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Руины генуэзской крепости Чембало(ru)Ukraine / Sevastopol / Sevastopol (Балаклава)castle, ruins, historic, archaeological site, fortification, crimea, interesting place, medievalВ середине XIV в. в бухте Символов обосновались генуэзцы. Их крепость возвышается на Крепостной стене, господствующей над входом в Балаклавскую бухту. В 1475 г. Чембало захватили турки, дав ей новое название - Балак-Юве (Балаклава). В переводе Балак-Юве означает "рыбье гнездо".
Руїни генуезької фортеці Чембало(uk)Ukraine / Sevastopol / Sevastopol (Балаклава)castle, ruins, historic, archaeological site, fortification, crimea, interesting place, medieval
Archaeological Area of Minturnae(en)Italy / Lazio / Minturno
Shivta(en)Israel / Hadarom / Yeroham village, UNESCO World Heritage Site, historic, archaeological siteThe city plan of Shivta was mapped, prior to World War I, by two archeologists arrived at Sobota to map out , T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) and C. L. Woolley. Shivta, or Sobota, was one of the largest
חורבות שיבטה(he)Israel / Hadarom / Yeroham village, UNESCO World Heritage Site, historic, archaeological site
Шивта(ru)Israel / Hadarom / Yeroham village, UNESCO World Heritage Site, historic, archaeological siteНациональный парк Шивта — находится на юге Израиля, включает в себя развалины древнего набатейского города в северном Негеве. Шивта находится на северном берегу ручья (вади) Зейтан, на восточном краю равнины, по которой потекают ручьи Зейтан и Дрор. Путеводитель по Израилю:
Burra Miners Dugouts(en)Australia / South_Australia / Gawler (Burra , SA)archaeological site, heritageIn the 1840s to 1850s Cornish miners in the town of Burra, South Australia lived in underground dugouts – built by tunnelling banks of the local creek. At the time Burra was bigger than Perth and Brisbane, and forty percent
Hampton Township, Burra(en)Australia / South_Australia / Gawler (Burra , SA)archaeological site, heritageToday the former township of Hampton is an extensive collection of ruins, walls, foundations and quarry sites on the outskirts of Burra North, but during Burra's peak mining period from the 1860s to the 1870s it was a bustling settlement
Port Arthur(en)Australia / Tasmania / Kingston-Blackmans_Bay archaeological site, heritageNamed after Col. George Arthur, Lieut. Governor of Tasmania, 1824-36. Port Arthur is a town and former convict settlement on the Tasman Peninsula, in Tasmania, Australia. Port Arthur is officially Tasmania's top tourist attraction. It is located approximately 60 km
塔斯馬尼亞 (Tasmania) 亞瑟港 (Port Arthur)(cn)Australia / Tasmania / Kingston-Blackmans_Bay archaeological site, heritage亞瑟港 (Port Arthur) 位於塔斯曼半島 (Tasman peninsula) 的濱海地區,西元 1830 年,當時塔斯馬尼亞殖民地的總督亞瑟 (Arthur) 選擇塔斯曼半島,將塔斯馬尼亞各監獄的犯人遷移至此集中監禁,作為新監獄獄所的所在地。由地形上來看,這座半島堪稱為一處渾然天成,自成一格的天然監獄。 參考資料
Keltensiedlung "Altburg"(de)Germany / Rheinland-Pfalz / Bruschied site, archaeological site
Huaca Pucllana(en)Peru / Callao / Lima (Lima)archaeological siteHuaca Pucllana is a Pre-Incan temple complex which was used by both the Wari and Lima cultures from 500-800 ce. It is built up as a kind of ziggurat. A temple would be built, then, after a number of years
Rumelihisari - Fort of Rumeli(en)Turkey / Istanbul / Istanbul (Istanbul)historic, interesting place, castle, archaeological siteThis fortress was built for military monitoring/defense in Bosphorus. After the bebek the Bosphorus diminishes to its narrowest point, about 700 meters. The village of Rumeli Hisari is dominated by and takes its name from the Castle of Rumelia Built
قلعة روملي حصاري(ar)Turkey / Istanbul / Istanbul (إسطنبول)historic, interesting place, castle, archaeological siteقلعة روملي حصاري وهي قلعه تاريخية امر السلطان محمد الفاتح جنده ببناءها على البر الاوربي بما يبعد 7 كيلومترات عن العاصمه البيزنطية (القسطنطينية) كموطئ قدم للقوات العثمانيه تمهيداً لفتح القسطنطينية الاسطوري الذي حدث في سنة 1453 للميلاد مصداقاً لبشرى النبي
Румелихисар(ru)Turkey / Istanbul / Istanbul (Стамбул)historic, interesting place, castle, archaeological siteРумельская крепость (Румелихисар) (Богаз-Кесен (в переводе с турецкого — «перерезающая пролив, горло»), тур. Rumeli Hisarı) — крепость расположенная в европейской части Стамбула на берегу Босфора к северу от района Бебек. Рядом с крепостью расположен мост Султана Мехмеда Фатиха.
Rumeli Hisarı(tr)Turkey / Istanbul / Istanbul (İstanbul)historic, interesting place, castle, archaeological siteRumeli Hisarı İstanbul'un Sarıyer ilçesinde Boğaziçi'nde bulunduğu semte adını veren hisar. Fatih Sultan Mehmet tarafından İstanbul'un fethinden önce boğazın kuzeyinden gelebilecek saldırıları engellemek için Anadolu yakasındaki Anadolu Hisarı'nın tam karşısına inşa ettirilmiştir. Burası boğazın en dar noktasıdır. Mekanda uzun yıllardır
Gallo-Roman city of St-Romain-en-Gal(en)France / Rhone-Alpes / Vienne archaeological site, archaeological siteIt has long been known that the Rhône's right bank, facing Vienne, was occupied during Antiquity, but it was also imagined that several large houses existed, dispersed throughout the countryside. Preceding the construction of a high school in 1967, archaeologists
Gallo-römisches Museum von St. Romain-en-Gal(de)France / Rhone-Alpes / Vienne archaeological site, archaeological siteDie seit 1967 getätigten Ausgrabungen auf dem rechten Rhone-Ufer haben die 3 ha große gallorömische Siedlung zutage gefördert, die aus luxuriösen Villen, Geschäften, Werkstätten und Thermen besteht. Die schönsten Funde, zu denen im wesentlichen Mosaiken gehören, sind in einem Museum
Musée gallo-romain de St Romain en Gal(fr)France / Rhone-Alpes / Vienne archaeological site, archaeological siteSitué sur la rive droite du Rhône, le site archéologique de Saint-Romain-en-Gal offre, sur plus de trois hectares, les vestiges d'un quartier résidentiel de la ville romaine de Vienne. Occupé dès la fin du Ier siècle avant J.-C., il connaît
Sarnath Excavation Site(en)India / Uttar_Pradesh / Varanasi (Varanasi)monument, archaeological siteSarnath at Wikipedia: The Buddha’s first teaching was called the Dhammacakkappavttana Sutta, which means the Turning of the Wheel of Truth.The Buddha's first sermon after enlightenment. This discourse was given to the five ascetics who were his former companions,
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