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Jericó(pt)Palestine / Arihha / Aqbah_Jabbar city, historicUma das cidades mais antigas da Terra. É mencionadas na Torá dos judeus, na Biblía dos cristãos e no Alcorão dos islâmicos. É conhecida mundialmente por suas muralhas intransponíveis (As Muralhas de Jericó), que segundo as referências religiosas, caíram perante
Иерихон(ru)Palestine / Arihha / Aqbah_Jabbar city, historicИерихо́н (ивр. יְרִיחוֹ‎, Иерихо́; греч. Ίεριχώ; араб. أريحا‎‎‎‎, Ариха) — один из древнейших городов мира (первые следы жизни людей здесь относятся к 8-му тыс. до н. э.), расположен на севере Иудейской пустыни, приблизительно в 12 км к северо-западу от Мёртвого
Єрихон(uk)Palestine / Arihha / Aqbah_Jabbar city, historic
SS Mont Blanc Anchor Shank(en)Canada / Nova_Scotia / Halifax (Halifax) The place where the anchor shank came to rest on the morning of December 6, 1917. When the munitions in the hold of the S.S. Mont Blanc blew up to cause the Halifax Explosion, this shank of
Halifax Explosion Memorial Bell Tower(en)Canada / Nova_Scotia / Halifax (Halifax)historicThe memorial on Fort Needham overlooks the area devastated by the Halifax Explosion of December 6, 1917. It commemorates those who were killed or suffered injury, and those who lost homes and family when the munitions ship, Mont Blanc, blew
Halifax Explosion(en)Canada / Nova_Scotia / Halifax (Halifax)historicDecember 6, 1917 At the entrance to the Narrows, after a series of ill-judged manoeuvres, the Imo struck the Mont-Blanc on the bow. Although the collision was not severe, fire immediately broke out on board the Mont-Blanc. Just
Former "LAND" Area(en)USA / California / Burbank (Los Angeles)historic, sign, hollywood, interesting placeThis is where "LAND" used to be. The big white letters were originally created in 1923 as an advertisement by a private real estate developer to promote his new project, "HOLLYWOODLAND", and were expected to stand for a year or
Место расположения бывшей части знака "LAND"(ru)USA / California / Burbank (Лос-Анджелес)historic, sign, hollywood, interesting placeВ 1949 году Торговая палата Голливуда совместно с Департаментом по паркам города Лос-Анджелеса починила и восстановила знак, причём согласно контракту последнее слово "LAND" в знаке было удалено.
Stadium Jalan Raja Muda(en)Malaysia / Kuala_Lumpur / Kuala_Lumpur (Kuala Lumpur)stadium, historic
Poughkeepsie Railroad Bridge - Walkway Over the Hudson(en)USA / New_York / Highland railway, walkway, hudson, highland, poughkeepsie, bridge, railway bridge, historic landmarkTHE POUGHKEEPSIE RAILROAD BRIDGE was the first bridge to be built over the Hudson River from the ocean all the way up to Albany. It was a technological wonder. Opened in 1889 soon after the Brooklyn Bridge opened, it is
Centre d'histoire de Montreal(en)Canada / Quebec / Montreal (Montreal)building, museum, historic, edifice, interesting place(Montreal Historic Center), a museum dedicated to the history of Montreal, Qc, Canada. 335 place D'Youville Montreal: (514-872-3207) Photos: © Photographie de Normand Rajotte; ©Musée McCord d’histoire canadienne, Archives photographiques Notman, MP-0000.811.10.
Ancien quartier général du service d'incendie (Centre d'Histoire de Montréal)(fr)Canada / Quebec / Montreal (Montréal)building, museum, historic, edifice, interesting placeLe Centre d’histoire de Montréal, créé en 1983, loge dans l’ancienne caserne de pompiers sur la place D’Youville présentant l’histoire de cette grande ville, unique sur le planète Terre et dans l‘univers entier. (514 872-3207) Autre appellation: Caserne
Pointe-À-Callière Museum(en)Canada / Quebec / Montreal (Montreal)museum, historic, archaeological siteThis is the place where Montreal was born.. The Museum is at the Birthplace of the City. The museum itself is over a old Burying ground and connect with the Place Royale of Montreal, an old building of the English
Pointe-à-Callière, musée d'archéologie et d'histoire(fr)Canada / Quebec / Montreal (Montréal)museum, historic, archaeological siteÉdifice moderne, l'Éperon est le bâtiment principal de l'ensemble du Musée d'archéologie et d'histoire de Montréal, Pointe-à-Callière, ouvert en 1992 dans le cadre des célébrations du 350e anniversaire de Montréal. Construit en 1991-1992 par Dan Hanganu et Provencher Roy architectes,
Miami Circle(en)USA / Florida / Miami (Miami)historic, miami, archaeological siteNative american artifact
Lieu historique national du Canada des Forts-de-Lévis (Le fort Numéro-Un)(fr)Canada / Quebec / Quebec site, historic, fortification, levis, interesting placeSous le régime britannique, c'est en 1864 que les autorités impériales pressentaient le danger d'une invasion américaine comme en 1775. Ils décidèrent d'élever trois fortifications sur la rive-sud du Saint-Laurent. Le fort Numéro-Un fut construit entre 1865 et 1872. Le
Pashkov House(en)Russia / Moscow / Moscow (Moscow)library, historic, listed building, interesting placePart of the Russian State Library complex.
Wisma Pashkov(ms)Russia / Moscow / Moscow (Moscow)library, historic, listed building, interesting placeSebahagian kompleks perpustakaan negara Rusia
Дом Пашкова(ru)Russia / Moscow / Moscow (Москва)library, historic, listed building, interesting placeДом Пашковa возведён в 1784-1786 годах для преуспевающего торговца землей и недвижимостью П. Е. Пашкова, бывшего капитан-поручика лейб-гвардии Семеновского полка. Предположительно его архитектором считают крупнейшего русского зодчего В. И. Баженова. Первоначальный цвет стен здания, согласно некоторым источникам, был оранжевый. Начало
Appomattox Court House National Historic Park(en)USA / Virginia / Appomattox interesting place, historicRobert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysees S. Grant in this house in April 9, 1865.
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