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METI - Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Handel und Industrie(de)Japan / Tokio / Tokyo (Tokio)government, industrial area, commerce, ministry, industrial area, economy, wirtschaftDas japanische METI (engl. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, dt. Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Handel und Industrie, jap. 経済産業省, Keizai-Sangyō-shō) ist eines der Ministerien der japanischen Regierung. Es ging im Jahr 2001 im Rahmen der Zentralen Regierungsreform aus einem Zusammenschluss
経済産業省(ja)Japan / Tokio / Tokyo (東京特別区)government, industrial area, commerce, ministry, industrial area, economy, wirtschaft経済産業省(けいざいさんぎょうしょう、Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry=METI)は、日本の中央省庁のひとつ。民間の経済活力の向上及び対外経済関係の円滑な発展を中心とする経済及び産業の発展、並びに鉱物資源及びエネルギーの安定的かつ効率的な供給の確保を図ることを任務とする。
"The Sphere" (sculpture)(en)USA / New_Jersey / Hoboken (New York City)world, nyc, commerce, pomnik, september, fritz, sculpture, statue, eleventhThe Sphere is a large, spherical, metallic sculpture by German sculptor Fritz Koenig, completed in 1971. It was originally located in the center of the World Trade Center's Tobin Plaza. The Sphere was damaged, although not destroyed, by debris from
The Sphere(nl)USA / New_Jersey / Hoboken (De Stad van New York )world, nyc, commerce, pomnik, september, fritz, sculpture, statue, eleventh'The Sphere', een kunstwerk gemaakt door Fritz Koenig bevond zich op de plaza tussen de twee torens van het World Trade Center. Door het instorten van de torens op 11 september 2001 werd dit kunstwerk erg beschadigd. Later heeft men
POMNIK JEDENASTEGO WRZEśNIA(pl)USA / New_Jersey / Hoboken (Nowy Jork)world, nyc, commerce, pomnik, september, fritz, sculpture, statue, eleventhpomnik poświecony pamięci ofiarom 11 września
Trader Joe's, Campbell(en)USA / California / Campbell marketplace, commerce1875 S Bascom Ave #420 Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 369-7823
Shiba High School of Commerce(en)Japan / Tokio / Tokyo (Tokyo)secondary education, school
Kwiatkowski's Trade Gallery(en)Poland / Pomorskie / Gdynia (Gdynia)store / shop, bank, shopping, bar, food, centre, art museum / art gallery, commerceKwiatkowski's Trade Gallery. Not very big, just some shops, but quite nice.
Centrum Kwiatkowskiego(pl)Poland / Pomorskie / Gdynia (Gdynia)store / shop, bank, shopping, bar, food, centre, art museum / art gallery, commerceCentrum handlowo-biurowe oddane do użytku w 2004 roku. Na trzech niższych kondygnacjach galerie handlowe, na trzech wyższych - przestrzeń biurowa. Po przeciwnej stronie zbudowany wcześniej DH "Batory", do którego Centrum luźno nawiązuje stylem. ul. 10 Lutego 16, tel.: +48 58
Lester B. Pearson Building (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada)(en)Canada / Ontario / Ottawa (Ottawa)office building, government, department, federal, commerce, ministryThe Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT), more commonly known as Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, is a department in the Government of Canada which has responsibility for foreign policy and diplomacy, as well as import/export and
İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi (ISTANBUL COMMERCE UNIVERSITY)(en)Turkey / Istanbul / Istanbul (Istanbul)university,
Стамбульский технический университет(ru)Turkey / Istanbul / Istanbul (Стамбул)university, commerceСтамбульский технический университет
Trader Joe's(en)USA / Washington / Seattle (Seattle)store / shop, grocery / neigbourhood grocery store, commerce, joesTrader Joe's is in this spot at the ground floor of an apartment building. When the sign went up in early 2004 ("Trader Joe's coming to this location soon") there was much rejoicing. But it didn't open for business until
Ville2(fr)Belgium / Hennegau / Charleroi (Charleroi)commerceCentre commercial carolorégien
"The Guild" shopping centre(en)Poland / Pomorskie / Gdansk (Gdańsk)store / shop, commerce, hala
Gildia(pl)Poland / Pomorskie / Gdansk (Gdańsk)store / shop, commerce, halaDwie hale targowe o nazwie 'Gildia'
Kainan High School of Commerce and Industry(en)Taiwan / Taipei_Hsien / Yungho (Taipei)school
KLIF mall(en)Poland / Pomorskie / Sopot (Gdynia)store / shop, commerceShopping mall mostly with garment shops and boutiques. Some restaurants, cafes and McDonald.
Trójmiejskie Centrum Handlowe KLIF(pl)Poland / Pomorskie / Sopot (Gdynia)store / shop, commerce
Office's building: Andi M, C.T.Co Sia, Ctxm Sia and other(en)Latvia / Riga / Riga multimedia, commerce, system, andiDzērbenes str. 14 (aka Akadēmijas street 14 in soviets period) (frmr. Elektronikas un skaitļošanas tehnikas institūts/Institute for Electronics and Computing Technics) Originally, it was the place where some of the soviet electronic devices were developed. Now it is a mekka
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