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Persepolis(en)Iran / Fars / Marv_Dasht tourism, ancient, archaeological site, interesting place, UNESCO World Heritage SitePersepolis (Old Persian: Pars, New Persian: تخت جمشید, Takht-e Jamshid) was an ancient ceremonial capital of the Persian Empire. The palace complex of Persepolis was constructed in the 5th century BCE as the capital of the Achaemenid Persian Empire. Construction
برسيبوليس(ar)Iran / Fars / Marv_Dasht tourism, ancient, archaeological site, interesting place, UNESCO World Heritage Siteبرسيبوليس او بيرسيبوليس من اليونانية ويعني «مدينة الفرس» وتعرف اليوم باسم «تَخْتِ جَمْشيد». مدينة أثرية على مسافة 60 كم إلى الشمال الشرقي من مدينة شيراز الإيرانية، وكانت مركز حكم الأسرة الأخمينية أواخر القرن السادس حتى أواخر الرابع ق.م. زارها عام
Persepolis(de)Iran / Fars / Marv_Dasht tourism, ancient, archaeological site, interesting place, UNESCO World Heritage SiteDie altpersische Residenzstadt Persepolis (persisch تخت جمشيد‎ Tacht-e Dschamschid „Thron des Dschamschid“, altpers.: Parseh) war die Hauptstadt des antiken Perserreichs unter den Achämeniden und wurde 520 v. Chr. von Dareios I. im Süden des heutigen Iran in der Region Persis
Περσέπολη(el)Iran / Fars / Marv_Dasht tourism, ancient, archaeological site, interesting place, UNESCO World Heritage SiteΑνακηρύχθηκε Μνημείο Παγκόσμιας Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς από την UNESCO το 1979.
تخت جمشید(fa)Iran / Fars / Marv_Dasht tourism, ancient, archaeological site, interesting place, UNESCO World Heritage Siteپارسَه یا تخت جمشید نام یکی از شهرهای باستانی ايران است که سالیان سال پایتخت تشریفاتی امپراطوری ایران در زمان دودمان هخامنشیان بوده ‌است. اسکندر مقدونی، سردار یونانی، پس از حمله به ایران، این مکان را به آتش کشید. اما
Persépolis(fr)Iran / Fars / Marv_Dasht tourism, ancient, archaeological site, interesting place, UNESCO World Heritage SitePersépolis (grec ancien : Περσέπολις [Persépolis], « la cité perse »), Parsa en vieux-persan, (persan : تخت جمشید [Takht-e Jamshid], « le Trône de Jamshid »), (Coordonnées : 29°56′04″N, 52°53′29″E), était une capitale de l’empire perse achéménide. Le site se
Persepoli(it)Iran / Fars / Marv_Dasht tourism, ancient, archaeological site, interesting place, UNESCO World Heritage SitePersepoli fu una delle cinque capitali della dinastia achemenide (le altre erano Babilonia, Ecbatana, Pasargade e Susa). La costruzione iniziò nel 520 a.C. sotto Dario I e durò quasi settant'anni. Il complesso non fu tuttavia mai terminato a causa dell'invasione
Persepolis(nl)Iran / Fars / Marv_Dasht tourism, ancient, archaeological site, interesting place, UNESCO World Heritage SitePersepolis(Old Persian: Pars, New Persian: تخت جمشید, Takht-e Jamshid) was een stad in het zuiden van Perzië/Iran. Oorspronkelijk heette de stad Parsa, Persepolis is de Griekse naam en betekent Stad van de Perzen. Luchtfoto van Persepolis. De stad bevatte een
Persepolis(pl)Iran / Fars / Marv_Dasht tourism, ancient, archaeological site, interesting place, UNESCO World Heritage SitePersepolis - dawna stolica Persji
Персеполь(ru)Iran / Fars / Marv_Dasht tourism, ancient, archaeological site, interesting place, UNESCO World Heritage Site
Cuicuilco Pyramid(en)Mexico / Distrito_Federal / Mexico_City (Mexico City)pyramid, archaeological site, zone, archaeological site, interesting placeCuicuilco Pyramid is located in an ancient city in the central Mexican highlands, on the southern shore of the Lake Texcoco in the southeastern Valley of Mexico. Today, it is a significant archaeological site that was occupied during the Mesoamerican
Pirámide de Cuicuilco(es)Mexico / Distrito_Federal / Mexico_City (Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México)pyramid, archaeological site, zone, archaeological site, interesting placeLa famosa "pirámide", la primera pirámide de piedra de México, suele datarse de alrededor del año 500 a.C. La base del monumento es una plataforma circular de alrededor de 122 metros de diámetro, que contiene una rampa que una vez
Піраміда в Куїкуїлько(uk)Mexico / Distrito_Federal / Mexico_City (Mexico City)pyramid, archaeological site, zone, archaeological site, interesting placeАмериканські піраміди.
Site archéologique de Fourvière(en)France / Rhone-Alpes / Lyon (Lyon)roman empire, roman empire, archaeological site
Teatro antiguo de Fourvière(es)France / Rhone-Alpes / Lyon (Lyon)roman empire, roman empire, archaeological site
Site archéologique de Fourvière(fr)France / Rhone-Alpes / Lyon (Lyon)roman empire, roman empire, archaeological siteSite archéologique de Fourvière : théâtre, odéon, temple de Cybèle (hypothèse).
Site archéologique de Fourvière (en)(nl)France / Rhone-Alpes / Lyon (Lyon)roman empire, roman empire, archaeological site
Site archéologique de Fourvière(ru)France / Rhone-Alpes / Lyon (Лион)roman empire, roman empire, archaeological site
Balaklava(en)Ukraine / Sevastopol / Sevastopol city, seaport, historic, archaeological site, submarines, interesting place, ukraineBalaklava (Ukrainian: Балаклава, Russian: Балаклава, Crimean Tatar: Балыкълава) is a town on the Crimean peninsula in a district of the city of Sevastopol which carries a special administrative status in Ukraine. It was a city in its own right until
Балаклава(bg)Ukraine / Sevastopol / Sevastopol city, seaport, historic, archaeological site, submarines, interesting place, ukraineБалаклава (Украински/руски: Балаклава, Кримската Татар: Baliqlava) - село в югозападния бряг на кримски полуостров до 1957 г., са имали статут на града, днес, е част от административно Balaklava Севастопол област, въпреки че все още пространствено разделени от останалата част Sevastopolya
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