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Кафедральный собор Гаваны(ru)Cuba / Ciudad_de_la_Habana / Havanna (Гавана)cathedral, church, catholic churchСобор находится в Старой Гаване на Плаза-де-ла-Сьенага (Болотной площади) и считается одним из лучших примеров колониального барокко.
Saint-Etienne cathedral(en)France / Midi-Pyrenees / Toulouse (Toulouse)cathedral, churchConstruction of this fascinating cathedral spanned five different centuries (from the 13th to the 17th) during which architectural taste changed considerably. The result is a rather disconcerting mishmash of styles. We enter by the raymondine naive, built in a southern
Kathedrale Saint-Etienne(de)France / Midi-Pyrenees / Toulouse (Toulouse)cathedral, churchSehr merkwürdige Kirche, denn die Bauarbeiten erstreckten sich über fünf Jahrhunderte, vom 13. bis zum 17. Jh., während welchen die architektonischen Auffassungen bedeutenden Änderungen unterlagen. Man tritt über das einmalige, breite so genannte "Raymondine"-Schiff im südländischen, gotischen Stil ein. Der
Cathédrale Saint Etienne(fr)France / Midi-Pyrenees / Toulouse (Toulouse)cathedral, churchEglise fort déconcertante car son édification s'est étendue sur cinq siècles, du XIIIe au XVIIe, au cours desquels les conceptions architecturales ont subi d'importantes transformations. On entre dans la cathédrale par la nef dite Raymondine, de style gothique méridional avec
The Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Cathedral(en)Romania / Constanta / Constanta (Constanta Metropolitan Area)cathedral, church, constantaOrthodox Cathedral.
Catedrala Sfintii Petru si Pavel(ro)Romania / Constanta / Constanta (Constanţa (Zona Metropolitana))cathedral, church, constantaCatedrala Ortodoxă Sfinţii Apostoli Petru şi Pavel a fost ridicată după planurile arhitectului Ion Mincu, între 1883-1885, deschiderea sa având loc abia la 22 mai 1895, din cauza noncorfomismului picturii, care a trebuit să fie refăcută de G.D. Mirea. Construcţia,
Catholic Cathedral(en)Romania / Constanta / Constanta (Constanta Metropolitan Area)cathedral, church, constanta
Catedrala Catolica(ro)Romania / Constanta / Constanta (Constanţa (Zona Metropolitana))cathedral, church, constanta
St Mary's Cathedral College(en)Australia / New_South_Wales / Sydney (Sydney CBD)sydney, college, marys, school, catholic schoolSt Mary's Cathedral College is a secondary school for boys in Years 5-12 and is administered by the Catholic Education Office Sydney
St Mary's Catholic Cathedral(en)Australia / New_South_Wales / Sydney (Sydney CBD)cathedral, church, marys, It is the largest church in Australia, though not the highest. The church was dedicated in 1882, the spires were added in 2000.
Catedral de Santa María, Sidney(es)Australia / New_South_Wales / Sydney (Centro de Sídney)cathedral, church, marys, catholicismIglesia Templo mas grande de Australia, Sede de la Arquidiócesis de Sidney. La Catedral está dedicada a "María, Auxilio de los Cristianos" Patrona de Australia. Fue elevada a Basilica Menor por el Papa Pío XI en 1930. Ubicada en la
St. James Cathedral(en)USA / Washington / Seattle (Seattle)cathedral,
French Cathedral(en)Germany / Berlin / Berlin (Berlin)church, museum, berlinThe French Cathedral (in German: Französischer Dom) the older of the two cathedrals was built by the Huguenot community between 1701 and 1705. The cathedral was modeled after the destroyed Huguenot church in Charenton-Saint-Maurice, France. The tower and porticos, designed
German Cathedral(en)Germany / Berlin / Berlin (Berlin)church, museum, berlin, exhibition centre, expositionThe German Cathedral (in German: Deutscher Dom) is located in the south of the Gendarmenmarkt. It has a pentagonal structure which was designed by Martin Grünberg and built in 1708 by Giovanni Simonetti. In 1785 it was modified by Carl
Cathedral in Oliwa(en)Poland / Pomorskie / Sopot (Gdańsk)cathedral, church
Katedra Oliwska(pl)Poland / Pomorskie / Sopot (Gdańsk)cathedral, churchPosiada wspaniałe rokokowe organy składające się z 7876 piszczałek i ruchomych postaci aniołów.
Кафедральный собор Оливский(ru)Poland / Pomorskie / Sopot (Гданьск)cathedral, church
Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral(en)Poland / Slaskie / Gliwice (Gliwice)cathedral, church, cathedral
Kathedrale St. Peter und Paul(de)Poland / Slaskie / Gliwice (Gleiwitz )cathedral, church, cathedral
Katedra pw. Św. Piotra i Pawła(pl)Poland / Slaskie / Gliwice (Gliwice (Glywicy))cathedral, church,
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