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Xiangling(en)China / Beijing / Changping tomb, mingXiangling is the tomb for the 4th Ming Emperor Renzong who ruled from Sept 7 1424–May 29 1425 aged 47. He was buried at Xiangling.
明獻陵(cn)China / Beijing / Changping tomb, ming明仁宗朱高熾(公元1378-1425年),明朝第四位君王。明成祖朱棣長子,永樂二十二年八月,成祖病逝後繼位,在位十個月,于洪熙元年五月病死,終年47歲。謚號敬天體道純誠至德弘文欽武章聖達孝昭皇帝,廟號仁宗。皇后張氏。有子十人,女七人。葬于北京昌平天壽山獻陵。獻陵分為前後兩組建築,前部分建陵門,棱恩殿自成一院落,後一院落則由三座門起始,由二柱門、石供案、明樓、寶城等組成。其神功聖德碑立于陵前約百米處,規模比長陵小,碑上無字,又稱無字碑。
Yuling(en)China / Beijing / Changping tomb, mingYuling was the tomb of the 6th Emperor Zhu Qizhen who ruled from 1435 to 1449. He died at the age of 37 and was buried in Yuling together with his Empress Qian and Empress Zhou.
明裕陵(cn)China / Beijing / Changping tomb, ming明裕陵,座落在天壽山西峰石門山南麓,為明第六帝朱祁鎮與皇后錢氏、周氏合葬墓。公元1464年建,由石供器、宝城和明楼等组成。陵制簡樸。 朱祁鎮于宣德十年(1435年)正月初十日即皇帝位,次年改元正統,廟號英宗。天順八年(1464年)正月十七日,英宗皇帝駕崩。二月初三日"營建大行皇帝陵寢于天壽山,荐為裕陵。
Deling(en)China / Beijing / Changping tomb, mingDeling is the tomb of the 15th Ming Emperor Xizong and Empress Zhang. Emperor Xizong ruled from 22 September 1487–8 June 1505. He died aged 36.
明德陵(cn)China / Beijing / Changping tomb, ming明德陵是熹宗朱由校與皇后張氏的合葬墓。朱由校(1605-1627)是光宗第一子,十五歲即帝位,在位七年。是明朝第十五位君王。德陵它位于十三陵陵區的東南角。德陵埋葬著崇禎皇帝的哥哥明熹宗朱由校和皇后張氏。這座陵周圍空曠,由于它的年代不算久遠,朱紅的圍牆較為完整,是考察明皇陵模式的典型陵墓。
Kangling(en)China / Beijing / Changping tomb, mingKangling is the tomb of the 10th Ming Emperor Wuzhong who ruled from 19 June 1505–20 April 1521. He died at the age of 30 and was buried in Kangling together with Empress Xia.
明康陵(cn)China / Beijing / Changping tomb, ming明康陵,位于北京昌平天壽山陵區蓮花山東麓,是明朝第十位皇帝武宗朱厚照和皇后夏氏的合葬陵墓。 武宗朱厚照,孝宗長子,弘治四年(公元1491年)九月二十四日生,五年三月八日立為皇太子。十八年五月十八日即皇帝位,次年改元正德。正德十六年(公元1521年)三月十四日逝于豹房。謚“承天達道英肅睿哲昭德顯功宏文思孝毅皇帝”,享年31歲。九月二十二日葬康陵。皇后夏氏,武宗原配,慶陽伯夏儒之女。正德元年(公元1506年)冊立為皇后。嘉靖十四年(公元1535年)正月二十五日去世,合葬康陵,謚“孝靜庄惠安肅溫誠順天偕聖毅皇后”。 康陵建于正德十六年(公元1521年)四月。嘉靖元年(公元1522年)六月,陵園建成。陵寢建築由神道、陵宮及陵宮外附屬建築三部分組成。神道上建五空橋、三空橋各一座,近陵處建神功聖德碑亭一座,亭內豎碑,無字。陵宮建築總體布局呈前方後圓形狀,佔地2.7萬平方米。
Safdar Jung Tomb Bus st(en)India / Delhi / Ni_Dilli (New Delhi)Bus Stop
Pir Balan Shah (ra)'s Dargah (tomb), Kadi(en)India / Gujarat / Kadi tomb, pir, shah, dargah, kadiPir Balan Shah (RA)'s Dargah (Tomb), Kadi, Dist.:Mehsana, North Gujarat, INDIA...Edited by Suleman Ghanchi
shamsher nagar(en)India / Bihar / Daudnagar (Tanu Home)tomb, village, naturalthis village is on the national west it is surrounded by sone-east-canal.famous for the 17-18 th century tomb of shamsher khan(grand son of renound hindi poet Rahim).south of the tomb is a big pond ,initially a pious spot ,
shamsher nagar. tomb(en)India / Bihar / Daudnagar tombthe tomb you can see
Jebamani Nadar - Tomb(en)India / Tamil_Nadu / Nanguneri Jebamani Nadar - Tomb
Vincent. D. Jayakumar Tomb(en)India / Tamil_Nadu / Chengalpattu (Chengalpattu)Late Shri Vincent. D. Jayakumar, Sr. Supdt of Post Offices born on 23rd September 1952 was Laid to Rest on 13th June 2003.
Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi(en)China / Shaanxi / Lishan tomb, mausoleum, UNESCO World Heritage SiteThis is an UNESCO World Heritage Site. Pit 1 of the Terracotta Warriors is located 1.5km to the East.
秦始皇陵(cn)China / Shaanxi / Lishan tomb, mausoleum, UNESCO World Heritage Site秦始皇陵位于临潼城东5公里处,背靠骊山,面对渭水,风光绮旎。从公元前247年秦始皇即位开始修建,到公元前209年秦始皇死为止,前后修筑达37年之久。始皇陵仿咸阳宫的规模而修建。当时地面建筑众多,有寝殿、便殿、回廊、阙门及内外城等。据勘察所知,内城周长2.5公里,外围周长6.3公里,现地面建筑全无,仅存陵丘,为四方锥形,现陵丘残高46米,底部周长400米余。今陵丘仍然气势宏伟 ,数十里之外即可望见其巍峨雄姿。始皇陵的地下建筑也非常宏伟,极其辉煌富丽。现除在始皇陵附近发掘出兵马俑、彩绘铜车马外,还发现有大量秦秦砖、秦瓦、地下排水管道等。特别是经专家分析,秦始皇地宫至今基本保存完好,届时一旦发掘,定会有更多的珍宝重见天日。
Mausoleum Qin Shihuangdis(de)China / Shaanxi / Lishan tomb, mausoleum, UNESCO World Heritage SiteDas Mausoleum Qín Shǐhuángdìs ist eine frühchinesische Grabanlage aus dem Jahre 210 v. Chr., welche für den ersten chinesischen Kaiser Qín Shǐhuángdì erbaut wurde. Es ist einer der größten Grabbauten der Welt. Es ist weltweit bekannt für seine Soldatenfiguren, der
Mauzoleum cesarza Qin Shi Huang(pl)China / Shaanxi / Lishan tomb, mausoleum, UNESCO World Heritage Site
Гробниця Ши Ханді — першого імператора Китаю(uk)China / Shaanxi / Lishan tomb, mausoleum, UNESCO World Heritage SiteГробниця-мавзолей знаходиться , в 35 км від міста Сіань,провінція Шеньси, давньої столиці Китаю, побудована в 221-259 роках. до н.е. для першого імператора об'єднаного Китаю. Включена до списку ЮНЕСКО в 1987 році. На її будівництво були зайняті 700 тис. робітників. У
Angadashah Baba's Tomb(en)India / Maharashtra / Dehu This is one of the places where you will find how secular is the holy places in India. This is the place where both Hindus & Muslims offer their worships.
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