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Brama Mostowa(pl)Poland / Kujawsko-Pomorskie / Torun (Toruń)gate, medieval, brama, interesting place, bridgeStoi u wylotu ul. Mostowej; została zbudowana w 1432 roku przez budowniczego miejskiego, Hansa Gotlanda. Brama Mostowa, będąca najmłodszą, różni się od innych bram toruńskich okrągłymi narożnikami oraz wprowadzonym oblankowaniem szczytu. Brama pełniła poważne funkcje militarne i była przystosowana do
O'Connell Bridge(en)Ireland / Dublin / Dublin (Dublin (Baile Átha Cliath))webcam, bridgeO'Connell Bridge is a road bridge spanning the River Liffey in Dublin, and joining O'Connell Street to D'Olier Street and the south quays. Unique in Europe in that it is wider than it is long. 'Connell_Bridge Live view of
Droichead Uí Chonaill(ga)Ireland / Dublin / Dublin (Baile Átha Cliath (Dubh Linn))webcam, bridge
Ha'penny Bridge(en)Ireland / Dublin / Dublin (Dublin (Baile Átha Cliath))bridgeThe Ha'penny Bridge (known later for a time as the Penny Ha'penny Bridge) is a pedestrian bridge built in 1816 over the River Liffey in Dublin, Ireland. Originally called the Wellington Bridge (after the Duke of Wellington), the bridge got
Puente de la Barqueta(es)Spain / Sevilla / Sevilla (Sevilla)bridge
Millennium Bridge(en)Ireland / Dublin / Dublin (Dublin (Baile Átha Cliath))bridgeThe Millennium Bridge is a pedestrian bridge spanning the River Liffey in Dublin, joining Eustace Street in Temple Bar to the north quays. Installed in November 1999, to commemorate the new millennium (2000), the span was actually constructed fifty miles
Droichead na Mílaoise(ga)Ireland / Dublin / Dublin (Baile Átha Cliath (Dubh Linn))bridge
The Triple Bridge(en)Slovenia / Osrednjeslovenska / Ljubljana (Ljubljana)architecture, plecnik, triple,
Tromostovje(sl)Slovenia / Osrednjeslovenska / Ljubljana (Ljubljana)architecture, plecnik, triple, bridge
Тромостовје(sr)Slovenia / Osrednjeslovenska / Ljubljana (Љубљана)architecture, plecnik, triple, bridgeТромостовје је сет три моста на Прешерновом тргу у центру Љубљане на реци Љубљаници. Два моста су намењена пешацима а један је био намењен промету. Повезује Прешернов трг и Стритарјеву улицу.
East Link(en)Ireland / Dublin / Dublin (Dublin (Baile Átha Cliath))toll bridgeThe East-Link (Irish: Droichead an Nascbhóthair Thoir) is a toll bridge in Dublin, Ireland, on the River Liffey,
Droichead an Nascbhóthair Thoir(ga)Ireland / Dublin / Dublin (Baile Átha Cliath (Dubh Linn))toll bridge
The Brooklyn Bridge(en)USA / New_Jersey / Hoboken (New York City)interesting place, suspension bridge, bridgeArguably the most influential bridge in American history, and (with the possible exception of San Francisco's Golden Gate) its most famous, the Brooklyn Bridge remains one of New York City’s most celebrated architectural wonders. Designed by the brilliant engineer John
جسر الصرافية(ar)USA / New_Jersey / Hoboken (نيويورك)interesting place, suspension bridge, bridgeجسر الصرافيه : و واحد من أقدم الجسور المعلقة في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية يمتد فوق نهر الشرق بطول 5989 قدما (1825 متر) ليصل بين منطقتي مانهاتن وبروكلين بمدينة نيويورك
мост "Бруклин"(bg)USA / New_Jersey / Hoboken (Ню Йорк)interesting place, suspension bridge, bridge
Brooklyn Bridge(de)USA / New_Jersey / Hoboken (New York City)interesting place, suspension bridge, bridgeDie Brooklyn Bridge (ursprünglich New York and Brooklyn Bridge) in New York City ist eine der ältesten Hängebrücken der USA. Sie überspannt den East River und verbindet die Stadtteile Manhattan und Brooklyn miteinander. Zum Zeitpunkt ihrer Fertigstellung war die Brooklyn
Γέφυρα Μπρούκλιν(el)USA / New_Jersey / Hoboken (Νέα Υόρκη)interesting place, suspension bridge, bridge
Brooklyn híd(hu)USA / New_Jersey / Hoboken (New York City)interesting place, suspension bridge, bridgeVitathatatlanul az amerikai történelem egyik legkiemelkedőbb hídja a Brooklyn híd, mely New York City egyik építészeti csodája. Egy kiváló mérnök tervezte John Augustus Roebling (1806-1869), akinek munkáját a hasonló adottságokkal megáldott fia, Washington Roebling (1837-1926) fejezete be 1883-ban. Abban az
Most Brookliński(pl)USA / New_Jersey / Hoboken (Nowy Jork)interesting place, suspension bridge, bridge
Ponte do Brooklyn(pt)USA / New_Jersey / Hoboken (Nova Iorque)interesting place, suspension bridge, bridge
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