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Кносс. Дворец Миноса.(ru)Greece / Iraklion / Skalanion palace, museum, archaeological siteВеличие Дворца подтверждают уже только одни его размеры - 20 000 кв. м. Отдельные его участки достигали пяти этажей, количество всех помещений могло доходить до 1400! Каждый участок Дворца выполнял свою функцию: в западной части были сосредоточены ритуальные помещения, комнаты
Knossos(tr)Greece / Iraklion / Skalanion palace, museum, archaeological site
Кносс(uk)Greece / Iraklion / Skalanion palace, museum, archaeological siteКомплекс розкопок
Ancient Ostia (Ostia Antica)(en)Italy / Lazio / Fiumicino town, ancient, archaeological site, roman empire, ostia, antica, interesting placeAncient Ostia; this was the harbour of Rome for centuries (the sea line was much behind, roughly where now is the ss296 street at the bottom). The name Ostia comes means, in latin, "mouth of the river"; in fact, in
Ostia Antica(es)Italy / Lazio / Fiumicino town, ancient, archaeological site, roman empire, ostia, antica, interesting placeForo de Ostia Ostia Antica, una ciudad antigua en la costa del Mar Tirreno, en el antiguo Latium, Italia, era el puerto de la antigua Roma y quizás su primera colonia. Estaba ubicado en la boca del río Tíber, según
Ostia Antica(pl)Italy / Lazio / Fiumicino town, ancient, archaeological site, roman empire, ostia, antica, interesting
36MG112(en)USA / Pennsylvania / Phoenixville archaeological siteThis is the location of a Native American camp dating to around 450 AD. The archaeology site was partially excavated, but the location is now a golf course and housing development. In all Native Americans used this location from approx.
The Archaeological Park(en)Romania / Constanta / Constanta (Constanta Metropolitan Area)park, constanta
Chersonesos(en)Ukraine / Sevastopol / Sevastopol (Sevastopol)museum, tourism, culture, ancient, historic, archaeological site, excavation, antiques, interesting place, UNESCO World Heritage Site, parkChersonesos - ruins of ancient Greek colony 6th century B.C. - 14th A.D. On the UNESCO's 100 Most Endangered World Heritage Sites list.
Chersonez Taurydzki(pl)Ukraine / Sevastopol / Sevastopol (Sewastopol)museum, tourism, culture, ancient, historic, archaeological site, excavation, antiques, interesting place, UNESCO World Heritage Site, parkRuiny starożytnego greckiego miasta Chersonez.
Херсонесский национальный историко-археологический заповедник(ru)Ukraine / Sevastopol / Sevastopol (Севастополь)museum, tourism, culture, ancient, historic, archaeological site, excavation, antiques, interesting place, UNESCO World Heritage Site, parkВ списке ЮНЕСКО "World Monuments Watch List of 100 Most Endangered Sites" Херсонес Таврический, или просто Херсонес, в византийское время — Херсон (греч. Χερσόνησος), — город, основанный древними греками в 422-421 гг. до н.э. на Гераклейском полуострове, на юго-западном побережье
Херсонеський Національний Історико-археологічний Заповідник(uk)Ukraine / Sevastopol / Sevastopol (Севастополь)museum, tourism, culture, ancient, historic, archaeological site, excavation, antiques, interesting place, UNESCO World Heritage Site, parkУ 2002 році Херсонес включено до списку ЮНЕСКО «100 пам’яток світової спадщини, яким загрожує руйнація»
South Gate of the Roman Castrum & the old medieval City Wall(en)Romania / Alba / Alba_Iulia (Alba Iulia)roman empire, ruins, medieval, archaeological siteArchaeological site of the Roman Castrum and Legion XIV Gemina
Castrul Roman-poarta de sud & zidul vechii cetati medievale(ro)Romania / Alba / Alba_Iulia (Alba Iulia)roman empire, ruins, medieval, archaeological siteSitul arheologic al Castrului Roman al legiunii a XIV-a Gemina
Archaeological Museum of Alicante(en)Spain / Alacant / Alacant (Alicante)museum
Great Circle Earthworks(en)USA / Ohio / Heath (Heath)park, mound, earthwork, archaeological site, In the 12th Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution, Cyrus Thomas described the Great Circle as “undoubtedly one of the best preserved ancient monuments of our country; it is uninjured by the plow and trees of the original forest
Lateroman Basilic(en)Spain / Ceuta / Ceuta (Ceuta)archaeological site, churchThe findings of the Roman remains lie between the royal and the almina´s ditches. In the first Century B.C a salting fish factory was established in this place. In this context , in the 4 and 5 centuy A.C, a
Basilica tardorromana(es)Spain / Ceuta / Ceuta (Ceuta)archaeological site, churchEntre el foso Real y el de la Almina se concentran los hallazgos de vestigios romanos. En el siglo I a.C fue instalada en este lugar una factoría de salazón de pescados. Es en este contexto en el que se
Mesa Verde National Park(en)USA / Colorado / Mancos park, ruins, hike, ancient, verde, pueblo, archaeological site, mesa, nature conservation park / area, UNESCO World Heritage Site, national parkThe archeological sites found in Mesa Verde are some of the most notable and best preserved in the United States. Mesa Verde National Park offers visitors a spectacular look into the lives of the Ancestral Pueblo people. UNESCO World
Park Narodowy Mesa Verde(pl)USA / Colorado / Mancos park, ruins, hike, ancient, verde, pueblo, archaeological site, mesa, nature conservation park / area, UNESCO World Heritage Site, national parkPark narodowy w południowo-zachodniej części stanu Kolorado. Główną atrakcją parku są prekolumbijskie osiedla mieszkalne typu pueblo, zbudowane w ścianie kanionu przez Indian Anasazi.
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