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Ayers Kayası - Uluru(tr)Australia / Northern_Territory / Yulara interesting place, UNESCO World Heritage Site, monolith, rocks, mountainDünyanın en büyük taşıdır.
Villa Capra "La Rotonda"(en)Italy / Veneto / Vicenza (Vicenza)palladio, UNESCO World Heritage Site, mansion/ manor/ villaVilla Capra "La Rotonda" is a Renaissance villa just outside Vicenza, northern Italy, designed by Andrea Palladio. The correct name is Villa Almerico-Capra. It is also known as La Rotonda, Villa Rotunda, Villa La Rotonda, and Villa Almerico. The name
Villa Capra (La Rotonda)(it)Italy / Veneto / Vicenza (Vicenza)palladio, UNESCO World Heritage Site, mansion/ manor/ villaVilla Almerico-Capra o Capra-Valmarana, detta "La Rotonda". Costruita dall'architetto Andrea Palladio dal 1566.
Vasil'yevsky island cape(en)Russia / Sankt_Petersburg / Saint_Petersburg (Saint Petersburg)listed building, interesting place, UNESCO World Heritage SiteIn Russian: Strelka Vassilievkogo ostrova Two rostral columns are here
Стрелка Васильевского острова(ru)Russia / Sankt_Petersburg / Saint_Petersburg (Санкт-Петербург)listed building, interesting place, UNESCO World Heritage SiteМесто, где Нева разделяется на Большую и Малую. Ростральные колонны.
Matera(en)Italy / Basilicata / Matera UNESCO World Heritage Site, cityMatera had gained international fame for its ancient town, the so-called "Sassi di Matera" (meaning "stones of Matera") which is a prehistorical (troglodyte) settlement, and is suspected to be one of the first human settlements in Italy. * The "Sassi"
Matera(it)Italy / Basilicata / Matera UNESCO World Heritage Site, city« Arrivai a Matera verso le undici del mattino. Avevo letto nella guida che è una città pittoresca, che merita di essere visitata, che c'è un museo di arte antica e delle curiose abitazioni trogloditiche. Allontanatami un poco dalla stazione,
Матера(ru)Italy / Basilicata / Matera UNESCO World Heritage Site, cityРегион Апулия, провинция Бари, Италия. Население ок.60 тыс
Seville Cathedral(en)Spain / Sevilla / El_Cuervo_de_Sevilla (Seville)cathedral, church, gothic art, UNESCO World Heritage SiteThe Cathedral of Seville in Seville, Andalucia is the largest Gothic cathedral and the third-largest church in the world. It is also known as Catedral de Santa María de la Sede (Cathedral of Saint Mary of the See) At the
كاتدرائية إشبيلية(ar)Spain / Sevilla / El_Cuervo_de_Sevilla (إشبيلية)cathedral, church, gothic art, UNESCO World Heritage Siteكاتدرائية إشبيلية تضم ضريح رفات المستكشف الكبير كرستوفر كولومبس الذي يرى العديد من الأسبان أن رفاته تم دفنها في كاتدرائية أشبيلية رغم أن الخلاف ما يزال قائما حول ذلك ... يرى بعض الأسبان أن رفات كرستوفر كولومبس كانت في الأساس
La Catedral de Sevilla(es)Spain / Sevilla / El_Cuervo_de_Sevilla (Sevilla)cathedral, church, gothic art, UNESCO World Heritage SiteLa Catedral de Sevilla es de estilo gótico. La Giralda era el alminar y junto al Patio de los Naranjos, constituyen los únicos restos de la antigua mezquita. En su interior se encuentra la tumba de Cristóbal Colón. Es la
Севильский Собор(ru)Spain / Sevilla / El_Cuervo_de_Sevilla (Севи́лья)cathedral, church, gothic art, UNESCO World Heritage SiteЗдесь расположена могила Христофора Колумба
Sevilla Katedrali(tr)Spain / Sevilla / El_Cuervo_de_Sevilla (Sevilla)cathedral, church, gothic art, UNESCO World Heritage Site
Alhambra(en)Spain / Granada / Granada (Granada)palace, garden, fortification, UNESCO World Heritage SiteThe Alhambra (from Arabic الْحَمْرَاء = Al-Ħamrā', literally "the red one"; the complete name was الْقَلْعَةُ ٱلْحَمْرَاءُ = al-Qal'at al-Ħamrā' = "the red fortress") is a palace and fortress complex of the Moorish rulers of Granada in southern Spain (known
قصر الحمراء(ar)Spain / Granada / Granada (غرناطة)palace, garden, fortification, UNESCO World Heritage Siteقصر الحمراء هو قصر أثري انتهى بناؤه في عصر بني الأحمر حكام غرناطة المسلمين في الأندلس بعد سقوط دولة الموحدين. ثمة خلاف بشأن سبب تسمية هذا المعلم البارز باسم قصر الحمراء، فهناك من يرى أنه مشتق من بني الأحمر، وهم
阿爾罕布拉宮(cn)Spain / Granada / Granada (Granada)palace, garden, fortification, UNESCO World Heritage Site
Alhambra(de)Spain / Granada / Granada (Granada)palace, garden, fortification, UNESCO World Heritage SiteDie Alhambra ist eine bedeutende Stadtburg auf einem Hügel von Granada in Spanien, die als eines der schönsten Beispiele des Maurischen Stils der Islamischen Kunst gilt. Innerhalb der sehr alten Festungsmauer befindet sich die Zitadelle (die Alcazaba), die Nasridenpaläste (Palacios
Αλάμπρα(el)Spain / Granada / Granada (Granada)palace, garden, fortification, UNESCO World Heritage Site
La Alhambra(es)Spain / Granada / Granada (Granada )palace, garden, fortification, UNESCO World Heritage SiteLa Alhambra de Granada. Monumento de época nazarí, construido entre el siglo XI y el XV como palacio real, corte y castillo militar. En él destacan La Alcazaba, El Patio de los Arrayanes, El Patio de los Leones, el Patio
L'Alhambra de Grenadeقصر الحمراء(fr)Spain / Granada / Granada (Grenade )palace, garden, fortification, UNESCO World Heritage SiteEnsemble fortifié de bâtiments situés sur la colline de la Sabika, qui domine la plaine et la ville de Grenade, et qui fait face au quartier populaire et pittoresque de l'Albaicin. Parmi ces bâtiments se trouvent notamment le palais mauresque
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