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Reboly town, center of disctrict of Republica Karelia, Russia(en)Russia / Karelija / Muyezerskiy villageReboly: was founded in 1555. Now population is 1500.
Russia cinema(en)Russia / Mordovija / Nikolayevka (Saransk)cinema
Bank Sberbank Russia office №2003/0715, VISA ATMs(en)Russia / Sankt_Petersburg / Pargolovo (Saint Petersburg)bank, atm+7(812) 301-41-17
Hewlett-Packard Russia, Moscow office(en)Russia / Moscow / Moscow (Moscow)office building, hewlett, packardphone: +7(495)7973500 fax: +7(495)7973501
Embassy of Russian Federation(en)Turkey / Ankara / Ankara (Ankara)russia, embassy, russian, federal
Rusya Federasyonu Büyükelçiliği(tr)Turkey / Ankara / Ankara (Ankara)russia, embassy, russian, federalEmbassy of Russian Federation
Управление финансов Черноморского Флота(ru)Ukraine / Sevastopol / Sevastopol (Севастополь)russia, military, navy, moneyбухгалтерия :)
Russia Tower Construction Site(en)Russia / Moscow / Moscow (Moscow)moscow, parking, skyscraper, complex, Under constructionThe building's primary structure comprises three ‘arms’ that taper as they rise. They create a slender pyramidal form that achieves the maximum stability with the minimum structure and allows the most effective distribution of space. The higher floors containing residential
Russia Tower(de)Russia / Moscow / Moscow (Moskau)moscow, parking, skyscraper, complex, Under constructionDer Russia Tower (russisch Башня Россия) stellt das wohl ehrgeizigste Projekt unter allen Bauvorhaben von Moscow City dar. Der Baubeginn ist für Juni 2007 geplant, die Fertigstellung für das Jahr 2012. Die oberen Stockwerke sollen dabei Luxusapartments, die mittleren ein
Russia Residential Quarters(en)Kenya / Nyanza / Kisumu (Kisumu)
Church dedicated to the Newmartyrs and Confessors of Russia in Butovo(en)Russia / Moskovskaja_Oblast / Shcherbinka temple, memorial, church
Residence of the Head of the European Commission to Russia(en)Russia / Moscow / Moscow (Moscow)representationIn the cozy mansion that is No. 11 restoration work (1901-10) revealed a precious architectural gem, mid-18th-century palatial chambers, under the later layers. The look of the 20th-century building was preserved, but part of the main faзade again has its
Bely, Russia(en)Russia / Tver / Belyy cityBely (Russian: Бе́лый) is a town in Tver Oblast, Russia, situated on the Obsha River, about halfway between Smolensk (to the west), Toropets (to the north), and Rzhev (to the south-east). Population: 4,400 (2003 est.); 4,350 (2002 Census); 6,900 (1897).
Russische Kolonie Alexandrowka(de)Germany / Brandenburg / Potsdam (Potsdam)russia, architecture, garden, interesting place, UNESCO World Heritage SiteDie Kolonie ist ein kleines Dorf im Park, dass für russische Chor-Sänger angelegt wurde und typisch russich sein sollte. weitere Bilder und Infos: Bilder bei Google:
Русская колония "Александровка"(ru)Germany / Brandenburg / Potsdam (Потсдам)russia, architecture, garden, interesting place, UNESCO World Heritage SiteРусская колония «Александровка» (нем. Russische Kolonie «Alexandrowka») — район в Потсдаме (Германия). Названа в честь умершего 1 декабря 1825 году русского императора Александра I. Русская колония «Александровка» находится с 1977 года под защитой государства как архитектурный и исторический памятник, в
The All-Russia Research Institute of Electromechanics (NPP VNIIEM)(en)Russia / Moscow / Moscow (Moscow)research
Russian Church of Holy Trinity(en)Serbia_and_Montenegro / Central_Serbia / Belgrade (Belgrade)church, russiaCrkvu Svete Trojice osnovala je 1924. godine ruska bela emigracija i to je jedina ruska crkva u Beogradu. U njoj su uvek služili ruski sveštenici. Kada je 1944. godine, zbog komunistièkog režima, iz Beograda otišao veliki broj Rusa, i ova
Храм Свете тројице(sr)Serbia_and_Montenegro / Central_Serbia / Belgrade (Београд)church, russiaХрам Свете тројице (названа и Руска црква) је храм Руске православне цркве. Налази се поред Цркве Светог Марка. Подигнут је 1924. по плановима архитекте Валерија Сташевског за Русе који су након октобарске револуције побегли од комуниста из Русије. Углавном су
Mercury Development Russia(ru)Russia / Samara / Samara (Самара)office buildingMercury Development Russia, дополнительный офис, на 5-ом этаже здания.
Sberbank Russia's Siberian Bank(en)Russia / Novosibirsk / Novosibirsk (Novosibirsk)bank
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