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Ahmad Abad Glacier(de)Pakistan / Northern_Areas / Hunza glacier, interesting place
Regenerated Glacier(de)Pakistan / Northern_Areas / Hunza glacier, interesting place
Ahmad abad hunza(en)Pakistan / Northern_Areas / Hunza hamlet, draw only borderDon't mistake vigor for hurry. the progress made by the people of this small isolated hamlet perching on a massive rock is examplory. People living in villages around ahmedabad can emulate the organizational skills adroitly adopted by the inhabitants.
Ahmed abad(de)Pakistan / Northern_Areas / Hunza hamlet, draw only borderThis area is also part of Altit Village. this area is very famous for unity among its people. The identity of people of this area is that they are always in hurry. Regards: Karamat Ali
x(ro)Pakistan / Northern_Areas / Hunza
Chhungphar Glacier(de)Pakistan / Northern_Areas / Gilgit glacier, interesting placea very impressive Glacier streaming downwards from Rakhiot Peak and Chongra Peak
naik alam House add by mir baz hunzai(en)Pakistan / Northern_Areas / Gilgit house, alam, naik, mir, baznaik alam udc at karakrum international unversity gilgit causin of mir baz khan hunza
Darzi Muhammad Hussain Murhoom Mughal Haydri Muhallah(en)Pakistan / Northern_Areas / Gilgit (Gilgit )
Bai? Khem , co`n go.i la` bai? San Fancisco(vi)Pakistan / Northern_Areas / Gilgit Bai? bie^?n na^`y hi`nh vo`ng cung ,ca't tra('ng tuye^.t dde.p
Ali House Numbadar Calony(fr)Pakistan / Northern_Areas / Gilgit (Gilgit )
Imam Bargha Basin Pain(vi)Pakistan / Northern_Areas / Gilgit (Gilgit )
Girls Middle School basin(vi)Pakistan / Northern_Areas / Gilgit (Gilgit )
Regenerierter Gletscher unter Mirshikar(de)Pakistan / Northern_Areas / Hunza glacier, interesting place
Gletschertor Regenerierter Gletscher(de)Pakistan / Northern_Areas / Hunza interesting place
Haydri Muhalah Nagral( Nani Hatt) Mughal coloni(en)Pakistan / Northern_Areas / Gilgit (Gilgit )
Hasanabad Glacier(de)Pakistan / Northern_Areas / Hunza glacier, interesting placeone of the plenty medium sized glaciers of the Karakoram Range
Minapin Glacier(de)Pakistan / Northern_Areas / Hunza glacier, interesting place
Stelle eines gewaltigen Bergsturzes(de)Pakistan / Northern_Areas / Hunza (Sub Division Nagar-1)point, geology, interesting place
Wandfußgletscher(de)Pakistan / Northern_Areas / Gilgit glacier, interesting placeErnährung überwiegend durch Lawinen
Sher Qillah(en)Pakistan / Northern_Areas / Gilgit station, townGhizer
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