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Holy Name Of Jesus Christ, Roman Catholic Church(en)USA / California / San_Francisco (San Francisco)church1555 39th Ave. San Francisco, CA 94122 (415) 664-8590 Roman Catholic Church
Casa de Melecio Roman(es)Egypt / as-Sarqiyah / Abo_Kabir La casa del tio mele!
Clogheen Roman Cahtolic Church(en)Ireland / Cork / Cork (Cork (Corcaigh))
Cathedral of Saint Vigilio(en)Italy / Trentino-Alto_Adige / Trento (Trento)cathedral, church, roman empireRomanesque-Gothic cathedral Twelfth-thirteen century
Cathedrale di San Vigilio(it)Italy / Trentino-Alto_Adige / Trento (Trento)cathedral, church, roman empire
Kaiserthermen (Emperor's Baths/ Imperial Baths)(en)Germany / Rheinland-Pfalz / Trier (Trier)museum, music, roman empire, bathhouse, trier, interesting placeOne of the largest Roman baths northern of the Alps (the largest being the Barbara Baths a few hundred meters to the West of them); probably never finished and used as baths, but later used as barracks, city gate, etc.
Les Termes Imperials de Tréveris(ca)Germany / Rheinland-Pfalz / Trier (Trier)museum, music, roman empire, bathhouse, trier, interesting placeLes termes imperials de Tréveris son els vestigis de banys públics romans, unes impressionants restes encara visibles avui dia. Com molts altres monuments romans de Tréveris tenen el reconeixement de Patrimoni Mundial de la UNESCO.
Kaiserthermen(de)Germany / Rheinland-Pfalz / Trier (Trier)museum, music, roman empire, bathhouse, trier, interesting placeDie Kaiserthermen in Trier sind die Überreste einer grossflächigen römischen Badeanlage, die heute noch als eindrucksvolle Ruine besichtigt werden kann. Sie ist zusammen mit den anderen sehenswerten Bauwerken des römischen Trier zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe erklärt worden.
Thermes impériaux de Trèves(fr)Germany / Rheinland-Pfalz / Trier (Trier)museum, music, roman empire, bathhouse, trier, interesting placeLes thermes impériaux de Trèves sont les vestiges de bains publics romains, ruines impressionnantes encore visibles aujourd'hui. Comme les autres monuments romains de Trèves, ils sont classés au Patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO.
St. Teresa of Avila Roman Catholic Church(en)USA / New_York / Albany (Albany, NY)church
St. James Roman Catholic church(en)USA / New_York / Albany (Albany, NY)church
Votive Memorial Church (1929)(en)Hungary / Baranya / Mohacs (Mohács)temple, church, roman empire, catholicismAddress: H-7700 Mohacs, Szechenyi square
Nagyboldogasszony fogadalmi emléktemplom (1929)(hu)Hungary / Baranya / Mohacs (Mohács)temple, church, roman empire, catholicismCím: 7700 Mohács, Széchenyi tér A mohácsi csatavesztés 400. évfordulóján, 1926-ban helyezték el a templom alapkövét. Az alapozási munkálatok Árkay Aladár tervei szerint indultak 1929-ben. A tervező halála után fia, Bertalan új terveket készített és ezek alapján született meg a
Church of Our Lady Under the Chain(en)Czech_Republic / Stredocesky / Hradcany (Prague)temple, roman empire, gothic art, catholic churchOriginally Romanesque church was founded by Commendam of Johannite, later Knights of Malta in 1169 with the support of Chancellor Gervasio and Czech King Wladislaw I. I Fortified area of Comendam and adjacent hospital with the tower of Judith Bridge
鎖鏈教堂(cn)Czech_Republic / Stredocesky / Hradcany (布拉格)temple, roman empire, gothic art, catholic church
храм Девы Марии под Цепью(ru)Czech_Republic / Stredocesky / Hradcany (Прага)temple, roman empire, gothic art, catholic churchназван так из-за украшения на шее хранящейся в нем статуи Мадонны
Parish church S. Martin, roman-catholic(en)Germany / Rheinland-Pfalz / Bad_Neuenahr-Ahrweiler churchParish church S. Martin, roman-catholic. Consecrated in 1905. In 1894 the predesessor church was dismanteled due to decrepitude. The new church was destroyed during WW II, rebuilt in 1949, and redecorated in 1960. Pfarrkirche Landskroner Straße 101 Pfarrbüro Bachstraße
St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic church(en)USA / New_York / Albany (Albany, NY)churchchurch
St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church(en)Trinidad_and_Tobago / Princes_Town / Marabella church, catholicism
Roman Pizza & Steak(en)Canada / Alberta / Edmonton (Edmonton)restaurant
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