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Capul Dolojman(ro)Romania / Tulcea / Jurilovca interesting placeCapul Dolojman (Doloşman) este vârful peninsulei dintre lacurile Razim şi Goloviţa. Faleză înaltă
Popina Island(en)Romania / Tulcea / Valea_Nucarilor island, interesting place
Insula Popina(ro)Romania / Tulcea / Valea_Nucarilor island, interesting placeInsula Popina (98 ha) reprezinta un rest de grind continental stincos care constituie un loc important de popas al pasarilor migratoare si de cuibarit pentru califarul alb (Tadorna tadorna). Primavara, in aceasta zona cu vegetatie saraca si pitica se pot
Vargyas-szoros(hu)Romania / Harghita / Lueta interesting placeÖsszesen 128 barlang található itt. Kb
Cheile Vârghişului(ro)Romania / Harghita / Lueta interesting placeDespart Munţii Perşani de Munţii Harghita
Ceasul stat din Dr. Taberei(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)interesting place
Mohos Peat-Bog (Tinovul Mohos)(en)Romania / Harghita / Baile_Tusnad swamp, lap, reservation, interesting placeTinovul Mohos lies next to St. Ana Lake. It is a florist reservation with various rare plants. 1056 meters high, the reservation can be explored only with a guide. (Tickets are bought at the entry to the reservation, you can't
Der Mohos Sumpf(de)Romania / Harghita / Baile_Tusnad swamp, lap, reservation, interesting placeDer Mohos Sumpf Der Mohos liegt einhundert Meter höher als der St Anna See. Eigentlich ist er genau so alt wie der St Anna See, nur mit der Zeit velalterte sich der Mohos. Durch den Jahrtausenden das Wasser der Mohos
Mohos(hu)Romania / Harghita / Baile_Tusnad swamp, lap, reservation, interesting placeMOHOS TŐZEGLÁP A Mohos-tőzegláp hajdani kiterjedt víztükre a négyszerese volt a Szent Anna-tó felületének. A Mohos-tó évezredeken át egyre apadt, és lassan elmocsarasodott, igazi magashegyi felláppá változva. Huzamosabb esőzések idején a 10 méter vastag iszapos tőzegréteg úgy megtelik vízzel, mint
Tinovul Mohoş(ro)Romania / Harghita / Baile_Tusnad swamp, lap, reservation, interesting placeTINOVUL MOHOS Tinovul Mohos se afla în craterul vecin cu cel al lacului Sfanta Ana. Este o rezervatie floristica cu numeroase raritati botanice de pe vremea glaciaturii (ca de exemplu, Roua Cerului, o planta carnivora). Rezervatia se afla la o
Lisznyó(hu)Romania / Covasna / Dobarlau village, interesting placeLisznyó Uzonhoz tartozik közigazgatásilag. A legszebb székely falucska. Kb 450 ember lakja, vagy talán kevesebb. 1332-ben Lizno néven említik először. A falu már 1333-ban egyházas hely volt. 1612-ben a török dúlta fel, sok embert elhurcoltak. 1706-ban a faluban táborozó kurucokat
Lisnau(ro)Romania / Covasna / Dobarlau village, interesting place
Old Casino(en)Romania / Cluj / Cluj-Napoca (Cluj-Napoca)interesting place
Vechiul Cazino(ro)Romania / Cluj / Cluj-Napoca (Cluj-Napoca)interesting place
clubul DACIC TAEKWONDO CLUB(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)stadium, school, aikido, interesting place, sports clubClub privat de arte martiale coreene, in special TAEKWONDO. Antrenori recunoscuti de World TAekwondo Federation. Persoane de contact: Dragos Oltean; Calin Bogdan; Rotaru Lorin; Dragan Madalin; Slav Marius; Rolea Radu Relatii la tel: 0722 537 888 sau pe siteul clubului:
Aiki Tenshin Dojo(ro)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucuresti)stadium, school, aikido, interesting place, sports clubClub de Aikido.
The Corvins' Castle(en)Romania / Hunedoara / Teliucu_Inferior (Hunedoara Administrative Area)tower, castle, monument, tourism, historic, protected, interesting This is the castle of Hunyadi Janos (Latin: Ioannes Corvinus, German: Johann Hunyadi; Hungarian: Hunyadi János, Romanian: Ioan de Hunedoara) (c. 1387–1456) was a Voivode of Transylvania (from 1441), captain-general (1444–1446) and regent (1446–1453) of the Kingdom of Hungary,
Vajdahunyad vára(hu)Romania / Hunedoara / Teliucu_Inferior (Vajdahunyad és körzete)tower, castle, monument, tourism, historic, protected, interesting place
Castelul Corvinilor(ro)Romania / Hunedoara / Teliucu_Inferior (Aria administrativă Hunedoara )tower, castle, monument, tourism, historic, protected, interesting placeDeschis dar in restaurare!!! Castelul este unul din cele mai importante monumente de arhitectură medievală din ţară. Forma pe care o vedem astăzi datează în cea mai mare parte din secolul XV şi se datoreşte reconstruirii unei cetăţi de hotar
Hanul cu Tei(en)Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest (Bucharest)interesting placeOne of the oldest building in Bucharest, and one of very few areas with authentic medieval atmosphere. The many galleries and shops at the courtyard at Hanul cu Tei sell paintings and antiques.
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