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Monument Américain de Chateau-Thierry(fr)France / Picardie / Essomes-sur-Marne (Chateau-Thierry)memorial, First World War 1914-1918Le monument Américain de la cote 204 est là pour rappeler le souvenir des soldats des États-Unis venus combattre en France lors de la première Guerre Mondiale. Il domine la vallée de la Marne et la ville de Chateau-Thierry, ce
Fort Tavanne(en)France / Lorraine / Eix military, battlefield, First World War 1914-1918, bataille, fortification, verdunFort of the Verdun fortification in World War I.
Fort de Tavannes(fr)France / Lorraine / Eix military, battlefield, First World War 1914-1918, bataille, fortification, verdun
Fort of the Verdun Fortification(en)Egypt / al-Qalyubiyah / Shubra-El-Khema battlefield, First World War 1914-1918, fortificationFort of the Verdun Fortification of World War I.
Fort de Verdun(fr)Egypt / al-Qalyubiyah / Shubra-El-Khema battlefield, First World War 1914-1918, fortificationVestige de la guerre de 1914-1918
Sedan, Médiathèque Municipale(en)France / Champagne-Ardenne / Sedan (Sedan)Second World War 1939-1945, library, war, First World War 1914-1918, francoAddress: Promenade de Corne de Soissons, 08200 Sedan Additional information in English at:
Quarters Bos van Houthulst (EOD) (Houthulst Forest)(en)Belgium / West-Flandern / Houthulst military, forest, First World War 1914-1918, interesting placeDOVO, 2nd Company Poelkapelle (Bomb Disposal). 1 Pl EOD, intervention unit. 1 Pl Tox, processes toxic ammo * Open air and sealed bunker storage. * Controled detonation dismantling facility CMO 17 det Poelkapelle, Medical Detachment. A dump of sorts
Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme(en)France / Picardie / Thiepval memorial, First World War 1914-1918, missing, interesting placeThiepval is the major war memorial to 72089 British and South African men who died in the World War I Battle of the Somme and who have no known grave. The memorial, which dominates the rural scene, has sixteen piers
Mémorial franco-britannique de Thiepval(fr)France / Picardie / Thiepval memorial, First World War 1914-1918, missing, interesting placeMémorial franco-britannique aux disparus de la Somme. Cet imposant monument de briques et de pierres s'élève à 45 mètres de hauteur et est visible à des kilomètres à la ronde. Il est l'oeuvre de l'architecte Sir Edwin Lutyens. Sur les
Adanac Military Cemetery(en)France / Picardie / Courcelette military, cemetery, First World War 1914-1918Adanac Military Cemetery (the name was formed by reversing the name "Canada") was made after the Armistice when graves were brought in from the battlefields and small cemeteries surrounding Miraumont, and particularly from the Canadian battlefields round Courcelette. One grave
Kitchener's Wood Memorial(en)Belgium / West-Flandern / Ieper memorial, monument, canada, forest, First World War 1914-1918, kitchener, interesting placeA small monument near the place where the Canadian Corps saw their first frontline action during the First World War on April 22nd 1915. Erected in 1997 by the schoolchildren of the Vrije Basisschool of nearby St-Juliaan. Jozef Dekeyser designed
Menin Gate(en)Belgium / West-Flandern / Ieper (Ypres)memorial, gate, First World War 1914-1918, interesting placeThe Menin Gate is one of four memorials to the missing of the First World War in Belgian Flanders which cover the area known as the Ypres Salient. The site of the Menin Gate as a memorial was chosen because
Menenpoort(nl)Belgium / West-Flandern / Ieper (Ieper)memorial, gate, First World War 1914-1918, interesting placeDe Menenpoort is in 1927 door de Britten gebouwd als nagedachtenis aan de vele Britse soldaten die hierlangs naar de slagvelden van de Eerste Wereldoorlog trokken en van wie nooit meer iets is vernomen. De poort heeft de vorm van
Essex Farm Cemetery, 49th Division Memorial and John McCrae site(en)Belgium / West-Flandern / Ieper (Ypres)memorial, park, cemetery, First World War 1914-1918Standing by the banks of a canal, Essex Farm cemetery is to be found in the village of Boezinge, it was used as a dressing station cemetery from April 1915 until August 1917. On the canal bank standing above the
First shot of WWI Memorial(en)Belgium / Hennegau / Jurbise memorial, First World War 1914-1918A simple marker placed beside the road bearing a plaque which indicates that it is the spot from which Drummer Edward Thomas of the Royal Irish Dragoon Guards fired the first shots of the First World War Ironically, on the
Taliaferro Field Bombing Target / Hicks Field Bombing Target(en)USA / Texas / Eagle_Mountain First World War 1914-1918, target, bombing, interesting placeNed Gilliand reported, “Two Bell pilots found a recessed actual-sized WWI biplane silhouette west of the old Hicks Field location. Locals say it was used for practice bombing (using bags of flour) & for some strafing practice. Over the years
Fort de la Pompelle.(fr)France / Champagne-Ardenne / Sillery museum, First World War 1914-1918, fortificationRuines du fort de la Pompelle détruit durant la première guerre mondiale. Abrite maintenent un musé.
Black Tom (explosion site)(en)USA / New_Jersey / Jersey_City (Jersey City, NJ)park, explosion, First World War 1914-1918, ordinance, interesting placeThis is the remains of Black Tom island, an ammo depot during WWI. On July 30, 1916, German spies infiltrated the facility and started fires in some of the railcars and barges holding several thousand tons of explosives destined for
Hooge Crater Cemetery(en)Belgium / West-Flandern / Zonnebeke cemetery, First World War 1914-1918Hooge Chateau and its surrounding area was the scene of fierce fighting throughout the war, the area was constantly changing hands as both sides battled for supremacy. On 31st October 1914, the staffs of the 1st and 2nd Divisions were
Fort XIII "San Rideau"(pl)Poland / Podkarpackie / Peremyshl (Bolestraszyce)architecture, First World War 1914-1918, fortification, twierdza, przemysl, umocnienia, interesting placeZewnętrzny główny fort "Twierdzy Przemyśl"
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