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Jerash Governorate(en)Jordan / Jaras / Jaras city, area, ruins, archaeological site, roman empire, survey, governorate - Arabic countriesجرش أعرق المدن الأثرية الرومانية
محافظة جرش(ar)Jordan / Jaras / Jaras city, area, ruins, archaeological site, roman empire, survey, governorate - Arabic countriesجرش (جيراسا قديماً) عاصمةُ محافظةِ جرش جزء من المملكةِ الأردنية. يَتجاوزُ السكانُ الكليُّ لمدينةِ جرش وقُرى قريبة منها 120,000 شخص. تقع جرش في شمال الأردن في المنطقةِ القديمةِ جلعاد، 45 كيلومتر شمال العاصمة عمَّان. تَتفاوتُ ميزّاتُ محافظةِ جرش الجغرافية مِنْ
Gerasa(de)Jordan / Jaras / Jaras city, area, ruins, archaeological site, roman empire, survey, governorate - Arabic countriesDie antike Stadt Gerasa (auch Jerasch oder Jerash, arabisch جرش‎ Dscharasch, DMG Ǧaraš) liegt im Norden Jordaniens. Sie war Teil der sogenannten Dekapolis
Джераш(ru)Jordan / Jaras / Jaras city, area, ruins, archaeological site, roman empire, survey, governorate - Arabic countriesГреко-римский город Джераш расположен в 45 км к северу от Аммана. Цивилизация в этих местах насчитывает более 2500 лет. Благодаря уникально сохранившимся памятникам древности Джераш назван Помпеями Востока. Город на долгие годы был скрыт от глаз человеческих застывшим селевым потоком.
Pyramid in Xian, China(en)China / Shaanxi / Xianyang pyramid, archaeological site, xian, interesting placepyramid in Xian, China. One of many pyramid.
Türk piramitleri(tr)China / Shaanxi / Xianyang pyramid, archaeological site, xian, interesting place
Пещерный монастырь Челтер(ru)Ukraine / Krym / Kuybysheve archaeological site, monastery, medieval, interesting placeОн же Челтер-Мармара
Пещерный монастырь Шулдан(ru)Ukraine / Krym / Kuybysheve church, historic, archaeological site, monastery, medieval, interesting
Olduvai Gorge(en)Tanzania / Arusha / Ngorongoro anthropology, archaeological siteNgorongoro Conservation Area area also protects Olduvai Gorge, situated in the plains area. It is considered the seat of humanity after the discovery of the earliest known specimens of modern man, Homo habilis as well as early man Australopithecus boisei.
Olduvai-Schlucht(de)Tanzania / Arusha / Ngorongoro anthropology, archaeological siteDie Olduvai-Schlucht ist ein Canyon, der die östlichen Ebenen der Serengeti und die umliegenden Hänge des Grabenbruchs entwässert und gilt als die Wiege der Menschheit. Sie hat eine Länge von knapp 50 Kilometern und ist bis zu 100 Meter tief.
Olduvai-szurdok(hu)Tanzania / Arusha / Ngorongoro anthropology, archaeological siteAz Olduvai-szurdok (vagy Olduvai-szakadék) egy meredek oldalú, helyenként 90 méter mély kanyon a kelet-afrikai Tanzánia északi részén, a Szerengeti-síkságtól keletre. A szurdok hossza kb. 45 km és része a Kelet-Afrikán végighúzódó árokrendszernek, a Nagy Hasadékvölgynek (Great Rift Valley). Szerencsés fekvésének
Ущелье Олдовай(ru)Tanzania / Arusha / Ngorongoro anthropology, archaeological siteУщелье Олдувай — территория множества находок доисторического периода. Археологами Луисом и Джонатаном Лики на территории ущелья на протяжении 30—60-х годов XX века велись масштабные раскопки, при этом наиболее важные открытия, часть из которых стала существенной ступенью в деле исследования происхождения
Plain of Jars: Archaeological Site 1 (Tiaj Thawv Zeb)(en)Laos / Xiang_Khuang / Pek vietnam, tang, doi, laoThis is the site of the largest jar. Everyone gets a pic by this jar!
Temple Ruiens(en)India / Karnataka / Udupi site, archaeological siteHistoric temple reuins found here
National Archaeological Museum(en)Greece / Attiki / Athens (Athens - Piraeus Metropolitan area)museumThe National Archaeological Museum of Athens (Greek: Εθνικό Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο) in Athens houses some of the most important artifacts from a variety of archaeological locations around Greece from prehistory to late antiquity. It is considered one of the great museums
Archaeology Building(en)Canada / Saskatchewan / Saskatoon (Saskatoon)university, building, archaeological siteThe Field Husbandry Building was conceived and constructed as a direct result of the fire that destroyed the Engineering Building in 1925. The Department of Field Husbandry, which had moved to Engineering four years earlier, lost its entire seed stock
PrestonGrange Museum and Archaeology Project(en)United_Kingdom / Scotland / Wallyford museum, industrial area, engine, archaeological site, pottery, miningPrestongrange is a site of major importance in the story of Scotland's Industrial Revolution. It was the location of a sixteenth century harbour, a seventeenth century glass works, eighteenth and nineteenth century potteries and a nineteenth/twentieth century coal mine and
The Golden or Al Rahma Gate(en)Israel / Jerusalem / Jerusalem (Jerusalem)gate, tourism, jerusalem, archaeological site, tor, altstadt, interesting placeIn the Jewish tradition known as The Gate of Mercy. In Arabic it`s called The Gate of Eternal Life. One of the gates in Jerusalem`s Old City Walls. Right now it's walled up and you can't go through it.
باب الرحمة(ar)Israel / Jerusalem / Jerusalem (القدس الشريف)gate, tourism, jerusalem, archaeological site, tor, altstadt, interesting placeبابا الرحمة والتوبة باب عظيم مغلق في الجدار الشرقي للمسجد الأقصى المبارك، والذي يمثل أيضا جزءا من السور الشرقي للبلدة القديمة، يبلغ ارتفاعه 11.5م, ويوجد داخل مبنى مرتفع ينزل إليه بدرج طويل من داخل الأقصى، (حيث تنحدر هضبة بيت المقدس
Goldenes Tor(de)Israel / Jerusalem / Jerusalem (Jerusalem)gate, tourism, jerusalem, archaeological site, tor, altstadt, interesting placeDas Goldene Tor ist eines der acht Tore in die Altstadt von Jerusalem. Das Tor befindet im östlichen Teil der Stadtmauer, südlich des Löwentors. Es ist das einzige Tor in der Stadtmauer, das direkt auf den Tempelberg führt. Die reich
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