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Catedral de Cuiabá(pt)Brazil / Mato_Grosso / Cuiaba (Cuiabá)cathedral, church
Our Lady of the Atonement Cathedral (Baguio Cathedral)(en)Philippines / Cordillera / Baguio (Baguio City)church, catholic churchOur Lady of Atonement Cathedral, better known as Baguio Cathedral, is a Catholic cathedral located at Cathedral Loop, adjacent to Session Road in Baguio City in the Philippines. It is one of the more familiar and most visited landmarks in
St Joseph's Cathedral(en)Malaysia / Sarawak / Kuching (Kuching, Sarawak)church
St.George Jacobite Cathedral(en)India / Kerala / Thrippunithura (TRIPUNITHURA, KOCHI)churchSt.George Jacobite Cathedral, Karingachira This church is morethan 1000 years old. The main Festival known as "thamukku perunnal"is on 1,2 and 3rd of december.
Holly Trinity Cathedral(en)Ukraine / Kyyiv / Kiev (Kiev)cathedral, church
Собор Святой Троицы(ru)Ukraine / Kyyiv / Kiev (Киев)cathedral, church
Собор Святої Трійці(uk)Ukraine / Kyyiv / Kiev (Київ)cathedral, church
Cathedral Junction (Chanthakunnu),Thrissur - Kodungallore SH 22(en)India / Kerala / Irinjalakuda (irinjalakkuda )road'
Cathedral of the St. Olha and St. Volodymyr. (Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Kyiv Patriarchy)(en)Ukraine / Krym / Simferopol (Simferopol')cathedral, church, ukraine, kyiv, orthodox
Церковь раскольников(ru)Ukraine / Krym / Simferopol (Симферополь)cathedral, church, ukraine, kyiv, orthodoxУкраинская церковь (раскольники)
Христорождественский собор(en)Russia / Lipeck / Lipetsk (Lipetsk)temple, cathedral, church, historic, interesting place, listed building
Христорождественский собор(ru)Russia / Lipeck / Lipetsk (Липецк)temple, cathedral, church, historic, interesting place, listed buildingСтроительство храма было завершено в 1842 году. Собор построен по указу императрицы Екатерины Алексеевны, благословению Святейшего синода и преосвященного Иннокентия, епископа Воронежского. Согласно традиционной точке зрения, строительство каменной соборной церкви Рождества Христова началось в 1791 году. Возведение храмовой части Христорождественского
Mar Elia Cathedral(en)India / Kerala / Kottayam (കോട്ടയം / Kottayam)cathedral, church, sea, orthodox, kottayamMar Elia Cathedral Orthodox Church Kottayam
St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral(en)Russia / Nizhnij_Novgorod / Nizhniy_Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod)church, cathedral, listed buildingThe building was used as a refrigerated warehouse during the Communist era, but was restored and re-consecrated in the 1990s.
Собор Александра Невского(ru)Russia / Nizhnij_Novgorod / Nizhniy_Novgorod (Нижний Новгород)church, cathedral, listed buildingАлександро-Невский собор (заложен в 1864 г., освящён в 1881 г.) Выдержка из Памятной книжки Нижегородской губернии на 1889г.: "На Московском шоссе, близ ярмарки, недалеко от вокзала железной дороги находится замечательная по архитектуре церковь Александра Невского, выстроенная в 70-х годах архитектором
The Sacred Heart Cathedral(en)India / Delhi / Ni_Dilli (New Delhi)cathedral, church, religionSACRED HEART CATHEDRAL Established 1929 1, Ashok Place, New Delhi – 110 001 Tel: 23363593 The land for the Cathedral was bought in 1920. Eight architects were invited to submit plans for the new cathedral. The plans submitted by Mr.
Basel Minster(en)Switzerland / Basel-Stadt / Basel (Basel)cathedral, church,
Basler Münster(de)Switzerland / Basel-Stadt / Basel (Basel)cathedral, church, baselDas Basler Münster ist eine der Hauptsehenswürdigkeiten von Basel und prägt mit seinem roten Sandstein und den bunten Ziegeln, seinen beiden schlanken Kirchtürmen und den kreuzweise sich durchdringenden Hauptdächern das Stadtbild. Die ehemalige Bischofskirche wurde zwischen 1019 und 1500 im
Cathédrale de Bâle(fr)Switzerland / Basel-Stadt / Basel (Bâle)cathedral, church, baselLa vieille cathédrale commencée en style roman fut partiellement détruite pendant le tremblement de terre de Bâle de 1356. Plus tard, elle fut achevée selon le style gothique. Les architectes principaux qui contribuèrent à sa réalisation sont Johnannes Gmünd, Ulrich
Cattedrale di Basilea(it)Switzerland / Basel-Stadt / Basel (Basilea)cathedral, church, baselLa cattedrale di Basilea (Basler Münster) è una chiesa di epoca medioevale, tra i più importanti edifici della città svizzera.
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