paris monument, obelisk, interesting place
Люксорський Обеліск(uk)France / Ile-de-France / Paris monument, obelisk, interesting placeпривезений з Єгипту
Basilica of Saint-Denis, mausoleum of French royal dynasties(en)France / Ile-de-France / Saint-Denis (Paris)cathedral, church, cemetery, interesting placeSaid to be the 1st real Gothic church (ab. Suger, 1137-1144, partially rebuilt XIII c.). Masterworks of French Renaissance sculpture (tombs of François I, Louis XII, Henri II).
Basilika Saint-Denis(de)France / Ile-de-France / Saint-Denis (Paris)cathedral, church, cemetery, interesting placeDie Kirche ist dem heiligen Dionysius, dem Schutzpatron und ersten Bischof von Paris geweiht, der – gemäß der Legende – in der Zeit der Christenverfolgungen um das Jahr 249 nach Christus auf dem Montmartre enthauptet wurde, seinen Kopf aufnahm und
Basilique Royale de Saint-Denis(fr)France / Ile-de-France / Saint-Denis (Paris)cathedral, church, cemetery, interesting placeLa basilique Saint-Denis est une église de style gothique. Elle a le statut de cathédrale depuis 1966, mais elle est aussi une abbatiale. On peut y voir les tombeaux des rois de France.
Musée de l'Orangerie(en)France / Ile-de-France / Paris (Paris)museum, monet, patrimoine, peinture, orangery, interesting placeBuilt in 1852 as an "Orangerie", then in 1921 was transformed into an annexe of the Musée des Beaux Arts - Musée du Luxembourg. The Nymphéas of Monet are on display there, it also houses the collection Jean Walter and
Musée de l'Orangerie(fr)France / Ile-de-France / Paris (Paris)museum, monet, patrimoine, peinture, orangery, interesting placeLe Musée de l’Orangerie est un musée de peintures impressionnistes et post-impressionnistes. Il contient des œuvres de Paul Cézanne, Henri Matisse, Amedeo Modigliani, Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Alfred Sisley, etc... Le bâtiment a été construit en 1852 par
Centre Georges Pompidou(en)France / Ile-de-France / Paris (Paris)museum, centre, interesting place, exhibition centre, art museum / art galleryFrench President Georges Pompidou sponsored the construction of this structure, in 1971, via an international competition won by the architects Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers. The Centre was opened 1977. It houses the Musée National d'Art Moderne (MNAM), the Bibliothèque
مركز جورج بومبيدو - البوبور(ar)France / Ile-de-France / Paris (Paris)museum, centre, interesting place, exhibition centre, art museum / art gallery
龐畢度中心(cn)France / Ile-de-France / Paris (Paris)museum, centre, interesting place, exhibition centre, art museum / art gallery
Centro George Pompidou, Paris(es)France / Ile-de-France / Paris (Paris)museum, centre, interesting place, exhibition centre, art museum / art galleryEl Centro Pompidou es el nombre más comúnmente empleado (otros son Beaubourg o Musée National d'art Moderne) para designar al Centro Nacional de Arte y Cultura Georges Pompidou de París (Francia) diseñado por los entonces jóvenes arquitectos Renzo Piano y
Centre Georges Pompidou(fr)France / Ile-de-France / Paris (Paris)museum, centre, interesting place, exhibition centre, art museum / art
מרכז פומפידו(he)France / Ile-de-France / Paris (Paris)museum, centre, interesting place, exhibition centre, art museum / art gallery
Centro nazionale d'arte e di cultura Georges Pompidou(it)France / Ile-de-France / Paris (Paris)museum, centre, interesting place, exhibition centre, art museum / art gallery4, Rue Beaubourg 75004 Paris, France
ポンピドゥー・センター(ja)France / Ile-de-France / Paris (Paris)museum, centre, interesting place, exhibition centre, art museum / art gallery
퐁피두 센터(ko)France / Ile-de-France / Paris (Paris)museum, centre, interesting place, exhibition centre, art museum / art gallery조르주 퐁피두 센터(Centre Georges Pompidou)는 1971년에서 1977년에 걸쳐 준공된 복합 문화시설로, 파리 4구(IVe arrondissement)의 레 알(Les Halles)과 르 마레(Le Marais) 지역 인근의 보부르(Beaubourg) 지역에 있다. 이 곳의 위치를 따서 현지인들은 이곳을 Beaubourg라고도 부른다. 퐁피두 센터는 1969년부터 1974년까지 프랑스 대통령이었던 조르주
Centre Georges Pompidou(pl)France / Ile-de-France / Paris (Paris)museum, centre, interesting place, exhibition centre, art museum / art galleryMuzeum sztuki współczesnej
Centrul Naţional de Artă şi Cultură Georges-Pompidou(ro)France / Ile-de-France / Paris (Paris Metropolitan Area)museum, centre, interesting place, exhibition centre, art museum / art gallery
Центр Жоржа Помпиду. (Р-н Бобур)(ru)France / Ile-de-France / Paris (Окрестности Парижа)museum, centre, interesting place, exhibition centre, art museum / art galleryПрезидент Франции Жорж Помпиду в 1971 г. выступил спонсором строительства этого знаменательного сооружения. Международный конкурс на проект здания выиграли архитекторы Ренцо Пьяно и Ричард Роджерс. Открыт в 1977 г. В нем находятся Национальный музей современного исскусства (MNAM), публичная библиотека (BPI),
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