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Harbour East Breakwater(en)Bulgaria / Varna / Varna interesting placeAnother good place to visit in varna. Every year graffiti artists are invited to decorate the concrete breakwater, this is sight to behold.
Shipka monument(en)Bulgaria / Stara_Zagora / Sipka temple, memorial, museum, interesting placeThe Shipka Memorial is a memorial to those who died for the Liberation of Bulgaria during the Battles of Shipka in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78. It is located on Peak Stoletov in Stara Planina, central Bulgaria, and was opened
Паметник Шипка(bg)Bulgaria / Stara_Zagora / Sipka temple, memorial, museum, interesting placeХрам-паметникът Шипка е създаден във връзка с драматичните исторически събития от Руско-турската освободителна война. Това събитие предизвиква редица български творци да възпеят големия подвиг на Опълчението и да увековечат делата на онези, които проливат кръвта си за да се нарече
Monumentul memorial Şipka(ro)Bulgaria / Stara_Zagora / Sipka temple, memorial, museum, interesting placeImportant sanctuar istoric naţional, marchează locul Bătăliei de la Pasul Şipka, în august 1877, în timpul războiului ruso-turc din 1877-1878, care a dus la eliberarea Bulgariei de sub jugul otoman.
Perperikon(en)Bulgaria / Kardzhali / Kardzhali ruins, ancient, interesting place, historic landmarkThe ancient Thracian city of Perperikon (also Perpericon) is located in the Eastern Rhodopes, 15 km northeast of the present-day town of Kardzhali, Bulgaria, on a 470 m high rocky hill, which is thought to have been a sacred place.
Перперикон(bg)Bulgaria / Kardzhali / Kardzhali ruins, ancient, interesting place, historic landmarkПерперикон е археологически комплекс, голямо мегалитно светилище. Предполага се, че това е прочутото в древността светилище на Дионис на тракийското племе сатри, чийто жречески род били бесите. Част е от Стоте национални туристически обекта. Перперикон се намира в Източните Родопи,
Perperikon(de)Bulgaria / Kardzhali / Kardzhali ruins, ancient, interesting place, historic landmarkIn der griechischen und römischen Antike war das Heiligtum als Orakel genauso bekannt, wie das von Apollon in Delphi. Und es wird angenommen, dass sich hier die berühmten Heiligtümer und Orakelschreine befunden haben, die der thrakische Stamm der Bessen dem
Perperikon(fr)Bulgaria / Kardzhali / Kardzhali ruins, ancient, interesting place, historic landmarkC'est une cité antique de Thrace construite dans la roche, sainte pour le culte de Dionysos, un centre de pouvoir comparable à Troie et Mycènes. Elle semble avoir participé à la Guerre de Troie aux côtés des Troyens. La ville
Euxinograd Palace(en)Bulgaria / Varna / Varna interesting placeEuxinograd, also transliterated as Evksinograd or Euxinograde is a former late 19th-century Bulgarian royal summer palace and park on the Black Sea coast, 8 km north of the city of Varna. It is currently a governmental and presidential residence.Former summer
Дворец Евксиноград(bg)Bulgaria / Varna / Varna interesting placeДворецът „Евксиноград“ се намира на 8 км северно от град Варна. Строен е за лятна резиденция на княз Александър І Батенберг. Първоначално резиденцията е била наречена Сандрово, (по умалителното име на италиански език на княза - Сандро) но през 1883
Hot mineral spring 90'(en)Bulgaria / Jambol / Straldzha interesting placeWater is heating near glasshouse.
Fountain(en)Bulgaria / Varna / Varna fountain, interesting place
Чешма(bg)Bulgaria / Varna / Varna fountain, interesting placeМного добра вода!
Dolphinarium(en)Bulgaria / Varna / Varna interesting placeVarna's dolphinarium is in "Top 5" touristic destinations in Varna. Despite it's a bit outdated, visitors still have their pleasant time here.
Делфинариум(bg)Bulgaria / Varna / Varna interesting place
Ancient Thracian sanctuary - Badzhaliyata(en)Bulgaria / Silistra / Alfatar ancient, interesting placeMost of the objects found by archeologists are concentrated downstream river Taban (which is a dry river for approximately a century). In the past it was navigable. Now its canyon is strewn with interesting, whimsical rocks. There are multitude of
Баджалията(bg)Bulgaria / Silistra / Alfatar ancient, interesting Тракийски скален култов комплекс
The First Bulgarian Capital - Pliska(en)Bulgaria / Sumen / Pliska museum, historic, fortification, interesting placePliska was the capital of Bulgaria between 681 and 893 CE.
Национален историко-археологически резерват Плиска(bg)Bulgaria / Sumen / Pliska museum, historic, fortification, interesting
Pliska(ro)Bulgaria / Sumen / Pliska museum, historic, fortification, interesting placeCapitală a primului ţarat bulgar între 681-893.
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