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Laromet(en)Romania / Ilfov / Mogosoaia (Bucharest)Producer of non-ferrous material
tenis agronomie(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)tennis court, agronomielocul unde se joaca HVB Tiriac Tennis Cup si Kinecto Challenge Cup
Liceul Teoretic Benjamin Franklin(en)Romania / Ilfov / Dobroesti (Bucharest)schoolFostul Liceu IOR
Universitatea Nationala de Aparare "Carol I"(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)universityFondata in anul 1889 sub numele de "Scoala Superioara de Razboi" devenita apoi Academia Militara. Adresa: Str. Panduri nr. 68-72, sector 5, Bucuresti
Restaurant Golden Blitz(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)restaurantaici vine basescu la un sprit
Colegiul Naţional Mihai Viteazul(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)school, architecture, education, secondary Liceu cu profil real, dar are şi clase de uman.
St Joseph Cathedral(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)cathedral, churchThe Saint Joseph Cathedral was built in Roman style combined with gothic elements between 1875-1883, by the Bishop Ignatius Paoli (1870-1885) from the Pasionist Monk Union, who was named Archbishop. He was raised at the rank of Archbishopric, after having
Catedrala Sf. Iosif(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)cathedral, churchCatedrala "Sfântul Iosif" este catedralã metropolitanã si arhiepiscopalã. Ea a fost construitã între anii 1873-1884 dupã planurile arhitectului vienez dr. Friedrich Schmidt. Este în stil romanic, combinat cu elemente gotice, având 40 m lungime si 22 m lãtime.
Rosetti Square(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)square, piata, parkRosetti Square
Piata Rosetti(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)square, piata, parkPiata Rosetti
Palace of the Ministry of Agriculture(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)ministry, palace, architecture, Second Empire style architecture
Palatul Ministerului Agriculturii(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)ministry, palace, architecture, Second Empire style architecture
Casa Capsa *****(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)hotel, restaurantEstablished in 1852," CASA CAPSA" (Restaurant, Hotel, Café and Confectionary) is the symbol of the romanian high-life society. The founder, Grigore Capsa (1841-1902)introduced from the very begining the occidental standards of quality and refinement. He made CAPSA ' s name
Casa Capşa(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)hotel, restaurant
Ministry of Justice(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)
Ministerul Justiţiei(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)
Ministerul comunicatiilor, tehnologiei si al informatiilor(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)also where the National Audiovisual Council of Romania is: "Our job is to ensure that Romania’s TV and radio stations operate in an environment of free speech, responsability and competitiveness"
Romanian Secret Service (SRI) Headquarters(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)
Sediul SRI (Serviciul Roman de Informatii)(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)
Ministry of Enviroment(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)
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