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George Washington Monument(en)Poland / Mazowieckie / Warsaw (Warsaw)
Ewangelicki Kościół Zmartwychstania Pańskiego(en)Poland / Slaskie / Katowice (Katowice)monumentThe evangelic church under the invocation of the Lord's Ressurection.
Kościół ewangelicko-augsburski w Katowicach.(pl)Poland / Slaskie / Katowice (Katowice (Katowicy))monumentKościół ewangelicko-augsburski pw. Zmartwychwstania Pańskiego przy ulicy Warszawskiej w Katowicach. Rzadko otwierany, czasami odbywają się tam koncerty.
Statue of William Lyon Mackenzie King (1874-1950)(en)Canada / Ontario / Ottawa (Ottawa)statue, monumentAs the father of unemployment insurance, family allowance, and Canadian citizenship, King's accomplishments continue to affect the day-to-day lives of every Canadian. Leading the country in the 1920s, 30s, and 40s, King held power for almost 22 years. This statue
Soviet Military Cemetery(en)Poland / Mazowieckie / Warsaw (Warsaw)monument, cemetery
Cmentarz Żołnierzy Radzieckich(pl)Poland / Mazowieckie / Warsaw (Warszawa)monument, cemetery
монумент воинам-освободителям Варшавы(ru)Poland / Mazowieckie / Warsaw (Варшава)monument, cemetery
Statues of The Famous Five(en)Canada / Ontario / Ottawa (Ottawa)monumentInaugurated on October 18, 2000, this monument entitled "Women are Persons!" is a tribute to Nellie McClung, Irene Parlby, Emily Murphy, Louise McKinney and Henrietta Muir Edwards. Known as the Famous Five, these women won the "Persons" Case, a 1929
Célèbres cinq(fr)Canada / Ontario / Ottawa (Ottawa)monumentLes Célèbres cinq (en anglais : The Famous Five) sont cinq femmes canadiennes qui en 1927, dans le cadre de Edwards contre le ministère public canadien, adressèrent une pétition à la Cour suprême du Canada lui demandant d'établir si le
Statue of Sir John A. Macdonald (1815-1891)(en)Canada / Ontario / Ottawa (Ottawa)monument, statueAs one of the Fathers of Confederation and Canada's first Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald's role in shaping Canada's history is unparalleled. During his years as Prime Minister, Canada experienced rapid growth and prosperity. Manitoba, British Columbia and Prince
Statue de Sir John A. Macdonald (1815-1891)(fr)Canada / Ontario / Ottawa (Ottawa)monument, statueSir John Alexander Macdonald, C.P., C.R., G.C.B., K.C.M.G., D.C.L., LL.D. (né le 11 janvier 1815 à Glasgow, en Écosse, et mort le 6 juin 1891) fut la première personne à occuper le poste de premier ministre du Canada ; il
Сэр Джон Александер Макдональд(ru)Canada / Ontario / Ottawa (Оттава)monument, statueСэр Джон Александер Макдональд (11 января 1815, Глазго, Шотландия, Великобритания — 6 июня 1891, Оттава, Онтарио, Канада) — первый премьер-министр Канады. Он возглавлял Канаду в течение 19 лет, что делает его вторым по продолжительности премьер-министром. Он единственный, кто выиграл шесть
Statue of Queen Elizabeth II(en)Canada / Ontario / Ottawa (Ottawa)statue, monument, horse, queenDepicted on her horse Centenial - the former RCMP horse officially presented to Her Majesty in 1977 - Queen Elizabeth II has reigned as Canada's monarch since 1952. The monument was unveiled as part of Canada's 125th anniversary celebrations. Jack
Statues of Robert Baldwin (1804-1858) and Sir Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine (1807-1864)(en)Canada / Ontario / Ottawa (Ottawa)statue, monumentThis monument is the only one on Parliament Hill to honour two statesmen at once. Erected in 1914, it pays tribute to these two men who played a pivotal role in the peaceful movement towards responsible government in pre-Confederation Canada.
Statue of Queen Victoria (1819-1901)(en)Canada / Ontario / Ottawa (Ottawa)monumentQueen Victoria chose Ottawa as Canada's capital in 1858. Nearly forty years later, a monument to Queen Victoria, intended as part of a lavish celebration of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, the sixtieth year of her reign, was proposed for the
Piazza del Popolo(en)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Rome)----, square, monument, architecture, interesting placeThe Piazza lies inside the northern gate in the Aurelian Walls, once the Porta Flaminia of ancient Rome, and now called Porta del Popolo. This was the starting point of the Via Flaminia, the road to Ariminum (modern Rimini) and
Piazza del Popolo // Platz des Volkes(de)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Rom)----, square, monument, architecture, interesting placeDie Piazza del Popolo (Platz des Volkes, ursprünglich aber von lat. „populus“ Pappelplatz) ist einer der berühmtesten Plätze in Rom. Er wird auch „Dreizack” (il Tridente) genannt, da, von Norden gesehen, der Platz in drei lange geraden Straßen unter fast
Piazza del Popolo(es)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Roma)----, square, monument, architecture, interesting placeLa Piazza del Popolo es una de las plazas más conocidas de Roma. En español su nombre se traduciría como Plaza del Pueblo. Se discute si este nombre procede de la capilla que levantó en 1099 el pueblo de Roma
Piazza del Popolo(it)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Roma)----, square, monument, architecture, interesting placeLa piazza e la sua porta sono un ottimo esempio di "stratificazione" architettonica, un fenomeno consueto nella città eterna, che si è verificato per i continui avvicendamenti di pontefici che comportavano modifiche e rielborazioni dei lavori edilizi e viari. La
Пьяцца дель Пополо(ru)Vatican_City / Vatican_City / Vatican_City (Рим)----, square, monument, architecture, interesting placeБуквально «Народная площадь». В нынешнем виде спроектирована Джузеппе Валадье в 1811–1822 гг. От нее «трезубцем» расходятся улицы Рипетта, Корсо и Бабуино, «пропилеи» между которыми образуют похожие церкви Санта Мария деи Мираколи (1681) и Санта Мария ин Монтесанто (1689). На холм
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