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Palace of Holy Office(en)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Rome)palace, office building, religionThe Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) (Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei), previously known as the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Universal Inquisition, and sometimes simply called the Holy Office is the oldest of the nine congregations of the
Святой Офис(ru)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Рим)palace, office building, religionТак называется Конгрегация доктрины веры или Конгрегация Вероучения, которая находятся в этом дворце. В бывшем именовалась просто - Святая Инквизиция.
Audience Hall, Paul VI Hall(en)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Rome)hall, auditoriumAudience Hall, Paul VI Hall
Audienzhalle Pauls VI.(de)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Rom)hall, auditorium
Sala delle Udienze(it)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Roma)hall, auditoriumrealizzata da Pier Luigi Nervi
Аудиенциска сала, Сала Павле VI(mk)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Рим)hall, auditorium
Auditório Paulo VI(pt)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Roma)hall, auditorium
Зал Аудиенций им. Павла VI (Аудиториум им. Павла VI в Ватикане)(ru)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Рим)hall, auditoriumВатиканский зал аудиенций сооружался с 1964 по 1971 по поручению Папы Павла VI архитектором Пьер Луиджи Нерви. Имеет 6500 сидячих мест. Может вместить до 25000 (стоячих) мест. На первом этаже, в вестибюле, находится конференц-зал для общих собраний и для Синода
Sacristy & Treasury Museum(en)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Rome)museumis a building which was attached to the basilica under Pius VI who commissioned Carlo Marchionni (1702-1786) to build it in 1776. On the right o the entrance, is a list o the popes buried in St. Peter's and a
Сакристија и Ризнички музеј(mk)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Рим)museum
Zakrystia(pl)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Rzym)museum
Teutonic Cemetery(en)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Rome)----, park, vatican city, cemetery, catholicismThe Teutonic Cemetery is found between St. Peter’s Basilica and the Paul VI Audience Hall. It is the oldest German establishment in Rome.
Deutscher Friedhof - Campo Santo Teutonico(de)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Rom)----, park, vatican city, cemetery, catholicismCampo Santo Teutonico heißen der „deutsche Friedhof“ und die zugehörigen Gebäude in Rom, angrenzend an die und zugänglich nur aus der Vatikanstadt. Neben dem vollständig von Mauern umschlossenen Gräberfeld gehören dazu die Kirche Santa Maria della Pietà, ein Priesterseminar und
Тевтонски гроништа(mk)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Рим)----, park, vatican city, cemetery, catholicism
Cemitério Teutônico(pt)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Roma)----, park, vatican city, cemetery, catholicism
Тевтонское кладбище(ru)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Рим)----, park, vatican city, cemetery, catholicismТевтонское Кладбище находится между Базиликой Святого Петра и залом для аудиенций Павла VI. Это - самое старое немецкое учреждение в Риме.
St. Charles Palace(en)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Rome)housing services, office building, historic, Second World War 1939-1945Palace of San Carlo Former 'Vatican Information Office' until 1947. These offices received the dispatches sent by the Holy See. Replies were sent daily by messenger under diplomatic seal sometimes undercover. During periodic visits to refugee internment camps, hospitals and
Св. Карлова палата(mk)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Рим)housing services, office building, historic, Second World War 1939-1945
Palace of the Tribunal(en)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Rome)courthouse, gendarmerie, justice, vatican city, vatican cityTribunal Palace, Central Office of the Vatican Gendarmerie
Pałac Sprawiedliwości(pl)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Rzym)courthouse, gendarmerie, justice, vatican city, vatican city
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