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Former CompUSA(en)USA / New_Jersey / Freehold abandonedCompUSA - Computers and Electronics
Deep Lake Prison (abandoned)(en)USA / Florida / Plantation_Island prison, abandonedAlso once known as the Copeland Prison, or Jerome Road Prison, this site was opened in 1952, after the site was deeded by Barron Collier to the State of Florida. It was no longer used by the Florida Department of
Jane's Country Store (abandoned)(en)USA / Florida / Plantation_Island (Copeland)abandonedOnce known as J. B. James & Co. Store, this location had a general store located here (possibly renamed "Janes") until the road was re-paved in 1999; It was originally part of the Lee Cypress logging company. They issued tokens
former SAM site (Dal)(en)Russia / Leningrad / Pervomayskoye military, abandoned, samFormerly Air defence base. Trials of this long range surface-to-air missile were conducted in 1960-1963 but the project was cancelled after the system failed to down a single target. V-200 missiles were installed in the Dal installations built around Leningrad
Позиции ЗРК "Даль"(ru)Russia / Leningrad / Pervomayskoye military, abandoned, sam219 ЗРП (Зенитно Ракетный Полк) п/о Первомайское В/ч 06534 позывной "Тайвань" 5 дивизионов: Кукла, Кулак, Луза, Независимый, Отводка На вооружении ЗРК С-200, С-125, С-75. В настоящий момент выведен из эксплуатации. Фотографии современного состояния с комментариями и пояснениями ветерана служившего в
Former Denny's(en)USA / Maryland / Clinton abandonedThis Denny's closed in the Summer of 2006. Previously, this Denny's had been open since the 1970s. During the late 1980s, it was shut down for about a week with health code violations. Since then, it had significantly cleaned up
Former Friendly's(en)USA / Maryland / Clinton abandonedThis former Friendly's location opened in the early 1990s and closed in the early 2000s.
Pernicano's (Abandoned)(en)USA / California / San_Diego (San Diego)In its heyday, Pernicano's was one of the most popular Italian restaurants in San Diego. There are a few other Pernicano's restaurants in San Diego but this one in Hillcrest has been closed for 20 years. Sometimes if you pass
Former Circuit City(en)USA / Maryland / Waldorf abandonedThis Circuit City originally opened in the 1980s. It was completely remodeled in 2004 with a new format & Closed in 2009
Руины недостроенного универмага(ru)Russia / Moskovskaja_Oblast / Solnechnogorsk (Солнечногорск)abandoned, disappeared objectЗдание простояло достаточно долго, но так и не нашло своего хозяина. Совсем недавно было снесено.
Good Time Park (abandoned)(en)USA / New_York / Goshen Harness racing track. Hosted Hambletonian race 1930-1956. Closed after Hambletonian departed, all facilites demolished.
Camp O'Ryan (a.k.a. Wethersfield Rifle Range, abandoned)(en)USA / New_York / Gainesville Opened in 1949 as the Wethersfield Range, situated on 375 acres of land said to have been owned by Ed Don George (wrestler, promoter, naval commander) and leased to the federal government for 25 years. In 1952 renamed Camp O'Ryan
Old Military camp "Pavlos Melas"(en)Greece / Thessaloniki / Polikhni (Thessaloniki)military, abandoned, caserne
Πρώην Στρατόπεδο Παύλου Μελά(el)Greece / Thessaloniki / Polikhni (Πολεδομικό Συγκρότημα Θεσσαλονίκης)military, abandoned, caserneΤο στρατόπεδο ιδρύθηκε το 1881 και επεκτάθηκε από τον Ελληνικό Στρατό μετά την απελευθέρωση. Στη διάρκεια της κατοχής ήταν στρατόπεδο συγκέντρωσης αντιστασιακών, τόπος εκτελέσεων και βασανιστηρίων. Οι στρατιωτικές μονάδες απομακρύνθηκαν σταδιακά και σήμερα είναι εγκαταλειμμένο. Προωθείται η ανάπλαση του χώρου
The former position of S-25 (Berkut) Pestovo. "(en)Russia / Moskovskaja_Oblast / Yakovlevskoye military, msu, abandoned, samA former air defense complexes in Moscow. Withdrawn weapons. One of the venues of the charges the military department Fizfaka MSU. ... At the beginning of 1953 in Moscow was surrounded construction of air defense systems S-25 Berkut. By Information
Стартовая позиция 614 полка «Табельщик» («Пестово»). Бывш. стартовая позиция ЗРК С-25 «Пестово»(ru)Russia / Moskovskaja_Oblast / Yakovlevskoye military, msu, abandoned, samБывшие стартовые позиции ЗРК С-25 (позиция «Пестово»). Бывшие стартовые позиции ЗРК С-25 "Беркут" 1-го кольца ПВО Москвы. SA-1 по классификации НАТО. Один из 56 зенитно-ракетных комплексов системы ПВО С-25, окружающих двумя кольцами Москву. Одно из мест проведения сборов военной кафедры
Huber Coal Breaker(en)USA / Pennsylvania / Ashley exploration, abandoned, coal, breaker, urbex, anthracite, interesting place, urban areaLargest remaining Anthracite Coal Breaking plant of its kind. Abandoned. Great photo-ops for Urban Explorers. Please Keep your exploring safe!
Причал(ru)Russia / Moskovskaja_Oblast / Khimki (Москва)abandoned, quayПричал. Не действует
Abandoned RR Tunnel(en)USA / Pennsylvania / Nuangola Old railroad tunnel entrance with no exit. The other end of the tunnel was sealed when Interstate 81 was built. You have to climb half way down the gorge, near the power line, just to see it. It was part
Ninigret Park, Naval Auxiliary Air Station Charlestown(en)USA / Rhode_Island / Charlestown airport, military, abandonedThis park occupies the former Charlestown Naval Auxiliary Air Station. George Bush Senior Trained here when it was a functional air base. The base was closed in 1974.
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