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Chateau Neuf(no)Norway / Buskerud / Oslo (Oslo)cafe, theatre, bar, pub, club, student, society, kafeChateau Neuf er tilholdssted for Det Norske Studentersamfund. Bygningen sto ferdig i 1971 og ble innviet i 1973, etter at Studentersamfundet hadde ført en omflakkende tilværelse siden 1918.
The University of Oslo(en)Norway / Buskerud / Oslo (Oslo )university, educationThe University of Oslo is Norway’s largest and oldest institution of higher education. It was founded in 1811 when Norway was still under Danish rule. Today the University of Oslo has approx. 30,000 students and 4,600 employees. Four Nobel Prize
Universität Oslo(de)Norway / Buskerud / Oslo (Oslo)university, education
Universitetet i Oslo(no)Norway / Buskerud / Oslo (Oslo)university, educationUniversitetet i Oslo (latin Universitas Osloensis) ble grunnlagt i 1811 som Det Kgl. Frederiks Universitet (Universitas Regia Fredericiana). Et viktig forbilde var Humboldt-universitetet i Berlin. Det skiftet til dagens navn i 1939. Universitetet har rundt 32 000 studenter, 2800 vitenskapelig
The University of Oslo: The Department of Physics(en)Norway / Buskerud / Oslo (Oslo )
The University of Oslo: The Department of Chemistry(en)Norway / Buskerud / Oslo (Oslo )university
The University of Oslo: The Department of Biology(en)Norway / Buskerud / Oslo (Oslo )university
The University of Oslo: The Faculty of Education(en)Norway / Buskerud / Oslo (Oslo )
The University of Oslo: The Faculty of Medicine(en)Norway / Buskerud / Oslo (Oslo )university
Vippetangen(en)Norway / Buskerud / Oslo (Oslo )
Norwegian Police University College(en)Norway / Buskerud / Oslo (Oslo )university, school, college, education, police stationThe Norwegian Police University College is the central educational institution for the police service in Norway. The Norwegian Police University College was founded in 1992 and was accredited as University College on 18 June 2004, but the first organised training
Norwegische Polizeihochschule(de)Norway / Buskerud / Oslo (Oslo)university, school, college, education, police station
Politihøgskolen(no)Norway / Buskerud / Oslo (Oslo)university, school, college, education, police stationPolitihøgskolen (PHS) er den sentrale utdanningsinstitusjonen for politi- og lensmannsetaten, med eget styre som øverste organ. PHS er underlagt Politidirektoratet og har til oppgave å gi grunnutdanning for tjeneste i politi- og lensmannsetaten og gi etter- og videreutdanning til etatens
The Monolith Plateau(en)Norway / Buskerud / Oslo (Oslo )monument"Monolitten" is in the center of the "The Monolith plaeau" surrouned by 36 groups in granite depicting the cycle of life. Every sculpture includes at least two figures depicting Man in a variety of typical human situations and relationships. A
Monolittplatået(no)Norway / Buskerud / Oslo (Oslo)monumentI 1947 begynte monteringen av de 36 figurgruppene i granitt på den monumentale sirkeltrappen som fører opp til Monolitten. Om enn i en helt annen stil enn fontenetrærne, er motivet også her slektens gang og menneskets følelsesmessige relasjoner til hverandre.
The Fram Museum(en)Norway / Buskerud / Oslo (Oslo )museum, navigationFram ("Forward") is a ship that was used in expeditions in the Arctic and Antarctic regions by the Norwegian explorers Fridtjof Nansen, Otto Sverdrup, Oscar Wisting, and Roald Amundsen between 1893 and 1912. The Fram has been further North and
Le musée du Fram(fr)Norway / Buskerud / Oslo (Oslo)museum, navigationLe Fram est le navire qui est allé le plus au nord et le plus au sud
Museo della nave polare Fram(it)Norway / Buskerud / Oslo (Oslo)museum, navigationLa nave polare, varata nel 1892, fu utilizzata per le tre grandi spedizioni polari di Fridtjof Nansen, Otto Sverdrup e Roald Amundsen.
Bygdøy(en)Norway / Akershus / Nesoddtangen (Oslo )interesting place, peninsulaBygdøy or Bygdø is a peninsula on the western side of Oslo, Norway. The old name is Ladegårdsøen. It has several museums, like the Kon-Tiki Museum, the Norwegian Museum of Cultural History (Norsk Folkemuseum), the Viking Ship Museum, the Norwegian
Solli Plass(en)Norway / Buskerud / Oslo (Oslo )plass, municipality, draw only borderSolli Plass with the large roundabout to the left. Bus and streetcar stop, one of the biggest local traffic meeting places in West Oslo.
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