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Plaza del milagro(es)Italy / Toscana / Pisa (Pisa)square, UNESCO World Heritage Site, garden
Piazza dei Miracoli(it)Italy / Toscana / Pisa (Pisa)square, UNESCO World Heritage Site, garden
Piazza dei Miracoli(nl)Italy / Toscana / Pisa (Pisa)square, UNESCO World Heritage Site, gardenDe Piazza dei Miracoli ("Plein van de wonderen") is een groot ommuurd gebied in het centrum van Pisa, Toscane, Italië, bekend als een van de belangrijkste centra van Middeleeuwse kunst in de wereld. Deels bestraat en deels met gras begroeid
Praça dos Milagres(pt)Italy / Toscana / Pisa (Pisa)square, UNESCO World Heritage Site, garden
Piazza dei Miracoli(ru)Italy / Toscana / Pisa (Пиза)square, UNESCO World Heritage Site, garden
Sheshi i Mrekullive(sq)Italy / Toscana / Pisa (Piza)square, UNESCO World Heritage Site, garden
Constantine's Basilica(en)Germany / Rheinland-Pfalz / Trier (Trier)church, site, historic, UNESCO World Heritage SiteThis building was a Roman basilica which was used as a throne room by Constintine the Great, when Trier was one of the capitals of the Roman Empire. Today, it is the main Lutheran church in otherwise Catholic Trier.
Konstantinsbasilika(de)Germany / Rheinland-Pfalz / Trier (Trier)church, site, historic, UNESCO World Heritage SiteDie Aula (Thronsaal) des früheren kaiserlichen Palasts.
Herculaneum(en)Italy / Campania / Portici (Naples )city, museum, ruins, eruption, UNESCO World Heritage SiteIt is most famous for having been lost, along with Pompeii, in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius beginning on August 24, AD 79, which buried them in superheated pyroclastic material that has solidified into volcanic tuff. Since the discovery of
Herculano(es)Italy / Campania / Portici (Nápoles)city, museum, ruins, eruption, UNESCO World Heritage SiteHerculano, en italiano Ercolano, era una antigua ciudad romana de la región de Campania, más pequeña y más rica que Pompeya. Hoy es conocida por haberse conservado, junto con Pompeya, debido al hecho de haber sido enterrada en las cenizas
Ercolano(it)Italy / Campania / Portici (Napoli)city, museum, ruins, eruption, UNESCO World Heritage SiteLa città di Ercolano, già gravemente danneggiata dal terremoto del 62, venne distrutta dall'eruzione del Vesuvio (79), che la coprì con un'ingentissima massa di fango, cenere ed altri materiali eruttivi trascinati dall'acqua piovana che, penetrando in ogni apertura, si solidificò
Herkulanum(pl)Italy / Campania / Portici (Neapol - granice metropolii)city, museum, ruins, eruption, UNESCO World Heritage SiteHerkulanum - Scavi Ercolani. Zaczarowane, warte odwiedzenia miejsce. Jedno z dwóch większych miast pogrzebanych przez erupcję Wezuwiusza w 79r. ne. Miejsce odkryć przedmiotów niezwykle cennych, o równie niezwykłym znaczeniu dla poznania i zrozumienia tragedii sprzed dwudziestu wieków.
Herculano(pt)Italy / Campania / Portici (Nápoles)city, museum, ruins, eruption, UNESCO World Heritage SiteHerculano (em latim Herculaneum e italiano Ercolano) era uma antiga cidade romana na região da Campânia, província de Nápoles. Ficou muito conhecida por ter sido conservada, junto com a cidade de Pompéia, depois de ter sido soterrada pela cinzas da
Геркуланум(ru)Italy / Campania / Portici (Неаполь)city, museum, ruins, eruption, UNESCO World Heritage SiteРуины древнеримского города, погибшего при извержении Везувия в 79 году н. э.
Horyu-ji Temple(en)Japan / Nara / Ikagura temple, buddhist temple, UNESCO World Heritage Site, historic, interesting placeHōryū-ji is a Shotoku Buddist Temple. The Oldest wooden building in the world. This first temple is believed to have been completed by 607. UNESCO World Heritage Site
法隆寺(ja)Japan / Nara / Ikagura temple, buddhist temple, UNESCO World Heritage Site, historic, interesting place仏教寺院。 世界でもっとも古い木造建築である。 西暦 607 年に聖徳太子が建立したとされる。 1993 年世界遺産に登録された。
호류지(ko)Japan / Nara / Ikagura temple, buddhist temple, UNESCO World Heritage Site, historic, interesting place
Old town of Cracow(en)Poland / Malopolskie / Krakow (Kraków)city, cracow, krakow, UNESCO World Heritage Site, historic, interesting place, monument
Ciudad Vieja(es)Poland / Malopolskie / Krakow (Cracovia)city, cracow, krakow, UNESCO World Heritage Site, historic, interesting place, monument
Krokuvos Senamiestis(lt)Poland / Malopolskie / Krakow (Krokuva)city, cracow, krakow, UNESCO World Heritage Site, historic, interesting place, monument
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