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Biblioteca Medicea Laurenciana(es)Italy / Toscana / Florence (Florence)library
Bibliothèque Laurentienne(fr)Italy / Toscana / Florence (Florence)library
Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana(it)Italy / Toscana / Florence (Firenze)library
Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana(nl)Italy / Toscana / Florence (Florence (stad))libraryafgekort Laurenziana
Church of San Giovannino degli Scolopi(en)Italy / Toscana / Florence (Florence)church, florenceThe church of San Giovannino degli Scolopi is a minor church in the center of Florence, located on Via dei Martelli corner Via dei Gori.
Chiesa di S. Giovanni degli Scolopi(it)Italy / Toscana / Florence (Firenze)church, florenceSorta sui resti del trecentesco oratorio dei Gori, fu costruita a partire dal 1579 per la Compagnia di Gesù da Bartolommeo Ammannati che realizzò la facciata con il doppio ordine, sull'esempio delle chiese gesuitiche romane. Proseguita da Giulio Parigi e
Ospedale degli Innocenti ('Hospital of the Innocents')(en)Italy / Toscana / Florence (Florence)hospital, preschool education, interesting placeDesigned by Filippo Brunelleschi, this former children's orphanage is a notable example of early Italian Renaissance architecture. It features a nine-bay loggia facing the Piazza SS. Annunziata.
Spedale degli Innocenti(it)Italy / Toscana / Florence (Firenze)hospital, preschool education, interesting placeFu costruito su progetto di Filippo Brunelleschi a partire dal 1419 per volontà dell'Arte della Seta come istituto di beneficenza e assistenza all'infanzia. I lavori furono seguiti dal Brunelleschi fino al 1436, anno in cui erano già terminati il loggiato,
Monastery and church of San Marco - Museum of San Marco(en)Italy / Toscana / Florence (Florence)church, museum, monasteryThe building that houses the Museum (that `was opened to the public in 1869) is the old convent of Dominican order, restored and enlarged to its present size for Cosimo the Elder de` Medici by the architect Michelozzo (1396-1472) ...
San Marco(de)Italy / Toscana / Florence (Florenz)church, museum, monasteryDer Gebäudekomplex, in dem sich das Museum befindet (seit 1869 für Besucher geöffnet) ist das alte Domenikanerkloster, das von dem Architekten Michelozzo (1396-1472) auf Wunsch Cosimos des Alten der Medici restauriert und auf die aktuelle Größe erweitert wurde ...
Museo Nacional de San Marcos(es)Italy / Toscana / Florence (Florence)church, museum, monastery
Musée de San Marco(fr)Italy / Toscana / Florence (Florence)church, museum, monasteryLe musée (ouvert au public en 1869) est située dans un ancien monastère dominicain, que l`architecte Michelozzo restaura et agrandit par Cosme l`Ancien de Médicis ...
Monastero e Basilica di San Marco - Museo di San Marco(it)Italy / Toscana / Florence (Firenze)church, museum, monasteryIl complesso in cui ha sede il Museo (aperto al pubblico dal 1869) è l`antico convento dei domenicani restaurato e ingrandito nelle attuali dimensioni per volontà di Cosimo il Vecchio de` Medici dall`architetto Michelozzo (1396-14729 ::: L'attuale convento sorse
Museum van San Marco(nl)Italy / Toscana / Florence (Florence (stad))church, museum, monasteryHet gebouw waarin het museum is gevestigd (voor publiek geopend vanaf 1869) was voorheen een klooster van de Dominicaanse orde ...
Museu Nacional de São Marcos(pt)Italy / Toscana / Florence (Florence)church, museum, monastery
Монастырь Сан Марко(ru)Italy / Toscana / Florence (Флоренция)church, museum, monasteryСан Марко - это старинный доминиканский монастырь, основанный в начале XII века, с замечательными фресками Фра Беато Анжелико. Одним из настоятелей монастыря был доминиканский пастырь Савонарола, некоторое время фактически правивший Флоренцией. В этом же монастыре изучал богословие Михаил Триволис, ставший
Accademia Gallery(en)Italy / Toscana / Florence (Florence)This is the old main building of the Academia, that houses student art galery space, the administrative offices and the Library as well as the printing studio, the anataomy studio etc. The most enlightened prince of the Lorraine family that
Galerie der Akademie(de)Italy / Toscana / Florence (Florenz)Der aufgeklärteste der lothringer Fürsten, die etwa ein Jahrhundert lang über die Toskana herrschten, der Großherzog Pietro Leopoldo, verordnete 1784, daß sämtliche damalige Zeichenschulen von Florenz in einer einzigen Akademie zusammengefaßt würden ... virtueller Rundgang:
Galeria de la Academia(es)Italy / Toscana / Florence (Florence)En la primera sala están dispuestas obras como la maqueta de yeso creada por Gianbologna para las esculturas de mármol del Rapto de las Sabinas y varias obras de artistas maneristas del 1500 ... virtual tour:
Galerie de l'Académie(fr)Italy / Toscana / Florence (Florence)Le musée a été fondé en 1784 comme atelier de formation pour les étudiants de l’Académie des Arts ... visite virtuelle:
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