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Cathedral(en)Spain / Granada / Granada (Granada)cathedral, spain, granadaCathedral in Granada painting by Weeks Market Square in Front of the Sacristy and Doorway of the Cathedral, Granada geocoded Art
Catedral de Granada, Granada(es)Spain / Granada / Granada (Granada )cathedral, spain, granadaLa catedral de Granada es uno de los edificios clave de la arquitectura española. Se asienta sobre la gran Mezquita nazarí de Granada. A comienzos del siglo XVI, poco después de la caída de Granada en manos de los Reyes
Собор Гранады(ru)Spain / Granada / Granada (Гранада)cathedral, spain, granada
Antwerp Cathedral(en)Belgium / Antwerpen / Antwerp (Antwerp)cathedral, church, UNESCO World Heritage SiteThe Antwerp Cathedral, seven aisles wide, is the largest Gothic edifice in the Low Countries and also boasts that region's tallest church tower at 123 meters. The main construction of the church took place over 169 years (1352-1521). Of the
Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekathedraal(nl)Belgium / Antwerpen / Antwerp (Antwerpen)cathedral, church, UNESCO World Heritage
Кафедральный собор Богоматери(ru)Belgium / Antwerpen / Antwerp (Антверпен)cathedral, church, UNESCO World Heritage SiteИмпозантную башню кафедрального собора Богоматери, самую высокую церковную башню Бенилюкса, видно издалека. Ее верхушка на 123 метра возвышается над историческим центром города. Первый камень в строительство этой готической церкви был заложен в XIV веке и только два века спустя работы
Washington National Cathedral(en)USA / Maryland / Friendship_Village cathedral, church, episcopalAlso see: Cathedral Web site
Great Mosque of Cordoba aka Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba(en)Spain / Cyrdoba / Cyrdoba (Córdoba )cathedral, mosqueThe Mezquita (Spanish for "mosque") of Cordoba is a Roman Catholic cathedral and former mosque situated in the Andalusian city of Córdoba, Spain. Originally built as a church, after the Muslim conquest the building was confiscated for use as a
جامع قرطبة(ar)Spain / Cyrdoba / Cyrdoba (قرطبـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة)cathedral, mosqueجامع قرطبة (باللغة الأسبانية:مـِسكيتا) وتعني مسجد. واحد من أروع ما أنشأ المسلمون من الأعمال المعمارية، ويوجد في قرطبة بالأندلس (أسبانيا)، ويقع هذا المسجد بالقرب من نهر الوادي الكبير ، وتحيط به ومن جوانبه الأربعة أزقة ضيّقة، وهو باعتراف مؤرخي العمارة
Mezquita(de)Spain / Cyrdoba / Cyrdoba (Córdoba)cathedral, mosque
Mezquita Catedral de Córdoba(es)Spain / Cyrdoba / Cyrdoba (Córdoba )cathedral, mosqueAntigua mezquita de Córdoba, convertida en el siglo XIII en la actual Catedral de Córdoba, que constituye el monumento más importante del arte hispano-musulmán, junto a la Alhambra. Es la tercera mezquita más grande del mundo, por detrás de las
Mezquita de Cordou(fr)Spain / Cyrdoba / Cyrdoba (Cordoue)cathedral, mosque
Собор-Мечеть города Кордовы(ru)Spain / Cyrdoba / Cyrdoba (Ко́рдова)cathedral, mosqueМечеть была построена маврами. Позднее внутри неё был построен собор.
Kurtuba Camii / Katedral(tr)Spain / Cyrdoba / Cyrdoba (Kurtuba)cathedral, mosque
St. Paul's Cathedral(en)United_Kingdom / England / London (London)cathedral, church, baroque, anglicanismSt Paul's Cathedral is an Anglican cathedral on Ludgate Hill, the highest point in the City of London, and is the seat of the Bishop of London. The present building dates from the 17th century and was designed by Sir
聖保羅大教堂(cn)United_Kingdom / England / London (倫敦)cathedral, church, baroque, anglicanism世界第二大圓頂教堂,僅次於羅馬的聖彼得教堂。走進教堂你就會為那寬廣挑高的中殿讚嘆不已,圓頂下的唱詩班席是教堂中最華麗莊嚴之處,天花板上繪畫細膩精緻。要想嘗試聖保羅耳語廊(whispering gallery)的神奇,要從教堂一側爬上數百層階梯,對著耳語廊的通孔說話,神奇回音效果在其他任一通孔都可以聽到回聲的。從耳語廊再往上可抵達塔頂,是眺望倫敦市區的絕佳地點。教堂地下室設有名人英雄紀念碑。1981年戴安娜與查爾斯的婚禮大典就在此舉行。
Saint Paul’s Cathedral(de)United_Kingdom / England / London (London)cathedral, church, baroque, anglicanismDie Saint Paul's Cathedral ist eine Kathedrale in London, der Hauptstadt Großbritanniens. Sie liegt im Stadtbezirk City of London etwa 300 m nördlich der Themse. Sie ist die Hauptkirche der Diözese von London der Anglikanischen Kirche. An der Stelle der
Cathédrale Saint-Paul de Londres(fr)United_Kingdom / England / London (Londres)cathedral, church, baroque,
Cattedrale di San Paolo(it)United_Kingdom / England / London (Londra)cathedral, church, baroque, anglicanism
세인트 폴 대성당(ko)United_Kingdom / England / London (런던)cathedral, church, baroque, anglicanism
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