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Hotel Ibis Berlin City West(en)Germany / Berlin / Berlin (Berlin)hotel, restaurant, berlinA good cheap hotel.
Glienicke Palace(en)Germany / Brandenburg / Potsdam (Berlin)palace, interesting placeGlienicke Palace is located on the Island of Wannsee, near the Glienicke Bridge, on the B1 across from the Glienicke Hunting Lodge. It was designed by Karl Friedrich Schinkel for Prince Carl of Prussia in 1826, The building, originally merely
World Harvest Church(en)USA / Wisconsin / New_Berlin Formerly Calhoun Elementary School (195?-2003)
Willy Brandt House - Secretariat of the SPD(en)Germany / Berlin / Berlin (Berlin)house, politics, social, secretary, democratic, partei, labour, spdWilly Brandt House in Berlin-Kreuzberg houses the headquarters of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (German: Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands, SPD).
Memorial for the Spanish Civil War Combatants(en)Germany / Berlin / Berlin (Berlin)parkThe "Memorial of 3000 Interbrigadists" in the Spanish Civil War is build in 1968, by the East German Government to remember the republican fighters in the civil war.
House of Economy - Haus der Wirtschaft(en)Germany / Berlin / Berlin (Berlin)lobby, interest, bda, wirtschaftSince 1999 the House of Trade (German: Haus der Wirtschaft) houses various lobby and interest groups. * Federation of German Industries - Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie BDI * Confederation of German Employers' Associations - Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeidgeberverbände BDA *
Berolinahaus(en)Germany / Berlin / Berlin (Berlin)Historic office building built in 1929 to designs by Peter Behrena, restored 2005-6.
Alexanderhaus(en)Germany / Berlin / Berlin (Berlin)bankHistoric office building built in 1930 as a twin to the adjacent Berolinahaus, restored by the Landesbank Berlin 1993-5.
Embassy of the Netherlands(en)Germany / Berlin / Berlin (Berlin)netherlands, rem, embassy, botschaft, koolhaasA modern building designed by the Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas. (only available in Dutch and German)
Site of the new Central Library of the Humboldt University and the Grimm Centre(en)Germany / Berlin / Berlin (Berlin)university, library, humboldt
International Trade Centre - Internationales Handelszentrum(en)Germany / Berlin / Berlin (Berlin)germany, berlin, international, east, centre, commerce, ddr, gdrThe International Trade Centre is a 93,5 meter high office building. It is built between 1976 and 1978, during the East German era. It was originaly built for the international trade representatives in the German Democratic republic. The two buildings
Federal Union of German Banks(en)Germany / Berlin / Berlin (Berlin)bank, union, lobbyThe Federal Union of German Banks (German: Bundesverband deutscher Banken) is an interest and lobby group for the private banks in Germany
State Representation Office of Saxony(en)Germany / Berlin / Berlin (Berlin)state, office building, embassy, botschaft, saxony, representation, landesvertretung, historical building
Saint Michael's Church(en)Germany / Berlin / Berlin (Berlin)church, christianity, kreuzberg, mitte, catholicism, historical building
Friedrichswerder Church(en)Germany / Berlin / Berlin (Berlin)church, museum, berlin, gothic art, neo, The Friedrichswerder Church (German Friedrichswerdersche Kirche) was the first Neo-Gothic church built in Berlin, Germany. It was designed by an architect better known for his Neoclassical architecture, Karl Friedrich Schinkel, and was built under his direction, 1824-1831. The building
Berlin City Library - Old Stables(en)Germany / Berlin / Berlin (Berlin)berlin, librarySince 1921 the Berlin City Library (German: Berliner Stadtbibliothek) is located in the Old Stables (German:Alte Marstall). The building was destroyed in the Second World War and reconstructed in 1952 by the East German Government. In the sixties a new
Nordsternhaus - Berlin State Ministry of Justice(en)Germany / Berlin / Berlin (Berlin)state, berlin, governmentThis is the location of the Berlin State Ministry of Justice (German: Senatsverwaltung für Justiz)
Leipziger Platz(en)Germany / Berlin / Berlin (Berlin)squareLeipziger Platz (English: Leipzig Square) is an octagonal square in the centre of Berlin. It is located along Leipziger Straße just east of and adjacent to the Potsdamer Platz. Leipziger Platz was reduced to ruins during the Second World War
The Berlin Inn(en)USA / Oregon / Portland (Portland)restaurantGerman restaurant with weekly Stammtisch.
Former "South curve" of AVUS circuit(en)Germany / Brandenburg / Kleinmachnow (Berlin)circuitKnown as Südkurve, it was merely a hairpin turn connecting both lanes of a limited-access highway.
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