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Wreck(en)Marshall_Islands / Ailinlaplap / Bikeer Looks like a sub, but too small for a regular US or IJN model - possibly a midget sub or maybe a airplane fuselage?
Wrecks(en)Russia / Murmansk / Snezhnogorsk wreck, interesting placeSome wrecks
бухта затопленных кораблей(ru)Russia / Murmansk / Snezhnogorsk wreck, interesting placeсоветские военные корабли, оставленные и утонувшие после закрытия Порта Владимир
Wreck of "West Star", 8 m below sea surface(en)Poland / Pomorskie / Lebork wreck, interesting place
W tym obszarze na głębokości 8m spoczywa wrak "West Star"(pl)Poland / Pomorskie / Lebork wreck, interesting placeW tym obszarze na głębokości 8m spoczywa wrak "West Star"
wreck(en)USA / Florida / Naranja Wreck of C-130
Wreck(en)Micronesia / Yap / Fais About 100ft long, give or take - too small to be a sub, unless its a midget sub, and too long to be a torpedo or other kind of weapon. Any thoughts?
Wreck of HMS Rhone(en)British_Virgin_Islands / Tortola / Road_Town Site of wreck of HMS Rhone, sunk 1867 in a hurricane. Premiere wreck dive in Carribean.
1985 Train Wreck location(en)USA / Colorado / Westminster Site of head-on train wreck that killed 5 trainmen on Aug 2, 1985 see;site=dot_railroads
Site of wreck of Japanese midget submarine M24.(en)Australia / New_South_Wales / Sydney cemetery, Declared a War Grave - no further diving. This is the published Lat & Long released by the Australian Government anyway????
Port Gore - Wreck of the Mikhail Lermontov(en)New_Zealand / Marlborough / Picton interesting placeOn February 16, 1986, the 20,000-ton Soviet cruise liner Mikhail Lermontov approached Port Gore from the East in heavy rain with strong southerly winds. When the captain tried to take a shortcut inside the Cape Jackson Rock light, the ship
The Wreck of the Prince Albert(en)Honduras / Islas_de_la_Bahia / French_Harbor The Prince Albert was a "placed wreck" or artificial reef, installed by Bill "Speedy" Evans in 1984. She is a 140' Nicaraguan Tanker named after Albert Jackson of fantasy Island Resort. She noses up in 45 feet and het stern
Rent A Wreck of Wichita(en)USA / Kansas / Eastborough (Wichita)Don't let the name fool you! Car truck and van rentals. Auto Sales. Low overhead operation which shares a building with a restaurant.
DC-3 Aircraft Wreck Dive Site(en)Honduras / Islas_de_la_Bahia / French_Harbor The remnants of a DC3 aircraft, intentionaly placed as a dive site attraction. Formerly and last flown by SAHSA Airlines, she lies in the shallows of CocOView Channel, being placed there by Albert Jackson of FIBR
Wreck(en)Guam / Santa_Rita / Apra_Harbor The mast may still show at low tide. Be careful.
Ship Wreck(en)Falkland_Islands / South_Georgia / Grytviken
Ship Wreck(en)Falkland_Islands / South_Georgia / Grytviken
Wreck of the SS Selma(en)USA / Texas / Galveston shipwreck, concrete, interesting placeConcrete-hulled (yes, concrete, not steel) ship built in 1919. Scuttled here in 1922 after running aground and cracking the hull in Tampico, Mexico, in 1920. More information and photos at
Wreck of the Gayundah(en)Australia / Queensland / Deception_Bay Run aground in the 50s to make a breakwater
HMS Fantome Wreck Site(en)Canada / Nova_Scotia / Halifax HMS Fantome, a navy brig sank here in a storm in 1814 while returning from sacking the White House. The wreck is broken and scattered over the rocks and any remaining valuables are lost amongst the debris.
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