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Intersecţia Toporaşi cu Giurgiului(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)Sector 5
Athenee Palace Hilton Bucharest(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)hotelHistoric hotel built in 1914 for passengers on the Orient Express. The exterior was modernized in the 1930s. It was restored in 1997, when a new wing was also added in the back. 1940s period photos:
Athénée Palace Hilton(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)hotelPe locul ocupat în secolul al XIX-lea de Hanul Gherasi a fost construit în anul 1912, după planul arhitectului francez Téophile Bradeau, hotelul Athénée Palace, prima construcţie de proporţii mai mari din Bucureşti cu schelet din beton armat. În anul
National Military Circle(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)restaurant, museum, military, cinema, complex
Military Circle(hu)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bukarest)restaurant, museum, military, cinema, complexMilitary Circle - jövőnk irányító központja a köztársaság
Cercul Militar National(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)restaurant, museum, military, cinema, complexCercul Militar National este institutie centrală, de interes national, cu profil cultural - educativ, artistic, recreativ - distractiv, precum si de imagine, reprezentare si protocol a Armatei.
Bucharest City Hall(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)hall, town, primary, romania,
Rathaus von Bukarest(de)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bukarest)hall, town, primary, romania, bucharestDas Rathaus von Bukarest wurde im rumänisch-nationalen Stil errichtet. Siehe:
Palatul Ministerului Lucrărilor Publice(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)hall, town, primary, romania, bucharestMonument istoric clasa A Arh. Petre Antonescu, 1906-1910 Azi Primăria Capitalei
University of Bucharest(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)universityThe University of Bucharest (Romanian: Universitatea din Bucureşti), in Romania, is a university founded in 1864 by decree of Prince Alexander John Cuza to convert the former Saint Sava Academy into the current University of Bucharest.
Universität Bukarest(de)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bukarest)universityDie Universität Bukarest (rumänisch Universitatea din Bucureşti) wurde 1694 durch Constantin Brâncoveanu als eine Akademie in Sankt Sava (Bukarest) gegründet, mit anfänglich griechisch-sprachigem Theologie- und Philosophieunterricht; Alexandru Ipsilanti erweitert die Vorlesungen 1776 auf Latein, Französisch und Italienisch. Im 19. Jahrhundert
Universitatea din Bucuresti(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)universityUniversitatea din Bucureşti (fondată în 1864) este o instituţie de invăţământ superior de stat din Bucureşti, România, o parte din facultăţile universităţii sunt amplaste în Palatul Universităţii din Piaţa Universităţii.
Romanian-American University(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)university, education, romania,
Rumänisch-Amerikanische Universität(de)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bukarest)university, education, romania, bucharest
Universitatea Romano-Americana(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)university, education, romania,
Montreal Square(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)square, romania, bucharest
Piata Montreal(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)square, romania, bucharest
World Trade Center Bucharest(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)square, world, commerce, romania, bucharest, hotelABN AMRO Romania Head Office
Pullman Bucarest(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)square, world, commerce, romania, bucharest, hotelHotel Pullman Bucarest World Trade Center 4* BB
Пуллман Бухарест(ru)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Бухарест)square, world, commerce, romania, bucharest, hotelПуллман Бухарест Ворд Трейд Центр (Софитель Бухарест) 4* BB Pullman Bucarest World Trade Center, Hotel Pullman Bucarest 10 Montreal Square Sect. 1, (formerly Sofitel Bucharest), Bucharest 11469, Romania
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