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基督城大教堂 (Christchurch Cathedral)(cn)New_Zealand / Canterbury / Christchurch (基督城)cathedral, church【紐西蘭南島 基督城大教堂 (Christchurch Cathedral) 基督城市中心最具英國風味的地標】 漫步在基督城的街上,放眼所見均是 19 世紀的古建築,尤其以基督城大教堂 (Christchurch Cathedral) 為代表性的建築,更可說是基督城最重要的地標與精神象徵。歌德式建築風格充滿優雅情韻,高達 63 公尺的高聳尖塔,在塔高 36 公尺處,設有展望台,共有 133 個台階的狹窄樓梯,遠眺街景盡收眼底。步入塔上的瞭望臺,整個花園城市的美景盡收眼底。大教堂有粗石砌的玫瑰窗,尖塔中也仿英國的聖保羅教堂,裝設了 12 座鐘,可演奏出不同的旋律。如果剛好週日來到基督城,不妨稍微等待一下,欣賞這個古老的旋律。 參考網站
Christchurch Central Fire Station(en)New_Zealand / Canterbury / Christchurch (Christchurch)fire serviceChristchurch Central Fire Station, built 1960's houses about 6 fire trucks
The Lone Pine(en)New_Zealand / Canterbury / Christchurch (Christchurch)Ironicly this tree is not a pine, however the plarce at the bottom calls it the lone pine
Mona Vale Homestead(en)New_Zealand / Canterbury / Christchurch (Christchurch)A historic house of Christchurch, along with the vast grounds in popular Fendalton, it is know a public building which can be booked out for private functions.
基督城夢娜維爾花園 (Mona Vale)(cn)New_Zealand / Canterbury / Christchurch (基督城)【紐西蘭南島 基督城夢娜維爾花園 (Mona Vale) 基督城如詩如畫的經典代表花園】 基督城沿著雅芳河而建,也因著雅芳河畔的美景而有花園城市的美譽,其中位於哈格利公園西北側利卡敦 (Riccarton) 地區的夢娜維爾花園 (Mona Vale) ,則被公認為基督城花園中的經典代表。夢娜維爾花園面積約 5.5 公頃,西元 1899-1900 年間由當時的貿易商 Frederick Waymouth 興建為私人農莊。古典的二層磚造豪宅係模仿英國都鐸王朝 (Tudor) 的建築風格,當時的基督城另有多棟建築也都是以都鐸風格為藍本。 參考網站
Daresbury(en)New_Zealand / Canterbury / Christchurch (Christchurch)A historic three story house, privately owned but can be seen from the railway walkway and sometimes Fendalton Road
Van Asch Deaf Education Centre (VADEC)(en)New_Zealand / Canterbury / Lyttelton (Christchurch)school, deafVan Asch Deaf Education Centre was opened in March 1880 and is said to be the first fully government funded school for the Deaf in the world. Originally called Sumner School for the Deaf, it was renamed in 1995 after
Vadec(en)New_Zealand / Canterbury / Lyttelton (Christchurch)Van Asch Deaf Education Centre was opened in March 1880 and was the first fully government funded school for the Deaf in the world. Situated in the valley of the seaside suburb of Sumner, van Asch is 15 kilometers from
Medlab South(en)New_Zealand / Canterbury / Christchurch (Christchurch)Medical Laboratory and patient collection rooms
Reflex Holdings(en)New_Zealand / Canterbury / Christchurch (Christchurch)Manufacturer of high quality fibreglass trailerable boats. Haines Signature and Reflex Chianti.
College House(en)New_Zealand / Canterbury / Christchurch (Christchurch)College House - University Board House
Abberley Park(en)New_Zealand / Canterbury / Christchurch (Christchurch)parkA two hectare garden and heritage park filled with lovely mature trees, shrubs and gardens, as well as a children's playground area and paddling pool. It was originally a private garden with the earliest trees dating from the 1860's, coming
Reflex Holdings(en)New_Zealand / Canterbury / Christchurch (Christchurch)Composite Products Manufacturing Plant
St Bedes High School(en)New_Zealand / Canterbury / Christchurch (Christchurch)
Riccarton Park(en)New_Zealand / Canterbury / Christchurch (Christchurch)horse racing trackFor over 150 years the Canterbury Jockey Club has been at the forefront of New Zealand racing conducting some of the most prestigious races in the country. Riccarton Park is home to 24 racedays each season with highlights including the
Christchurch Park(en)United_Kingdom / England / Ipswich (Ipswich)parkLargest Public park / gardens in Ipswich town. Housing one of the best mansions of Suffolk with same name. Open to public free of cost from dawn till dusk.
Mike's Fishing Store 127 Armagh Street(en)New_Zealand / Canterbury / Christchurch (Christchurch)store / shopMikes Fishing Store - Retail Fishing Tackle and Outdoor Equipment, Fishing Licences, Fishing Guides
Hagley Community College Science Block(en)New_Zealand / Canterbury / Christchurch (Christchurch)Science
Discovery/Unlimited Paenga Tawhiti School(en)New_Zealand / Canterbury / Christchurch (Christchurch)Primary and High School
Canterbury Brewery(en)New_Zealand / Canterbury / Christchurch (Christchurch)productionCanterbury Brewery
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