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More UK (VN - Vung tau) - Điệp làm việc ở đây!(vi)Vietnam / Dong_Nam_Bo / Vung_Tau (Tp Vũng Tàu - Tỉnh Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu)
Nellpparambu Up School- MANEGER -UK PATHUMMU(en)India / Kerala / Malappuram (oorakam kizhmuri )schoolLATHEEF.VK
dr.gundroo uk(ur)India / Jammu_and_Kashmir / Srinagar ancestral home of gundroo's
Niva International Uk Ltd., Cardiff(en)United_Kingdom / Wales / Cardiff (Cardiff / Caerdydd)TITAN HOUSE, CARDIFF BAY BUSINESS CENTRE.
Parafia Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego(pl)Poland / Lubelskie / Lukyw (Łuków)Erazm Domaszewski, starosta łukowski, wybudował kościół i klasztor dla OO. Bernardynów w 1629 r. Obecny kościół parafialny murowany, wybudowany w latach 1766-1770, przez różnych fundatorów. Do 1864 r. byli tu Bernardyni. Po kasacie klasztoru przez rząd rosyjski, kościół obsługiwali księża
U K tharavad UK Khader Uluvar(ml)India / Kerala / Manjeshwar (Uluwar Abdullah Mohd Thayke House)
Pratt & Whitney Ltd. UK(en)United_Kingdom / England / Eastleigh
İlhan Selçuk Dikici Malikanesi(tr)Ukraine / Kyyivska / Khotiv İlhan Selçuk Dikici Malikanesi
Previous UK Visa Center(en)Jordan / Amman / Wadi_as-Sir (Amman)office building, united kingdom, visaThis office is NOT for UK VISA applications and issuing.. go to Shmeisani
Hailes Abbey (ruins of)(en)United_Kingdom / England / Winchcombe ruins, monastery, national trust property - UKOnce a celebrated pilgrimage site, the Cistercian abbey now lies in ruins. It was founded in 1246 by Earl Richard of Cornwall, the second son of King John (1199-1216) and the brother of King Henry III. Hailes became famous when
Przystń UKŻ BRAS Police(pl)Poland / Zachodnio-Pomorskie / Police (Police)police station, bras, plUczniowski Klub Żeglarski BRAS, jest jedynym w Policach klubem żeglarskim zrzeszającym młodzież i uczący ją sztuki żeglowania. Strona internetowa Klubu to:
Selçuk Ecza deposu (& Sitesi)(tr)India / Maharashtra / Kalyan
Porsche Cars (Reading dealer and UK headquarters)(en)United_Kingdom / England / Theale store / shop, porsche, cayman, carrera, turboBrilliantly engineered sports and supercars capable of being used daily and clocking up huge mileages over many years (most ever made are still on the road) History Ferdinand Porsche, founder of the Porsche firmThe first Porsche, the Porsche 64 of
Łuk Druzusa(pl)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rzym)arch, interesting placeW rzeczywistości fragment akweduktu.
silen's(uk) palace(en)Sri_Lanka / Yapanaya / Chavakachcheri
Chintamani's UK Residence(mr)Belgium / Hennegau / Tournai This is where Chintamani lived in Gloucester.
Attingham Park (National Trust)(en)United_Kingdom / England / Bayston_Hill house, park, interesting place, national trust property - UKElegant 18th-century mansion with Regency interiors, set in extensive Repton landscape with deer park.
King George Island(en)Antarctica / Sector_claimed_by_Argentina/Chile/UK / Comandante_Ferraz_-_permanent_station_of_Brazil island, antarcticaKing George Island is the largest of the South Shetland Islands, situated 120 kilometers off the coast of Antarctica in the Southern Ocean. It is approximately 95 kilometres long and 25 kilometres wide with a land area of 1150 square
King-George-Insel(de)Antarctica / Sector_claimed_by_Argentina/Chile/UK / Comandante_Ferraz_-_permanent_station_of_Brazil island, antarcticaDie King-George-Insel oder King George Island ist mit 1.150 km² Fläche die größte der Südlichen Shetlandinseln und liegt 120 Kilometer entfernt von der Küste Antarktikas. Über 90% der Inselfläche sind vergletschert. William Smith entdeckte die Insel 1819. Die Insel war
Isla Rey Jorge(es)Antarctica / Sector_claimed_by_Argentina/Chile/UK / Comandante_Ferraz_-_permanent_station_of_Brazil island, antarcticaLa isla Rey Jorge, llamada por los argentinos isla 25 de Mayo y por los rusos isla Waterloo (en ruso: остров Ватерлоо), es la mayor de las Islas Shetland del Sur en la Antártida. Más del 90% de la superficie
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