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A3(ro)Romania / Iasi / Iasi (Iaşi)apartment building
Sediu Raiffeisen(ro)Romania / Iasi / Iasi (Iaşi)bank
First Baptist Church of Iasi - "Buna Vestire" ("The Annunciation")(en)Romania / Iasi / Iasi (Iasi)Address: Str. Sararie, Nr. 32. Established 1928. Worship times: Sundays 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Thursdays 5:00 p.m. Youth meeting: Tuesdays 7:00 p.m. Youth website: Contacts:;;;
Sediu EON Moldova IASI(ro)Romania / Iasi / Iasi (Iaşi)
Birouri EON Moldova Iasi(ro)Romania / Iasi / Aroneanu (Iaşi)office building
Catedrala Romano-Catolica din Iasi(ro)Romania / Iasi / Iasi (Iaşi)churchNoua Catedrala Romano-Catolica din Iasi.
Poplars Odd - Natural and cultural monument(en)Romania / Iasi / Tomesti (Iasi)interesting place
Plopii fara sot(ro)Romania / Iasi / Tomesti (Iaşi)interesting place
Rezervatia paleontologica Repedea(ro)Romania / Iasi / Barnova region
Liceul Tehnoton(ro)Romania / Iasi / Iasi (Iaşi)Liceu Industrial
Podul Roş (Red Bridge) Square(en)Romania / Iasi / Iasi (Iasi)square, traffic, junction
Podul Ros(ro)Romania / Iasi / Iasi (Iaşi)square, traffic, junctionPiata
C. U. G. Iasi ghost station(en)Romania / Iasi / Iasi (Iasi)stationA former station for commuter trains, mostly used by workers of the former CUG factory, later known as Fortus. Build and opened for service ca.1984, closed and abandoned ca 1991.
comuna Voineşti(en)Romania / Iasi / Voinesti villageVillage and commune of Voineşti, Iaşi county, Romania
Lungani(en)Romania / Iasi / Voinesti villageVillage of Lungani, Commune of Voineşti, Iaşi County, Romania
Schitu Stavnic(en)Romania / Iasi / Voinesti villageVillage of Schitu Stavnic, Commune of Voineşti, Iaşi County, Romaniavilla
Vocoteşti(en)Romania / Iasi / Miroslava villageVillage of Vocoteşti, Commune of Voineşti, Iaşi County, Romania
Dumeşti(en)Romania / Iasi / Dumesti villageVillage and commune of Dumeşti, Iaşi County, Romania
Zimbru Intersection(en)Romania / Iasi / Iasi (Iasi)junction
Student campus - Building T11(en)Romania / Iasi / Iasi (Iasi)
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