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Zhibe (Tripe)(en)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Along villageScattered village (chin.: Zhibai cun) near Yarlung Zangbo in Mainling county.
Siyom River(en)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Along riverSiyom river
Along(en)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Along city, townAlong town, the district HQ of West Siang district, Arunachal Pradesh. This entire valley is a picnic spot for the next 60 kms upstream. This is next to Yomgo or Siyom river. This river forms by the upstream by the
Brahmaputra (Sang Po) River(en)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Along mountain
Namcha Barwa Ri 7782 m(en)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Along china, mountain, summit, himalaya, tibet
南迦巴瓦峰(cn)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Along china, mountain, summit, himalaya, tibet
Namjagbarwa (Namcha Barwa Ri) 7782 m(de)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Along china, mountain, summit, himalaya, tibetDer östlichste Siebentausender des Himalaya ragt als gletscherbedecktes Massiv himmelhoch (Höhendifferenz zum Teil 5500 m!)über der gewaltigen Schlucht des Brahmaputra (Yarlung Tsangpo) auf.
Monte de Namcha Barwa Ri (7782 m)(es)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Along china, mountain, summit, himalaya, tibet
Bundok Namcha Barwa Ri (7782 m)(tl)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Along china, mountain, summit, himalaya, tibetIka-28 na pinakamataas na bundok sa buong mundo.
南迦巴瓦峰(zh)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Along china, mountain, summit, himalaya, tibet南迦巴瓦峰海拔7782米,高度排在世界最高峰行列的第15位,但它前面的14座高山全是海拔8000米以上山峰,因此南迦巴瓦峰是喜马拉雅山东端最高峰。“南迦巴瓦”藏语意为“直刺蓝天的战矛”。巨大的三角形峰体终年积雪,云遮雾盖,难以见其真容。南巴瓦峰也叫那木卓巴尔山,藏语意为“天上掉下来的石头”,有“众山之父”之称。在雅鲁藏布江大拐弯的南侧,它是林芝、墨脱、米林的界山,处于喜马拉雅山和念青唐古拉山的会合处。
Gyala Peri 7294 m(en)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Along mountain, summit
加拉白壘峰(cn)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Along mountain, summit加拉白壘峰海拔7294米。她与世界第十五高峰--南迦巴瓦峰隔江對峙,兩峰僅距20公里。加拉白壘峰的走向為東西弧形排列,主脊線上向南側、西北側增生著數條支脊, 多為陡壁懸崖。山谷中發育著數十條冰川。其頂部比較平展,常年被冰雪覆蓋。加拉白壘峰于1986年10月30日被日本喜瑪拉雅登山隊三名隊員首次成功登上加拉白壘峰。
加拉白垒峰(zh)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Along mountain, summit加拉白垒峰海拔7294米。她与世界第十五高峰--南迦巴瓦峰隔江对峙,两峰仅距20公里。加拉白垒峰的走向为东西弧形排列,主脊线上向南侧、西北侧增生著数条支脊,多为陡壁悬崖。山谷中发育着数十条冰川。其顶部比较平展,常年被冰雪覆盖。加拉白垒峰于1986年10月30日被日本喜玛拉雅登山队三名队员首次成功登上加拉白垒峰。
Yingkiong(en)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Along city
Siyom River(en)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Along riverSiyom River
Siyom River(ja)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Along river
Linzhi Airport(en)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Along airportLinzhi Airport, the third civil airport in Tibet, was into operation in 2006. Involving a total investment of RMB780 million Linzhi Airport is one of the key projects within the Tibet Autonomous Region. Located 2949 meters above sea level, Linzhi
林芝機場(cn)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Along airport林芝機場位於青藏高原東南部雅魯藏布江河谷地帶,周圍都是海拔4000多米、常年被雲霧籠罩的高山峻嶺,天氣情況複雜,地理環境較惡劣,對飛機的起降有很大程度的影響。
林芝机场(zh)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Along airport林芝机场位于青藏高原东南部雅鲁藏布江河谷地带,周围都是海拔4000多米、常年被云雾笼罩的高山峻岭,天气情况复杂,地理环境较恶劣,对飞机的起降有很大程度的影响。。
Jiongpu Cuo(en)India / Arunachal_Pradesh / Along lakeBrahmaputra source ,,,, route As per my research this is the source (Brahmaputra starts somewhere in the Western Tibet as per river maps. May be what you mean is that this lake is the biggest contributor of water to Brahmaputra,
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