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Garzê (Ganzi,Kandze)(en)China / Sichuan / Yaan town, county, Qinghai-Tibet PlateauThe lively market town of Garzê (Ganzi, also Kandse)) sits in a valley at 3800 m, surrounded by the Chola Mountain. Some 385 km northwest of Kanding, Garzê (Ganzi) is the capital of Garzê (Ganzi)Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and is mostly
甘孜縣(cn)China / Sichuan / Yaan town, county, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau甘孜縣位于康北地區腹心地帶﹐格薩爾文化旅游區的中心部位﹐317國道橫貫縣境﹐是甘孜州北部交通樞紐經貿中心和商品、人流的集散地。縣城位于雅礱江河谷寬谷地帶。“甘孜”原為寺廟名﹐意為潔白、美麗的地方﹐已有500多年的歷史﹐1911年命為縣名﹐1955年改為州名﹐1984年定為甘孜鎮。
甘孜县(zh)China / Sichuan / Yaan town, county, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau甘孜县位于康北地区腹心地带,格萨尔文化旅游区的中心部位,317国道横贯县境,是甘孜州北部交通枢纽经贸中心和商品、人流的集散地。县城位于雅砻江河谷宽谷地带。“甘孜”原为寺庙名,意为洁白、美丽的地方,已有500多年的历史,1911年命为县名,1955年改为州名,1984年定为甘孜镇。
Zhiwu (ཞེ་བུ།)(en)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Tezu village, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Qinghai, community centre / hallvillage and community government in Yushu prefecture, Qinghai province.
歇武镇(zh)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Tezu village, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Qinghai, community centre / hall歇武镇政府所在地
Lenghu town(en)China / Xinjiang / Hami town, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, QinghaiLenghu town in the northwestern part of the Qaidam Basin, Qinghai province. It is one of the major centres of the oil fields developed in the Qaidam Basin during the 1960s and has its own refinery.
Lenghu zhen(de)China / Xinjiang / Hami town, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, QinghaiDas Städtchen Lenghu 冷湖镇 ist der Hauptort des Verwaltungskomitees Lenghu im Norden des Autonomen Bezirks Haixi der Mongolen und Tibeter in der chinesischen Provinz Qinghai. Es hat eine Fläche von 21.000 Quadratkilometern und zählt 21.000 Einwohner.
Lenghu zhen(fr)China / Xinjiang / Hami town, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, QinghaiLa petite ville de Lenghu est le chef-lieu du comité administratif de Lenghu, une subdivision de la province du Qinghai en Chine. Elle est placée sous la juridiction de la préfecture autonome mongole et tibétaine de Haixi.
冷湖鎮(ja)China / Xinjiang / Hami town, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Qinghai冷湖行政委員会(れいこ-ぎょうせいいいんかい)は中華人民共和国青海省海西モンゴル族チベット族自治州に位置する行政委員会。
렁후(ko)China / Xinjiang / Hami town, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Qinghai중국 칭하이 성[靑海省]에 있는 신흥 공업도시. 하이시몽골족티베트족카자흐족 자치주[海西蒙古族藏族哈薩克族自治州]의 직할진(直轄鎭). 1960년 렁후 시가 설치되었고, 1964년 진으로 되었다. 당진산커우[當金山口]는 차이다무[柴達木] 분지에서 간쑤 성[甘肅省] 서부와 신장웨이우얼 자치구[新疆維吳爾自治區]로 오가는 교통의 요지이다. 1950년대말에 차이다무 분지 안에 새로 설치된 유전지대 가운데 하나이다. 정유·발전·기계수리 등의 공장이 있다.
冷湖镇(zh)China / Xinjiang / Hami town, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Qinghai冷湖镇,位于中国青海省北部,阿尔金山南麓的戈壁滩上。主要有汉、藏等民族。1959年设冷湖市工作委员会(县级行政区),1960年设冷湖市,1964年撤市改镇。直辖于海西蒙古族藏族自治州。地处柴达木盆地北缘,平均海拔2733米。 冷湖行政区,是中国青海省海西蒙古族藏族自治州下辖的一个县级行政区,因境内呼通诺尔湖(维吾尔语:异常冰冷的湖泊)而得名,中国重要矿区之一,全境仅辖冷湖镇一个镇。
Rang(en)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Tawang village, tibetvillage
Nepal Tibet Border Area(en)Nepal / Nuwakot / Bidur city, area, border, nepal, tibetNEPAL TIBET BORDER AREA, Rasuwa Gadhi
Bridge on Bhote Koshi(en)Nepal / Nuwakot / Bidur (Nepal Tibet Border Area)koshi, bridgeBridge on Bhote Koshi
Rasuwa Gadhi(en)Nepal / Nuwakot / Bidur city, border, nepal, tibet, gadhiPlace where NEPAL TIBET had fought war and treaty was done. Border area of NEPAL TIBET. as a further example - chech the road from tibet that goes all the way to Lo Manthang Mustang!
Nepal Tibet Border marked by River(en)Nepal / Nuwakot / Bidur mountain, river, border, nepal, tibetNepal Tibet Border marked by River
Tibet Butler Preserve(en)USA / Florida / Doctor_Phillips park
Nyalam, Tibet(en)Nepal / Dolakha / Bhimeshwar cityLast shopping for trekking in Kailash/Mansarovar.
Tirthapuri hot springs and Tirthapuri Gompa(en)Nepal / Darchula / Dashrathchand temple, monastery, hotsprings, tibetTirthapuri hot springs (chin.: Zhadaburi) and Tirthapuri Gompa, also Guru Rinpoche monastery, (chin.: Zhada Gongba).
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