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Пинакотека(ru)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Рим)art museum / art gallery, italyPinacoteca (ит.)
Temple at Segesta, Sicily, Italy(en)Italy / Sizilien / Vita temple, sicily, italy
Ponte Sant'Angelo / Pons Aelius / Ponte Elio(en)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Rome)sant, angelo, bridge, Ponte Sant'Angelo, once the Aelian Bridge or Pons Aelius meaning the Bridge of Hadrian, is a bridge in Rome, constructed between 134-139 by Roman Emperor Hadrian, to span the Tiber, from the city center to his newly constructed mausoleum,
Engelsbrücke(de)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Rom)sant, angelo, bridge, italyDie Engelsbrücke (lat. Pons Aelius; ital. Ponte Sant'Angelo) ist eine über den Tiber in Rom führende Brücke. Ihr heutiger Name geht auf das 17. Jahrhundert zurück. Sie wird zum einen deswegen Engelsbrücke genannt, weil sie direkt auf die Engelsburg zuführt,
Ponte Sant'Angelo(it)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Roma)sant, angelo, bridge, italy
Most Świętego Anioła(pl)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Rzym)sant, angelo, bridge, italyMost Świętego Anioła, w starożytności Pons Aelius. Wybudowany w czasach Hadriana (Publius Aelius Hadrianus) w celu połączenia lewego brzegu Tybru z mauzoleum cesarza. Pierwsze i ostatnie przęsło jest nowożytne, trzy środkowe pochodzą z epoki cesarstwa. Niesamowite miejsce, ozdobione rzeźbami aniołów
Ponte Sant'Angelo(pt)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Roma)sant, angelo, bridge, italyA ponte se localiza sobre o rio Tibre, ligando o centro da cidade com o Castelo de Santo Ângelo. Liga também as regiões de Ponte e BorgoA ponte era utilizada para que pedestres alcançassem a Basílica de São Pedro, o
Мост св. Ангела(ru)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Рим)sant, angelo, bridge, italyМост св. Ангела (ит. Ponte Sant’Angelo) — пешеходный мост через Тибр в Риме, построенный в 134—139 гг. римским императором Адрианом. Поскольку мост вёл к мавзолею Адриана (ныне замок св. Ангела), римляне называли его «мостом Адриана» или «мостом Элия». Облицован мраморными
Palazzaccio - Supreme Court of Cassation of Italy(en)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Rome)The Supreme Court of Cassation (Italian: Corte Suprema di Cassazione) is the major court of last resort in Italy. It has its seat in the Rome Hall of Justice. The name of the court is sometimes translated "supreme court", but
Pantheon(en)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Rome)pantheon, monument, pantheon, church, catholic church, italyBuilt about 125 AD in the reign of Hadrian, the Pantheon is one of the oldest massive concrete buildings in the world and the most well-preserved ancient Roman building in existence. Much of the facade has been worn away or
بانثيون(ar)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (روما)pantheon, monument, pantheon, church, catholic church, italyمبنى في روما كان اصلا مبنيا كمعبد لجميع ما كان يعتقده الرومان آلهة في روما القديمة. وهو أفضل مبنى روماني أثري من ناحية الحفظ، وربما يكون أفضل مبنى محفوظ من ذلك العصر في العالم. وظل المبنى في استخدام متواصل طوال
Πάνθεον(el)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Ρώμη)pantheon, monument, pantheon, church, catholic church, italyΤο Πάνθεον είναι μια αξιομνημόνευτη Ρωμαική Ροτόντα ιστορικής σημασίας για τη Ρώμη
Panteón de Agripa(es)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Roma)pantheon, monument, pantheon, church, catholic church, italyEl Panteón de Agripa o Panteón de Roma es un templo circular construido en Roma a comienzos del Imperio Romano dedicado a todos los dioses (la palabra panteón significa templo de todos los dioses). En la ciudad se lo conoce
Panthéon(fr)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Rome)pantheon, monument, pantheon, church, catholic church, italyLe Panthéon de Rome est un édifice religieux de la Rome antique, à l’origine le temple de toutes les divinités de la religion antique, transformé en église chrétienne au VIIe siècle. C’est le plus grand monument du monde antique gréco-romain
Pantheon(it)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Roma)pantheon, monument, pantheon, church, catholic church, italyGrandioso monumento considerato un capolavoro dell'architettura romana. E' uno dei monumenti antichi meglio conservati del mondo. Fu fatto costruire dal console Agrippa nel 27 a.C. Sorge in piazza della Rotonda vicino piazza Minerva. Così chiamato perché era un tempio dedicato
Panteon(pl)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Rzym)pantheon, monument, pantheon, church, catholic church, italyPanteon uważany jest za jeden z najważniejszych obiektów architektonicznych świata. Przetrwał w doskonałym stanie zawieruchę prawie dwóch tysięcy lat. Uważa się, że jego projektantem był cesarz Hadrian, człowiek niezwykły, jednocześnie myśliciel, podróżnik i żołnierz. Napis na frontonie - "M.AGRIPPA L.F.
Пантеон(ru)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Рим)pantheon, monument, pantheon, church, catholic church, italy«Храм всех богов» в Риме, памятник архитектуры, построенный в II веке н. э. при императоре Адриане на месте предыдущего Пантеона, выстроенного за два века до того Марком Випсанием Агриппой. В Пантеоне погребены некоторые известные люди Италии, в частности, Рафаэль и
Panteon(sq)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Romë)pantheon, monument, pantheon, church, catholic church, italy
Itália Building(en)Brazil / Sao_Paulo / Sao_Paulo (São Paulo)italy, building, skyscraperBuilt to honor the thousands of Italian immigrants to Sao Paulo, Edifício Itália is popularly thought to be São Paulo's tallest building, a title that actually belongs to Mirante do Vale. The building is 168 meters/541 fet in height when
Edifício Itália(pt)Brazil / Sao_Paulo / Sao_Paulo (São Paulo)italy, building, skyscraperO Edifício Itália é o segundo maior da cidade de São Paulo e do Brasil em altura, com 168 metros (150 a partir do nível da rua) distribuídos em 46 andares. Inaugurado em 1965, o edifício é atualmente um dos
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