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Cathedral Preparatory School(en)USA / Pennsylvania / Erie (Erie)school, high, erie, roman empire, preparatory, catholicismAll-male Roman Catholic secondary school established in 1921. Operated by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Erie.
Cape San Roman(en)Aruba / Sint_Nicolas / Sint_Nicolas beach, cape, paraguanaNorthern most point in Continental Venezuela.
Cabo San Roman(es)Aruba / Sint_Nicolas / Sint_Nicolas beach, cape, paraguanaEs el punto más septentrional de la Venezuela continental y desde donde se logran ver las luces de Aruba y Curazao en la noche, se encuentra en la Península de Paraguaná. Se encuentra a 112 km al Norte de la
Site of the roman city of Verulamium(en)United_Kingdom / England / Saint_Albans city, museum, wall, roman empire, amphitheatre, mosaic, albans, interesting placeMajor Roman city on the river Ver, remains include a hypocaust and city walls. Verulamium was the third largest city in Roman Britain. It was sited to the south west of the modern city of St Albans in Hertfordshire, on
Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church and School(en)USA / Virginia / Tysons_Corner church, school, roman empire, catholicism
Bishop McDevitt High School(en)USA / Pennsylvania / Wyncote school, high, roman empire, catholicismBishop McDevitt High School was established in 1958.
"Tamás Alajos" Roman Catholic Community House(en)Hungary / Budapest / Budapest (Budapest)community, catholicism
Roman Wall(en)United_Kingdom / England / London (London)wall, roman empire, mauerPart of the wall built by the Romans. Also visible underground on the Westbound platform at Tower Hill station, walk almost to the left (east) end of the platform and look for the hole in the opposite wall, with small
London Wall(de)United_Kingdom / England / London (London)wall, roman empire, mauerLondon Wall ist die strategische Stadtmauer, die die Römer um Londinium gebaut haben, um die Stadt zu schützen, die über den wichtigen Hafen an der Themse verfügte.
Roman Walls(en)Spain / Tarragona / Tarragona (Tarragona)
Circo Romano(es)Spain / Tarragona / Tarragona (Tarragona)circus, roman empireEl Circo romano de Tarraco es un edificio romano conservado en la actual Tarragona (España). Se construyó impulsado políticamente por el Concilium provinciae Hispaniae citerioris, reunión anual de los representantes de la provincia Citerior, y se ubicó muy cerca del
Foro provincial(es)Spain / Tarragona / Tarragona (Tarragona)roman empire, foro, provinceEl Foro Provincial de Tarraco era un espacio abierto que albergaba los principales edificios administrativos, religiosos y culturales de la ciudad de Tarraco, capital de la provincia romana Hispania Citerior Tarraconensis. Se trata de una de las localizaciones del Lugar
St. Benedict's Roman Catholic Primary School(en)United_Kingdom / England / Gillingham (Chatham)
Remains of Diocletian's Baths(en)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rome)museum, monument, termas, bathhouse, building, roman empireThe Baths of Diocletian (Thermae Diocletiani) in Rome were the grandest of the public baths, or thermae built by successive emperors. Diocletian's Baths, dedicated in 306, were the largest and most sumptuous of the imperial baths and remained in use
戴克里先浴場 (Terme di Diocleziano)(cn)Italy / Lazio / Rome (羅馬)museum, monument, termas, bathhouse, building, roman empire西元 305 年就已經落成的戴克里先浴場(Terme di Diocleziano),其遺址現在雖已是斷垣殘壁,但在當時卻是整個羅馬帝國最大的浴場,可以容納三千人共浴。戴克里先大帝正是那位將羅馬帝國將帝國一分為二,設立新的皇位繼承系統,加強中央集權與徹底以便於管理的羅馬皇帝。戴克里先大帝將羅馬東部帝國的首都設在君士坦丁堡(今之土耳其伊斯坦堡),而為了安撫西部帝國羅馬人的反彈,才建了這個超大型的浴場。 參考網站
Termas de Diocleciano(es)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)museum, monument, termas, bathhouse, building, roman empireLas Termas de Diocleciano (Thermae Diocletiani) fueron los más resaltantes baños termales de la Antigua Roma. Fueron construidas durante el mandato de varios emperadores. Las Termas de Diocleciano continuaron siendo utilizadas hasta que los godos interrumpieron el flujo de agua
Terme di Diocleziano(it)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)museum, monument, termas, bathhouse, building, roman empireTerme di Diocleziano e Museo Nazionale Romano Raccolta archeologica tra le più importanti del mondo situata nelle sale delle Terme di Diocleziano grandioso e splendido edificio termale del mondo antico. Le Terme di Diocleziano, i cui colossali resti attualmente fronteggiano
Termy Dioklecjana - Thermae Diocletiani - perimeter(pl)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Rzym)museum, monument, termas, bathhouse, building, roman empire
Ramasitele Bailor lui Deocletian(ro)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Roma)museum, monument, termas, bathhouse, building, roman empire
Термы Диоклетиана(ru)Italy / Lazio / Rome (Рим)museum, monument, termas, bathhouse, building, roman empire
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