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Politehnica Library(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)libraryUnfinished.
Biblioteca UPB(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)libraryIn constructie.
Esplanada Project(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)Project developed by TriGranit estimated at EUR 1 bio
Proiectul Esplanada(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)Proiect dezvoltat de TriGranit si estimat la 1 mild. EUR Pe acest loc se află lucrările neterminate (la nivel de fundaţii) ale "Centrului de Cultură şi Creaţie Cântarea României" începute de Ceauşescu pe locul celebrului cartier "La Crucea de
Lottery winners block of flats(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)barrier, block, lottery, apartment buildingHere lies the happy 6/49 Lottery winners. The block's motto is "Numai şase-s norocoase" (english translation: "we dedicated our lives to winning the lottery and living in this block that completely blocks any access for people that want to get
General School nr.52(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)school, Not approvedGeneral School nr.52 it is called School Iancului.Este a school full of good teachers, students talented and eager to learn!
General School Nr.52(fr)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucarest)school, Not approvedGeneral School Nr.52 elle est appelée École Iancului.Este une école pleine de bons enseignants, des étudiants talentueux et avides d'apprendre!
Generale Scuola Nr.52(it)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucarest)school, Not approvedGenerale Scuola Nr.52 si chiama Scuola Iancului.Este una scuola piena di buoni insegnanti, gli studenti di talento e voglia di imparare!
Scoala Generala Nr.52(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)school, Not approvedScoala Generala Nr.52 i se mai spune Scoala Iancului.Este o scoala plina de profesori buni,elevi talentati si dornici sa invete!
FIMM si IMST, corpurile CB, CD, CF si CK(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)universityFacultatea de Inginerie Mecanica si Mecatronica IMST
Semănătoarea subway station(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)metrou, statie
Statia de metrou Semanatoarea(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)metrou, statie
Yellow Pages(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)yellow, pagesSediul Pagini Aurii
Str. Focsani(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)
Assystem Romania(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)romania
Scoala Nr. 81(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)school, children, teachersSchool for classes I-VIII. Contained Turbo chewing-gum selling gipsy in the old days.
Şcoala 81(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)school, children, teachers
Grozavesti Subway Station Access(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)station, metrou, metro / subway / underground station
Statie metrou Grozavesti(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)station, metrou, metro / subway / underground station
National Heroes Memorial(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)memorial, monumentAfter World War I, Romania was among the first countries that, following the example of France, decided to build a monument dedicated to the memory of those who died on the battlefields. Thus, according to the Versailles Treaty, where each
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