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John's Clothing(en)USA / Washington / Battle_Ground (Battle Ground, Washington)store / shop
Chevron(en)USA / Washington / Battle_Ground (Battle Ground, Washington)petrol / gas station
Gianoulis Factory(el)USA / Washington / Battle_Ground Gianoulis Factory
Bankton House(en)United_Kingdom / Scotland / Cockenzie scottish, scotland, historic, battleHouse of Colonel Gardiner killed by Highlanders in the battle of Prestonpans 1745.
Morningside(en)United_Kingdom / Scotland / Newmains school, battle, primary, lanarkshireMorningside, a village which contains Morningside Primary School. Site of battle by Scots against Richard II in 1385.
Direction Island(en)External_Territories_(Australia) / Cocos_Islands / Bantam island, naval, battleLocation of "Battle of Cocos" on 9 November 1914 during World War I between German cruiser SMS Emden und the Australian cruiser HMAS Sydney, see:
Direction Island(de)External_Territories_(Australia) / Cocos_Islands / Bantam island, naval, battleOrt des Gefechts bei den Kokosinseln zwischen dem deutschen Kreuzer SMS Emden und dem australischen Kreuzer HMAS Sydney am 9. November 1914, siehe:
Black Hawk crash site 1(pl)Somalia / Banadir / Mogadishu site, irene, hawk, somalia, seal, ranger, rpg, battle, helicopter, down, crash site, police station, military, urban areaThe area where Black Hawk helicopter crashed during the Ranger/Delta force operation to capture somalian warlords.
Wakde Island (INDONESIA)(en)Indonesia / Papua / Aberpura world, island, military, war, battleSite of American amphibious landing on 16 May 1944 to capture airfield.
Battle Ground Cinema(en)USA / Washington / Meadow_Glade (Battle Ground, Washington)cinema
Music World(en)USA / Washington / Battle_Ground (Battle Ground, Washington)
1914 Battle memorial(en)Falkland_Islands / Falkland_Islands / Port_Stanley (Stanley)statue, memorial, warThe memorial to the brave men who fought in the Battle of the Falklands on Dec. 8th 1914, 5 German warships were sunk. Following Admiral Graf Maximilian von Spee's success on1 November 1914 at the Battle of Coronel, off the
Thermopylae(en)Greece / Fthiytis / Mylos ancient, battle, spartaPlace of the battle of Thermopylae. The road marks the coast line at that time. Ὦ ξεῖν', ἀγγέλλειν Λακεδαιμονίοις ὅτι τῇδε κείμεθα, τοῖς κείνων ῥήμασι πειθόμενοι. Stranger, bear this message to the Spartans, that we lie here obedient to their
Στενα Θερμοπυλων(el)Greece / Fthiytis / Mylos ancient, battle, sparta
Termopili(it)Greece / Fthiytis / Mylos ancient, battle, spartain questo luogo si è svolta la storia battaglia, questa zona dovrebbe corrispondere alla costa a quei tempi (che ora il fiume ha riempito)
Фермопилы (Θερμοπύλες)(ru)Greece / Fthiytis / Mylos ancient, battle, spartaФермопилы (греч. Θερμοπύλαι или Θερμοπύλες, букв. «тёплые ворота») — узкий проход в Этейской возвышенности между Фессалией и Локридой, близ южного берега Малийского залива, получивший своё название от двух горячих серных источников, находящихся по соседству с ним. В истории Греции Фермопильское
Naval Battle of Salamis(en)Greece / Attiki / Perama sea, battle, salamis, interesting place, invisibleThe small tract of water where one of the most important naval battles in human history, the Battle of Salamis, was decided. The vastly superior Persian navy was defeated by the allied Greek naval forces in September of 480 BC,
Schlacht von Salamis(de)Greece / Attiki / Perama sea, battle, salamis, interesting place, invisibleDie Seeschlacht von Salamis fand am 28. September (nach anderen Quellen 23. oder 24., exaktes Datum umstritten) 480 v. Chr. zwischen Griechen und Persern bei Salamis statt. Diese Schlacht war eine der bedeutendsten Seeschlachten im Mittelmeerraum in der Antike. Im
Ναυμαχία της Σαλαμίνας(el)Greece / Attiki / Perama sea, battle, salamis, interesting place, invisible"Ω παίδες Ελλήνων ίτε, ελευθερούτε πατρίδα, ελευθερούτε δε παίδας, γυναίκας, θεών τε πατρώων έδη θήκας τε προγόνων. Νυν υπέρ πάντων αγών" (Παιάνας των Αθηναίων)
Batalla naval de Salamina(es)Greece / Attiki / Perama sea, battle, salamis, interesting place, invisibleLa batalla de Salamina fue decisiva para la conservacion y evolucion de la cultura occidente.Hecho historico con la misma importancia fue la batalla de Poitiers(732 dC)
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