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واو الناموس(ar)Chad / Bourkou-Ennedi-Tibesti / Aouzou volcano, vodka
Вау ан-Намус(ru)Chad / Bourkou-Ennedi-Tibesti / Aouzou volcano, vodkaВау ан-Намус – потухший вулкан в Ливии. Внутри кальдеры расположены три небольших солёных озера.
Volcán Tunupa(es)Bolivia / Potosi / Uyuni volcanoNorth identification landmark for navigating on the Salar de Uyuni. The Tunapa (or Thunupa)vulcano has a height of 5400m and can be seen from the entire Salar. Photo here :
Volcan Thunupa (ou Tunapa)(fr)Bolivia / Potosi / Uyuni volcanoLe volcan Thunupa domine le salar d'Uyuni du haut de ses 5400 mètres. Les couleurs de son cratère sont magnifiques. Photo ici :
Çıldır Kayabeyi Köyü İlköğretim Okulu(tr)USA / Texas / Marshall school, volcano, ardahan, kayabeyi, yerliVefa Borcu!! Bölgesel kalkınmada kuşkusuz ki en büyük etken olan ''eğitim'', bu topraklarda maalesef hiç de kolay yapılamıyor... Bölgenin sosyo-ekonomik durumu, ağır coğrafi-iklimsel şartları ve buna benzer birçok engel; belki de ileride Türkiye'nin hatta ''dünyanın'' kaderine yön verebilecek bu fidanları
One Tree Hill Obelisk(en)New_Zealand / Auckland / Auckland memorial, park, volcano, extinctOne Tree Hill (or Maungakiekie in Māori) is a 182 metre volcanic peak. The hill's scoria cones erupted 20,000 - 30,000 years ago, creating lava flows that covered an area of 20 square kilometres, mostly towards Onehunga, making it the
Xitle volcano(en)Mexico / Mexico / Zacamulpa (Mexico City)mountain, volcanoSmall volcano. It last erupted in 400 A.C. completely covering with lava the Cuicuilco City-state, except for the tallest, "round" pyramid still visible about 4.5 miles northeast.
Volcán Xitle(es)Mexico / Mexico / Zacamulpa (Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México)mountain, volcano
Extinct Volcano(en)Mexico / Baja_California_Sur / Santa_Rosalia Island with a volcano at the heart of it.
Kelimutu(en)Indonesia / Nusa_Tenggara_Timur / Ende mountain, lake, volcanoKelimutu is a volcano with three summit crater lakes of varying colors. The western lake, Tiwi Ata Mbupu (Lake of Old People) is commonly blue. Tiwu Nua Muri Kooh Tai (Lake of Young Men and Maidens) and Tiwu Ata Polo
Kelimutu(fr)Indonesia / Nusa_Tenggara_Timur / Ende mountain, lake, volcanoLe Kelimutu est un volcan au centre de l'île de Florès en Indonésie. Il possède trois lacs de cratère au sommet ayant des couleurs variées. Le lac le plus à l'ouest, le Tiwu Ata Mbupu (Lac des gens agés) est
Kelimutu(id)Indonesia / Nusa_Tenggara_Timur / Ende mountain, lake, volcanoGunung Kelimutu adalah salah satu Gunung berapi di Pulau Flores, tepatnya terletak di Desa Koanara, Kecamatan Wolowaru, Kabupaten Ende. Gunung berapi ini memiliki tiga kawah berair pada puncaknya yang membentuk tida buah danau. Hal unik dari ketiga danau-danau iti adalah
Gunung Galunggung-Mt. Galunggung(en)Indonesia / Jawa_Barat / Singaparna mountain, volcanoStratovolcano, elevation 2168 meters above sea level West Java, Indonesia
Gunung Galunggung(id)Indonesia / Jawa_Barat / Singaparna mountain, volcano
Telomoyo Volcano, 1894 m(en)Indonesia / Jawa_Tengah / Salatiga volcanoAlso called Telemojo. The volcano lies next to the town of Dalangan in central Java. No recent eruptions at the volcano.
Gunung Telmoyo(de)Indonesia / Jawa_Tengah / Salatiga volcanoDer Gunung Telmoyo (indonesisch Gunung - Berg) hat eine Höhe von ca. 1894 Metern.
Gunung Telmoyo(id)Indonesia / Jawa_Tengah / Salatiga volcano
Gunung Talang(en)Indonesia / Sumatera_Barat / Solok mountain, volcanoMount Talang (Indonesian: Gunung Talang) is a stratovolcano which is in West Sumatra, Indonesia. Its elevation is 2,690 metres (9,825 feet). Following a minor eruption in April 2005, over 25,000 inhabitants of the local area were evacuated due to fears
Gunung Talang(id)Indonesia / Sumatera_Barat / Solok mountain, volcanoGunung Talang (nama lainnya Salasi atau Sulasi) terletak di Kabupaten Solok, Provinsi Sumatra Barat, Indonesia; tepatnya di Nagari Batu Beras, 9 km dari Kota Kayu Aro Kabupaten Solok, sekitar 40 km sebelah timur Padang.Gunung bertipe strato vulkanis dengan ketinggian 2.597
Gunung Talang(ms)Indonesia / Sumatera_Barat / Solok mountain, volcanoGunung Talang adalah terletak di daerah Solok, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia, ataupun di negeri Batu Beras, 9km dari Kota Kayu Aro daerah Solok ataupun 40km sebelah timur Padang.Ketinggian Gunung Talang adalah berukuran 2.597 m persegi dan merupakan salah satu dari enam
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