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Mост Благовещенский (бывш. Лейтенанта Шмидта)(ru)Russia / Sankt_Petersburg / Saint_Petersburg (Санкт-Петербург)bridgeМост Лейтенанта Шмидта (Благовещенский, Николаевский) — первый постоянный мост через Неву в Санкт-Петербурге. Соединяет Васильевский остров и центральную часть города (Адмиралтейский остров). Длина моста — 331 м, ширина 24 м. Мост является границей между Невой и началом Финского залива —
Walter Taylor Bridge(en)Australia / Queensland / Brisbane (Brisbane)Main bridge over the Brisbane river joining Indooroopilly and Chelmer. Opened in February 1936 by the Governor of Queensland, Sir Leslie Wilson, and named after the local contractor who built it. The bridge is a suspension bridge and the support
Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge(en)USA / Texas / Rollingwood (Austin, Texas)bridgeOpened 2002 Photo from the Bridge:
Vanšu tilts(en)Latvia / Riga / Riga bridgeОдин из самых больших мостов подобной конструкции в Европе
Vanšu tilts(lv)Latvia / Riga / Riga bridgeAtklāts kopš 1981.21.VII. Pilona augstums 109 m. Uzkares laidums 312 m. Pilona pamatā ir iegremdēti 52 urbpāļi katrs 1,5m diametrā un 25m garumā. Tilta garums ir ~2 km, platums 28,4 m. Tiltam bija plānotas 4 braukšanas joslas. Projektu izstrādāja "Sojuzdorprojekt"
Вантовый мост(ru)Latvia / Riga / Riga bridgeВантовый мост. Открыт в 1981 году. Рядом с ним до этого времени находился наплавной мост, разбираемый на зимний период.
San Diego - Coronado Bridge(en)USA / California / National_City bridgeThis award-winning toll bridge quickly became an area landmark after its opening on August 3, 1969. The distinctive curve and soaring sweep of the San Diego-Coronado Bridge was the first structural conquest of San Diego Bay, joining the Island of
Peace Bridge(en)Canada / Ontario / Fort_Erie united states, bridgeThe Peace Bridge is an international bridge between Canada and the United States at the east end of Lake Erie at the mouth of the Niagara River, about 20 kilometres (12.4 mi) upriver of Niagara Falls. It connects the City
C&O Canal(en)USA / West_Virginia / Capon_Bridge hiking, camping, biking, canal, interesting placeOutstanding hiking and bike path running from downtown Washington, DC to Cumberland, MD. Area shown is just a tiny portion.
Choptank River Bridge(en)USA / Maryland / Cambridge river, bridge
Sideling Hill Mountain(en)USA / West_Virginia / Capon_Bridge
Spring Gap Mountain(en)USA / West_Virginia / Capon_Bridge
San Yuan Qiao - San Yuan Bridge(en)China / Beijing / Peking (Beijing)San Yuan means Third Garden
Memorial and fountain, Pin Oak, West Virginia(en)USA / West_Virginia / Capon_Bridge
Guangyuan Bridge 官园桥(en)China / Beijing / Peking (Beijing)
Dongsishitiao Bridge(en)China / Beijing / Peking (Beijing)overpass / flyoverLandmark overpass bridge roundabout.
Monroe Street Bridge(en)USA / Washington / Spokane (Spokane, Washington)monroe, concrete, bridgeThe original Monroe Street Bridge was the third longest concrete bridge in the world when it was completed in the early 1900s. It was built to last 100 years, and was actually replaced in 2005 at an age of 94
Bitan Suspension Bridge (碧潭吊橋)(en)Taiwan / Taipei_Hsien / Hsintien suspension, bridge
碧潭吊橋(cn)Taiwan / Taipei_Hsien / Hsintien suspension, bridge
Seven Mile Bridge(en)USA / Florida / Marathon island, florida, interesting place, bridge7 Miles long, Gulf to the north, Atlantic Ocean the south. The Movie "True Lies" was filmed on this bridge and they blew up a section of the old bridge you can see.
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